Countess Dr. Hoffmann Profile picture
If you ask me to take down your Alfred David, I can swear AT you, but I can't do much else for you. A little verklemmt, a lot more verrückt.
Jan 20 20 tweets 4 min read
Why am I keeping such a close eye on things in the USA?

Because I have friends who moved there looking for a better life - something which was previously encouraged by the USA to the point that its most popular statue - the Statue of Liberty - signifies that.

1/18 But instead, the country is now under the control of someone who plans to make it IMPOSSIBLE to pursue that dream. Even if you emigrate to the USA "legally," you have to do the same thing the "illegals" do, which is to ENTER THE COUNTRY VIA A BORDER. 2/18
Jul 21, 2024 26 tweets 5 min read
It's how that "Bobo" person created an account (and from the reports, it wasn't the only one) and the posts consist of NOTHING but rude, condescending, ableist remarks to the extent that ANYTIME Erin said something, they were jumping on her.

It didn't even matter, the subject! She's having challenges at the doctor's WRT medication or treatment not working properly: Bobo wants to bring up her academic degrees in contrast to the doctors'.

She mentions an anecdote from when she was in college/university: Bobo again wants to assail her education.
Aug 17, 2023 74 tweets 14 min read
Bajan Twitter,

I gonna ask you guys to do this for me, and I gonna ask it once, because if I ever get a repeat of tonight, it won't be pretty.

Kindly ask @giles_tyrell NEVER to call me, turn up at my house or approach me ANYWHERE ever again!

I will explain why. Image Now, yes, at one point we were friends. Note, we WERE friends. He had gone out of his way not just to start calling me to shoot the breeze, but after once offering me a lift home, memorised the directions and started turning up in person every now and again.

I was okay with that