How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App has commenced very fact that Hindus are defending a people who don’t believe in polytheism and that Israel stood with India against an Islamic nation during war, tells you that the problem doesn’t lie with difference of faith - it lies with a particular faith that believes not just in its faith’s supremacy, which religions are allowed to do, but believes in the absolute annihilation of anyone who doesn’t believe in the supremacy of THEIR faith. In addition, they doggedly act out the diktats of annihilation world over - even against Monotheistic faiths closer to theirs. This question itself proves that Hindus and Jews Aren’t the problem - the faith attacking them is - what faith is that? The one asking the question as to why Israel and Bharat have sympathies for each other - the faith that wants BOTH civilisations destroyed. me talk a little bit about the tricks of the trade that @dhanyarajendran doesn’t want you to know as she defends this report.