Pan-Africanism. United Africa. Ethnolinguistic Federalism. The United States of Southern Africa African Education in African Languages!
Jun 16, 2023 • 17 tweets • 10 min read
I am fully aware of the doctrine of the “inviolability of colonial borders” resolution taken by the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1964 in Cairo in which African states pledged to respect and retain the existing colonial borders.
However, as had been demonstrated at the Addis Ababa Conference earlier, those Pan Africanists who believed in the unity, power, and prosperity of Africa thought it was wise to unite Africa. It is in the tradition of these Pan Africanists that I make this submission.
So much has happened since 1964, and not only have that resolution been violated with the establishment of the South Sudan, but the respect for colonial borders has done nothing by way of ensuring the peace and stability of Africa.
Instead, the colonial borders have only brought Civil Wars, Genocides, and ultimately, weak, and unviable African states that cannot even take care of their people.
I shall not even mention the many puppet leaders that the colonialists imposed on these states after they assassinated, overthrew in coups, or jailed Pan African leaders such as
The Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Thomas Isidore Noël Sankara, Patrice Emery Lumumba, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Modibbo Keita, Haile Selassie, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, Steve Bantu Biko, Dr. Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo, etc;
And replaced them with their puppets like Mobutu Sese Seko, Robert Mugabe, Mengistu Haile Mariam, Idi Amin, Blaise Compaoré, Félix Houphouët-Boigny, etc.
And these puppets not only went only to rule for 20 to 40 years each and nearly permanently decapitated the Pan African agenda, but they were corrupt, incompetent, and
Committed enormous crimes against humanity, genocides, and industrial scale looting from their countries; and yet, for as long as they saved their masters in Europe and America, they remained in power.
However, Africa can no longer afford to live in the shadows of these puppets. A post-colonial Africa must now define its course for the sake of its Sons and Daughters and revisit the Pan African Agenda and
Actively reorganise itself and do away with the Cairo Resolution and the Berlin Conference borders. For, without this, Africa will not realise the dream of its children for Peace and Prosperity until it is united.
While I am aware of the proposal for a United States of Africa as originally proposed by the Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah and currently in the minds of many, I however, believe that, at 30 million square kilometres and its enormous diversity, Africa can be reorganised into 5 large Federations.
These would be, for example, The United States of Southern Africa (The USSA), the East African Federation (EAF), the West African Federation (WAF), the North African Federation (NAF), and the Central African Federation (CAF).
This would create 5 massive countries with populations and vast markets of on average, 300 million to 500 million each by 2040.
This would mean larger markets and intra-African trade, ability to control our natural resources, faster goods and people transit, a larger workforce, more consistent policies governing our Federations,
Ability to enter meaningful bilateral and multilateral relationships with other global powers (have you ever imagined how stupid it is for Lesotho to enter into a bilateral relationship with China or Eswatini with the USA?)
Even more interestingly, by recreating Africa into these 5 Federations similar to Switzerland or India or Canada which allow for the Self-Government and Self-Determination of each of our Nations (so-called tribes), each with its own State/Province within a larger Federation,
Ethnic conflicts occasioned by the majority-minority relationships created by the colonial borders will either be reduced or completely eliminated.
Even more, African Families, Clans and Nations that were broke up by the randomly drawn European borders will be reunited, and people will be able to their enjoy language and culture without one Nation seeking to dominate another as one or related Nations have their own State.
For example: the 4.4 million Vatsonga of Mozambique will be reunited with the 3.3 million Vatsonga of South Africa; the 2 million Batswana of Botswana will be reunited with their 5 million compatriots in South Africa,
The Emaswati in SA and Eswatini, the Venda in SA and Zimbabwe, the Tonga in Zambia and Zimbabwe, etc., will all be reunited and each one of them have their own State or Province.
We will be able to come up with and implement consistent policies governing everything from trade to agriculture to minerals to forests and demand payment for our resources in our own currencies, in the process, driving up demand for and value of our currencies and their buying power.
Instead of Africa having 33 currencies, many of which are useless beyond one border, we will have only 5 currencies, which we will use to trade with one another and other countries outside Africa. Instead of 54 central banks, we will have just 5 Federal Reserve Banks.
Instead of 54 telephone codes, we will have only 5 telephone codes and ensure connectivity across Africa, instead of this current mess that you drive just 3 hours in some cases and there is no more connectivity.
Imagine Africa with its own 5 profitable airlines and high-speed rail networks connecting Africa, ensuring faster trade, good and people transit and skills sharing.
Imagine Africa reorganised into 5 Federations with better systems of choosing leaders that result in the best of the best among us taking up governmental leadership positions
In other words, create our own meritocratic system of selecting leaders instead of this so-called democracy from the West, which is nothing more than a rent seeking mechanism that allows the west to impose its puppets on us!
(And have you ever wondered why the only qualification required for people that are supposed to be in charge of the most important institution in a country, the Government,
Are nothing more than being 18 years older, a citizen, and a registered voter, and yet every other job requires a Diploma or Degree and certain work experience?)
An Africa reorganised into 5 large Federations will be able to implement tough protectionist policies to protect our industries: everything from Agriculture to Textiles to Mines to Manufacturing. We will be able to develop our own indigenous industries.
We will have consistent Education policies, develop our own African languages to become Languages of Instruction from ECD to University and ensure the widespread education of African, and have just 5 Education Regulatory and Examination Bodies.
So much can be said, so many advantages can be cited. What remains is: to hold its fort as an equal among civilizations, Africa needs to throw away colonial borders;
Leverage its cultural and linguistic similarities in regions and reorganize itself into just 5 large Federations; control its natural resources and ensure manufacturing and value addition happens here in Africa to create jobs for Africans;
Have no more than 5 currencies; have only 5 telephone codes to ensure connectivity across Africa without all these 54 telephone codes; develop African languages into Languages of Education, Science and Technology; reunite African Families, Clans and Nations and eliminate ethnic conflicts;
And above all, ensure a meritocratic system of choosing leaders and the severe punishment of the corrupt and swift removal of the incompetent! Africa has no shortage of leaders, it has a faulty system of selecting leaders.
Many professional executives in the private sector, academia, civil society, and community organisations can run Africa efficiently and effectively, with great courage, patriotism and integrity.
Perhaps it is time for Africa to do away with political parties and replace them with a combination of community organisations and a meritocratic system that ensures only the qualified and competent take up leadership positions and all the riff-raff is eliminated from government!
I am fully aware of the United States' Wolfowitz Doctrine which guides US political and military elites to actively seek to prevent the rise of any other global superpower and……
Just imagine a Southern Africa now recreated into the United States of Southern Africa, now like this. More powerful, more prosperous. All these spaza shops of countries we currently running are just useless in Geopolitics & International Relations and just keep us weak and poor.
May 13, 2023 • 20 tweets • 8 min read
Did you know that the name South Africa once included all the countries that now constitute South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Eswatini, Lesotho and Namibia?
Think about it: what if we went back to this and built……
Just imagine a Southern Africa now recreated into the United States of South Africa (or Southern Africa if you will), now like this. More powerful, more prosperous. All these spaza shops called countrieswere are currently running are just useless in Geopolitics and International……
Mar 19, 2023 • 50 tweets • 19 min read
In case you wonder why there is animosity between the Shona one the one side and the Matebele (Ndebele, Kalanga, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Xhosa, and Venda) on the other side, this thread is for you. I present just raw footage……
Knowingly or not, Shona people immediately sprung into action supporting the Gukurahundi Genocide in Matebeleland, chanting forward with the 5th Brigade, even as thousands were being butchered in Matebeleland. They would called for the arrest, hanging and death of Dr. Joshua……