Vicky Verma Profile picture
Vicky Verma @unexplained2020 is the editor at HowAndWhys and its most prolific writer. He is fond of UFOs, E.T.s, and ancient history.
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Oct 4 9 tweets 7 min read
This Physicist Claims Human Consciousness Comes from Hidden Dimensions of the Universe Rather Than Solely from Brain Activity. He suggests Jesus could be a Hyperdimensional Being (according to Bible). Our consciousness has the ability to transcend the physical world in moments of heightened awareness.

Dr. Michael Pravica (@drpravica) theory is about the idea that the universe has more dimensions than the four we know: height, length, width, and time.

He explains this concept using a hypothetical scenario involving a two-dimensional being. “Imagine you're a two-dimensional being living in a two-dimensional world, like a character in a comic book,” he stated. As a three-dimensional sphere passes through, it would appear as a dot that grows and shrinks, illustrating how limited perceptions can hinder understanding of higher dimensions.

Michael Pravica is an expert in general physics, specializing in high-pressure science, X-ray spectroscopies, and nuclear magnetic resonance. He studies matter under extreme conditions, focusing on high pressure, temperature, and radiation, while also advocating for science through media outreach.

Dr. Pravica has developed innovative concepts like "useful hard X-ray chemistry" for novel chemical reactions and Ion Beam Nuclear Transmutation Doping for semiconductor doping. He holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Physics from Harvard University and a B.S. in Physics and Applied Mathematics from the California Institute of Technology.

A thread of Consciousness🧵Image Hyperdimensionality, Bible & Jesus!

Dr. Pravica concept ties into the theory of hyperdimensionality, or the idea that our universe is not just made up of the three dimensions we perceive. Instead, the universe might actually be part of a much larger nexus with hidden dimensions, he suggests.

If this controversial theory turns out to be true, we would have to accept not only that some beings may be residing outside the physical realm, free from the limitations of space and time, but also that our consciousness might have a similar capacity, He claims.

Dr. Pravica is an Orthodox Christian who earned a Ph.D. from Harvard. He thinks hyperdimensionality is a special way to connect his scientific knowledge with his religious beliefs. This idea puts him outside traditional scientific views, as he takes common ideas to new extremes to explore complex topics.

He believes that hyperdimensionality is more common than we realize. For instance, he suggests that Jesus could be a hyperdimensional being, among others. “According to the Bible, Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after being on Earth. How do you ascend into heaven if you’re a four-dimensional creature?” Dr. Pravica asks. But, if you’re hyperdimensional, it’s very easy to travel from our familiar world into heaven, which could be a world of higher or infinite dimensions, he says.

Oct 3 7 tweets 5 min read
This Man Claims By Projecting A Diffracted Laser On A Surface and Ingesting DMT, You Can See The Code Running Through Reality Suggesting Strongly That We Live In A Digital World.

Danny Goler, a filmmaker, is working on the documentary The Discovery, in which he reveals a groundbreaking experiment that he believes could change everything we think we know about the universe.

This experiment involves DMT, which led to an extraordinary discovery about reality.

An interesting thread🧵Image The experiment reveals how DMT, a powerful hallucinogenic compound, became a tool for expanding their understanding of reality. They describe the intense visual phenomena that accompanied the experience, which appeared to reveal hidden layers of reality.

Danny said how they projected a laser on a surface while under the influence of DMT, which revealed what seemed to be patterns of code reminiscent of "The Matrix." Multiple people were shown this phenomenon, and all reported seeing similar visuals, implying the experience was not purely subjective.

It reflects on two possible interpretations of this experience:

-Losing their mind in a spectacular way.

-Making one of the greatest discoveries of humankind, potentially supporting the idea that reality is a kind of simulation, like in "The Matrix."

Oct 3 6 tweets 5 min read
Stanley Kubrick died just four days after presenting Warner Bros. with what was reported to be a final cut of the film. His friends & family, as well as the cast and crew of the film, all claimed that Kubrick's death was completely unexpected and that he never seemed to be in poor health while making the film. Eyes Wide Shut (1999) — Through on this film

The movie is full-blown straightforward R-rated and the story involves a Satanist cult ritual. There is a conspiracy theory that there were 20-45 minutes of footage that Kubrick refused to have removed from the film and they were only removed once he died.

Various theories suggest that the deleted scenes may have depicted a real satanic ritual, including elements like cannibalism, human sacrifice, and child sexual activities. Despite the speculations, no one has seen a single second of these alleged missing minutes.Image
Sep 30 5 tweets 4 min read
Earth will travel right in front of the same Taurid meteor stream in 2032 that caused a mass extinction and worldwide flood ~12,800 years ago, plunging Earth into a mini-Ice Age for 1,300 years. Graham Hancock was right all this time but we did not listen to him.

Our solar system is a dangerous place, and every month Earth inches closer to one of its riskier places, the “Taurid swarm” of meteors. Our planet is predicted to pass directly through the “Taurid swarm” in November 2032.Image An ancient monument found in Turkey might be more than just a monument—it could be the world’s oldest solar calendar.

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh studied symbols carved on the pillars of Göbekli Tepe, a large, ancient site in southern Turkey. They think these carvings were used to track days, seasons, and years, like a calendar. []

The team noticed that each "V" shape carved on the pillars might represent one day. One pillar even had 365 "V"s, the same number as days in a year. They also found that a special "V" around the neck of a bird-like figure could represent the summer solstice—the longest day of the year. This might explain why the "V" symbol shows up on many other statues in the area, often around the necks of figures connected to time and…Image
Sep 28 10 tweets 6 min read
In the 1930s, a miner named Augustin Lasage heard voices in the cave where he was working telling him that he would be a painter. He claimed the spirits would guide his hands while he painted these large paintings. Is there someone on the Other Side?

Augustin Lesage (1876–1954) was a French coal miner who became an artist after he claimed to hear a voice guiding him. He had no formal art training, so he is considered an "outsider artist," a term for artists who work outside the traditional art world. This idea is also known as "art brut" (which means "raw art" in French), a term created by the French artist Jean Dubuffet.

Dubuffet described art brut as art made by people with no professional training.

Those works created from solitude and from pure and authentic creative impulses — where the worries of competition, acclaim and social promotion do not interfere — are, because of these very facts, more precious than the productions of professionals. After a certain familiarity with these flourishings of an exalted feverishness, lived so fully and so intensely by their authors, we cannot avoid the feeling that in relation to these works, cultural art in its entirety appears to be the game of a futile society, a fallacious parade.

A thread 🧵Image At 35 years old, while working in a mine, he heard a voice telling him he would become an artist.

Soon, he decided to create a huge canvas (9 x 2 m), to which he devoted all his spare time during the year. He paints with a method of automatic drawing, and believes that his hand is directed by the spirit of his little sister Mary, who died at the age of 3.

She guided him on what to paint and which materials to use. The voices he heard from the spirit world, including his sister's, inspired many of his drawings and paintings.

Lesage once said:

In January 1912, powerful spirits came and revealed themselves to me, ordering me to draw and paint, something which I had never done before. […] 'Do not worry about insignificant details,' was their response. 'We are the ones working through your hands.'Image
Sep 27 10 tweets 8 min read
Yes, There is a Great Conspiracy Theory Which Suggests That The Pyramids Were Actually Giant Musical Instruments. According to this theory, the primary function of many pyramids was to generate sound. While some of the later pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs, many are believed to have been designed to create sound waves.

“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies.” – Integrative Oncologist Dr Mitchell Gaynor

I will blow your mind in this thread🧵Image Ancient people used sound power.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most wellknown examples of architecture that exhibits sound resonance. The Kings Chamber, located in the heart of the pyramid, is a highly resonant space that is believed to have been constructed with specific acoustic properties in mind. The chamber is made of rose granite, a material known for its hardness and density, which allows it to effectively reflect and amplify sound waves.

The Kings Chamber dimensions, which measure approximately 10.47 meters in length, 5.23 meters in width, and 5.81 meters in height, are also thought to have been chosen specifically to create a resonant frequency of around 117 Hz.

The exact method by which the ancient Egyptians determined the resonant frequency of the Kings Chamber is not known, but it is believed that they may have used simple methods such as clapping or chanting to identify the chamber's most resonant frequencies. The precise frequency of 117 Hz has been identified through more modern methods, such as the use of sensitive microphones and spectrum analysers.

Sep 25 8 tweets 7 min read
Two Scientists say That the Human Soul is a Type of Quantum Field That Interacts Only With Certain Fields in the Physical Universe, & Not Directly With Matter. EM fields AffectSoul & Helps Create Memories & Self-Awareness in a Fetus or Child During Reincarnation.

Fields that interact with the soul field include electromagnetic waves as evidenced by near-death experiences where events that could not have been seen through the eyes of the individual are verified.

Edward W. Kamen of the Georgia Institute of Technology and Roger D. Kamen of Ferris State University propose that, since electric fields and electromagnetic fields both have quanta consisting of photons, electric fields may also interact with the so-called "soul field."

This interaction could potentially result in the transfer of information, such as working memory content, to the soul via the electric fields generated by neural ensembles in the human brain. Furthermore, the soul field may influence neurons at the molecular level through interactions with electric fields, as well as the recently proposed mechanism of cytoelectric coupling.

It's a Soul-Quantum Thread!Image The possibility of the existence of realms beyond the physical universe is now accepted by many cosmologists who subscribe to the eternal inflation theory of multiple universes.

However, the existence of the multiverse does not provide an explanation for where souls might reside. The key point is that other domains outside our universe may exist.

Although the laws of physics likely vary from universe to universe in the multiverse scenario, it is conceivable that quantum fields and quanta (discrete packets of energy) underlie the existence of every universe in the multiverse, as they do in our own.

Sep 24 7 tweets 6 min read
Legendary Film Director David Hoffman Claimed His Soundman Heard President/CIA director George Bush Senior Say Aliens Are Real & He Saw a Dead One.

In 2020, filmmaker David Hoffman released a video on his YouTube channel, which now has over 1 million subscribers, where he shared an unusual experience from when he directed a political interview with George Bush during Bush's vice-presidential campaign alongside Ronald Reagan.

Hoffman describes being on an airplane with George Bush Sr. served as CIA director from January 30, 1976, to January 20, 1977, who was drinking heavily, and his soundman, Nigel, who had placed a wireless microphone on Bush to capture the conversation.

"I am not a documentary filmmaker who believes in conspiracy theories. And I am not a scientist or an astronomer. I made this video for my subscribers because I do believe that unidentified flying objects (UFO) and aliens are real because of what happened to me." — filmmaker David Hoffman

[Note, it is an updated version of a previously deleted thread.]

It's an interesting Thread!👽Image Before filming began, Nigel suddenly stopped recording and told Hoffman that he had overheard Bush say something startling: "Hey, you know those little green people? They're real. I saw one dead." This statement appeared to refer to aliens, specifically the stereotypical "little green men" associated with extraterrestrial life.

Though the moment wasn't captured on tape, Hoffman and his soundman were both struck by what Bush allegedly said, and they never forgot the incident. Hoffman seems to suggest that it's possible Bush could have seen a dead alien, although the story remains unverified and relies on the soundman’s word.

Video Source:
Sep 23 8 tweets 8 min read
Despite having lived on the planet for more than 450 million years, horseshoe crabs are now under threat. Every year 500,000 Horseshoe Crabs are captured and then released after having their blue blood harvested. This blood is used by the pharmaceutical sector.

Horseshoe crabs used to be everywhere. Millions of years before dinosaurs roamed the planet, each spring, the hard-shelled creatures gathered to mate in massive mounds along the beaches of the Atlantic coast.

Later, migratory shorebirds like the robin-size red knot learned to fly up from South America to join them for a feast. The crabs' eggs gave the birds the energy they needed to keep flying north to breed in the Arctic.

A concerning thread!🧵Image In the 1960s, scientists found out that the blue blood of horseshoe crabs could clot when it came into contact with bacterial toxins. This discovery was important because vaccines, medicines, and medical equipment need to be completely clean before they are used on people. The crabs’ blood helped reduce the risk of contamination for patients. As a result, fishermen started catching horseshoe crabs and selling them to be bled for their valuable blood.

Even though a man-made alternative was developed and approved in Europe to replace the crab blood, in the U.S., the practice of collecting horseshoe crab blood is still growing. In 2021, over 700,000 crabs were bled along the East Coast of the U.S. (in states like South Carolina, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Maryland), which was the highest number since tracking began in 2004. The amount of crabs used has more than doubled since then, and the blood is now used in at least 80 million medical tests each year worldwide.…Image
Sep 22 10 tweets 9 min read
This Man Was on a Quest to Find the Giant Alien Pyramid Buried Deep in the Alaskan Wilderness: He was last seen on June 13, 2020, near Carey Lake, Alaska. He told his bush pilot that he was searching for the lost pyramid of Alaska.

In May 2020, a small floatplane flew 40-year-old Nathan Campbell deep into a remote part of Alaska. During the flight, he told the pilot he was searching for Alaska’s lost pyramid.

No one has seen Campbell since.

The National Park Service wasn’t told he was missing until mid-September, 2020. They began searching a remote area in Denali National Park and found supplies he had left at Carey Lake, where the plane had dropped him off. They also found a collapsed tent some miles away. Inside the tent was a damaged diary, likely chewed on by animals.

The diary didn’t offer many clues about what happened to him. It mostly described his daily camp activities. The last entry said Campbell had left the tent to "get water." After finding the diary, Alaska State Troopers added Campbell to their missing persons list, but the notice didn’t give much more information.

This thread is a quest!🧵Image On May 27, 2020, Nathan Campbell, who was 41 years old, hired a small plane in Talkeetna, Alaska, to take him to a remote lake in Denali National Park. He brought basic camping gear, a lot of food stored in plastic tubs, and a satellite communicator to stay in touch with his wife and kids. His plan was to spend four months alone in the wilds of Interior Alaska.

Campbell chose a very isolated spot for his summer trip. The plane dropped him off at Carey Lake, a small blue lake surrounded by hundreds of miles of untouched wilderness. The area was tough to navigate, filled with dense bushes and deep beaver ponds. If he wanted to get to the nearest town, Lake Minchumina (which only has 13 residents), he would need to walk for a week through difficult terrain. If he was looking for solitude, he definitely found it.

However, Campbell wasn’t there just for a vacation; he had a specific purpose. During the long flight to Carey Lake, as they flew over the vast green forests below, Campbell opened up to his pilot, Jason Sturgis, about his plans for the summer.

“He was a pretty quiet individual,” said Jason Sturgis, the charter pilot who flew Campbell to Carey Lake, but Campbell revealed his interest in the rumored pyramid as the plane approached its landing after a long flight across the Alaska Range from near Talkeetna.

“His ‘Indiana Jones adventure’ is what he called it,” Sturgis said.Image
Sep 21 9 tweets 8 min read
This Professor at the University of Virginia Claimed That Out of 225 Cases Studying Reincarnation, 75 Had Birthmarks Corresponding with Past Life Memories.

In his book Reincarnation and Biology, Ian Stevenson documented 75 cases of people with birthmarks and defects on the head and neck, which he believed might be linked to past lives.

Stevenson's cases with 19 similar cases found in a systematic review by Laura Borges Kirschnick and her colleagues. Stevenson's reports were much longer and more detailed than those found in journal publications (averaging 9 pages vs. 2.1 pages). Additionally, the cases in the journals didn't represent the same variables Stevenson used in his research.

Reincarnation research is unusual because it relies heavily on books rather than just journal articles. Stevenson's books are considered key resources in this field, and literature reviews should include books alongside journal papers. Finally, a trustworthiness scale is suggested to help researchers evaluate reincarnation case studies.

The thread talks about past lives🧵Image Ian Stevenson (October 31, 1918 – February 8, 2007) was a Canadian-born American psychiatrist, the founder and director of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. He was a professor at the University of Virginia School of Medicine for fifty years.

Stevenson began studying children who claim to remember previous lives— an endeavor that will surely be remembered as the primary focus of his life’s work—almost by accident.Image
Sep 21 6 tweets 6 min read
This picture from over 200 years ago depicts a UFO on a beach in eastern Japan. It states that an attractive woman, aged 18 to 20, was aboard and greeted those on the beach while holding a strange box in her hand.

This woman from Hyōryūki-shū described as around 18 to 20 years of age, well-dressed, and beautiful.

Japan is a country with one of the oldest cultures that has kept the greatest secrets of previous civilizations. The island country has legends about the underwater ship (USOs) which often relates to Masuda-no-Iwafune, an 800-ton monolith at Asuka Park.

The story begins in 1803, during the Edo period when Japanese fishermen dragged an Underwater Submerged Object off the shore of the eastern coast of the Hitachi province. According to legends, the fishermen had encountered a Utsuro-Bune, a decorated hollow-ship, and an alive foreign lady inside it. The ship was said to be six meters wide and almost four meters high, and the inside walls had symbols similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

A thread!🧵Image The lady inside the ship had pale skin and red hair. She spoke in an unknown language that fishermen could not understand and carried a box. The story about her and the ship has been mentioned in three different manuscripts: Toen shōsetsu (1825), Hyōryū kishū (1835) and Ume-no-chiri (1844).

Firstly, there was a hypothesis that it was an edited story about the wreck of a Russian whaling ship but in the official documents, there is no description of cases of wrecks. According to professor Kazuo Tanaka, he came across to Utsuro-Bune after learning American UFO stories and Japanese legends where he saw flying saucer images in the text of the Edo period.Image
Sep 18 8 tweets 8 min read
American Film Critic Roger Ebert, On The Day before his death, Claims That The World Is "A Hoax." Weeks before passing away he would talk about visting this other place. His final words were, "It was all an illusion."

Ebert had been wrestling with cancer for years. Over his life, he was treated for salivary gland cancer, thyroid cancer and cancer of the jawbone.

In 2006, Ebert lost his jaw and with it, his ability to talk, but he still kept up an unrelenting pace, reviewing more than 200 movies a year for the paper and keeping up an admired digital presence.

"I have no desire to live forever. The concept frightens me. I am 69, have had cancer, will die sooner than most of those reading this. That is in the nature of things. In my plans for life after death, I say, again with Whitman:

I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass

I love,If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles."- Ebert.

A Thread!🧵Image Elbert last days!

Chaz Elbert, Roger Ebert’s wife, shared a deeply emotional story about his last days. Here's a simplified summary:

In December 2013, Chaz and Roger were heading to a movie when Roger suddenly couldn't move well, which was strange because he was fine the day before. They went to the doctor and found out that Roger's hip was fractured, even though he hadn’t fallen. For two months, he was going back and forth between the hospital and a rehab center, trying to walk again. During this time, they discovered his cancer had returned and spread to his head and neck. The hip fracture was due to medication, not the cancer.

Roger began radiation treatment, but the doctors told them it wouldn’t cure him. They were given about two years to live, and Chaz was hoping for three. On Valentine’s Day, Roger came home, and Chaz put up a heart-shaped wreath in their living room. Even though it was meant for that week, it became a permanent reminder of their love.

Not long after, Roger got pneumonia and had to go back to the hospital. He got better and was writing again. They made plans and looked forward to things, but the treatments made Roger tired.

On April 4, Chaz went to pick Roger up from the hospital with her daughter. He was happy and smiling, sitting on the bed as the nurses helped him get dressed. Suddenly, he bowed his head as if meditating. At first, they thought he was reflecting, but soon realized something was wrong. When they checked his pulse, they saw he was passing away. The room became very calm and peaceful. Chaz played music he liked, and she sat with him, holding his hand for hours.…Image
Sep 15 7 tweets 6 min read
In The Matrix, when Morpheus tells Neo that "many are not ready to unplug from the system," he is speaking to a profound truth about human nature, which reflects both the story's fictional world and the real-life metaphysical condition of society.

The "system" in The Matrix is a metaphor for the Illusion—an artificial construct designed to control and subdue humanity by giving them a false sense of reality, much like how many live today trapped in the illusions of society, unable or unwilling to see beyond the veil of lies, manipulation, and control.

Morpheus understands that, for many, the comfort of the system is preferable to the unsettling and often painful process of awakening to truth. People have become conditioned, through years—sometimes generations—of indoctrination, to accept the world as it is presented to them.

To unplug from this system is to face a harsh, sometimes unbearable, reality that everything they thought was real is, in fact, a lie. This requires courage, a willingness to embrace discomfort, and most importantly, the readiness to let go of what one thought to be the truth.

Morpheus also knew that those still plugged into the system are often its most ardent defenders. Why? Because the system has become their identity. Their sense of self, their beliefs, their values—all are tied to the illusions and constructs of that system.

To threaten it is to threaten everything they hold dear. For many, it is easier to defend the system than to confront the possibility that they have been deceived.

It is an interesting thread🧵
but not my post
Credit: Mike Ellis (We Are Q)/FBImage Defending the System: A Psychological Reaction

When Morpheus says that "many will fight to protect it," he's speaking to a psychological truth: cognitive dissonance. When presented with information that contradicts deeply held beliefs, people experience discomfort. Instead of questioning the belief or the system itself, they will often reject the new information to protect their ego and sense of security.

This is why people who are still plugged into the system will vehemently defend it, even when evidence suggests that it is corrupt, failing, or based on lies.
For those who are not ready to unplug, the system represents safety, order, and familiarity.

It's the comfortable prison of the mind, and to face the truth would mean losing not only this sense of safety but also their role within the system. The Illusion provides them with structure and predictability, and they will fight to preserve it, even at the cost of their freedom and truth.Image
Sep 15 12 tweets 9 min read
This Man, Hired By The CIA, was a True Pioneer in the Evolution of Human Consciousness. In his book, he claims that the Earth is surrounded by 'bands' where individuals congregate after physical death, for varying lengths of time, based on their individual resonant vibrations and belief systems.

Robert Monroe (1915-1995) was a radio executive who researched altered consciousness and founded The Monroe Institute. In 1958, he had a strange experience where he felt vibrations and floated out of his body. Despite initial panic, he learned to control it and dedicated his life to studying out-of-body experiences. He developed "Hemi-Sync" technology, using audio patterns to harmonize brain hemispheres, and proved its effectiveness through EEG scans. Monroe's work pioneered the path to tangible altered states.

Robert Monroe is well known for writing three books: 'Journeys Out of the Body', 'Far Journeys', and 'Ultimate Journey'. He was an important figure in exploring human consciousness. His book Far Journeys is especially important for its ideas about the future of humanity.

In Far Journeys, Monroe talks about how, after people die, they gather in invisible layers or "bands" around the Earth. How long they stay in these bands depends on their personal beliefs and the energy they give off. These ideas can also be seen in a book called War in Heaven, which discusses how some belief systems control people even after death in these same bands.

Monroe’s discoveries about these bands are important because, later, he learns something crucial about them, especially related to the time around the year 3,000 AD. This future discovery reveals more about what might happen to humans in these bands after death.

Buckle up, this thread is an Odyssey!🚀Image Monroe found that the Earth is surrounded by several layers, like rings, that look dark grey or brown. These layers are filled with beings or spirits. Some of these spirits are still connected to living people, while others come from people who have recently died.

These layers, or bands, are arranged in order, starting from the closest to Earth and going further away.

The First Band: The first group of beings/Entities seemed to be stuck on old ideas about how to survive and were still tied to physical reality. From the viewpoint of advanced entities Monroe was in regular communication with, this first band reflected “a mass of discordant, undirected thought radiation”. The First Band has several smaller groups within it. The first smaller group was made up of beings who had left their physical bodies but were still trying to interact with the physical world without success. They didn’t seem to know or care about anything beyond their previous physical life.Image
Sep 14 7 tweets 7 min read
King Charles has a 'secret paranormal library' to study UFOs: According to a newly released documentary called The King of UFOs, His Majesty has inherited a "secret paranormal library," which has a vast collection of files and books on the subject.

According to a newly released documentary called The King of UFOs, His Majesty has inherited a “secret paranormal library” which holds a huge collection of files and books on the subject.

The documentary reveals that King Charles inherited a secret collection of books and files on UFOs, crop circles, and paranormal activities from his family. It also claims that his parents, Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II, had contact with people who believed in UFOs.

One surprising claim is that in 1975, Prince Charles (before he became king) was spotted flying an experimental aircraft that looked like a UFO in Canada.

The documentary explores King Charles's fascination with these mysterious topics and suggests he's continuing to explore his interest.

A royal people Thread!🧵Image Ufologist and filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee said: "Retired Police CID detective, and now owner of The Great British UFO Learning Centre, John Hanson had regular correspondence with Prince Phillip and The Queen and states that they had their own library of UFO and paranormal books."

He told Express: "Letters between Hanson and the Queen and Prince Phillip, shown in the film, say they will 'add the book that John sent to them to their own collection/library'."…Image
Sep 12 11 tweets 13 min read
These 10 Things Will Shatter Your Perception Of Reality: Concept of "free will" is an illusion, and that our choices are actually determined by chemical impulses, environmental factors, or a combination of both, rather than being conscious decisions made by us.

It is a thread🧵

Albert Einstein once said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

Einstein’s quote is relevant in many other ways. Not just cosmologically speaking (as most of those things have little effect on our everyday lives), but biologically as well. This indicates that everyone may have his own perception of reality. Sometimes, your reality overlaps those of other people. Other times, your reality is yours alone.

Let's begin—don't miss number 10!Image 10. Nothing Happens In Real Time

The speed of light is like a big limit for humans. It means we can't watch things happen in space as they happen. Imagine you're watching a live video of your friend on your phone, but there's a delay of a few seconds. That's kind of like what's happening with light from space.

When we look at stars or clouds of gas that are really far away, we see them as they were a long time ago. The farther away they are, the older the light is. For example, if a star is 100 light-years away, we see it as it was 100 years ago. That's because the light from the star took 100 years to travel to us.

Even things closer to us have this delay. The sunlight you see during the day left the Sun over 8 minutes ago. That's because the Sun is about 93 million miles away, and it takes 8 minutes for the light to travel that distance. If you see the Moon at night, you see it as it was just over a second ago. That's because the Moon is much closer to us, about 239,000 miles away.

When you see the Sun set, remember that it actually set a little while ago. We just haven't seen it yet because it takes time for the light to reach us. It's like the Sun is saying "goodnight" to us, but we don't see it until a few minutes later.

Sep 12 4 tweets 5 min read
30 depictions of Alien beings encountered in Italy from the late 40’s to late 80’s as drawn by Antonio Molino.

1. Green Specter Spooks Old Woman
2. Silver Strawberry Attempts a Carjacking
3. Fuzzy Welder’s Mask Guy
4. Gravity Avoiding Laundry Robot
5. Nosferatu
6. Flower Stealing Dwarfs
7. Villa Santina Green Guy
8. Luciano Galli
9. Beep Booping Robot
10. Blue Guy with Cool Brown Hat
11. Walter Rizzi Greenish Cat-Guy with Helmet
12. Chicken Winged Man
13. Blue Suited Carrot-Head
14. Silver Guy Giving the Side Eye
15. Orange Clothed Cone Head
16. Green Antenna Guy with Astronaut Suit
17. Silver Figure with Rainbow Bulb Head
18. Man Sees Hairy Humanoid in Water
19. Zanfretta Abductions
20. Monkey Guy with Daisy Pattern
21. Out of Place Centurion
22. Bug-Eyed Antennae Green Guy
23. Silver Scaled Shimmer Guy/Gal
24. Lightbulb Smiling Guy
25. Skinny Evaporating Black Figure
26. Yellow-Eyed Pointy Ears
27. Guy Attempts to Hit a Reptilian
28. Daft Punk
29. Aviator Shade Guy
30. Blonde Dude with Multicolored Saucer

There are many more Italian encounters not shown here and for whatever reason have never made their way into English speaking alien discussions.Image Italy, 1954: UFO landing encounter and alien contact in the Cennina woods. A deep hole in the ground was found and multiple witnesses

Rosa Lotti was walking into Cennina, when she perceived a big vertical spindle, “like 2 cones joined at their bases.” From behind this craft emerged two little men 3 ft tall, who approached her with friendly expressions, the older one laughing. They were speaking a language that sounded like Chinese, ‘liu, lai, loi.” Approaching Lotti, they snatched from her the carnations and one of her stockings. Lotti ran away. A deep hole in the ground was later found at the site.

The case is perhaps one of the more credible on record despite its bizarre nature.

Multiple people would see the same object around the same time from Cennina. All of the witnesses described the same basic object that had extremely bright lights and was flying at a relatively low altitude. Some reports even state the object stopped and hovered for several moments as if it was about to land.

Perhaps one of the most intriguing accounts comes from Ottorino Santarelli who witnessed the strange object after having spent the evening with two friends, Otello Preriasi and Angiolino Brogi at the Pietraviva recreational club. It was as they were leaving the club that they noticed a strange, blue-colored object overhead. He watched it for several moments until it stopped suddenly and hovered. Then, it began to descend toward the ground before coming to a stop again near a nearby hill.

It also appears that the same object might have returned to the location at just before midnight on the same day. And what’s more, there were multiple witnesses to this incident. According to the report in Flying Saucer Review, two farmers (Giuliano and Tosca Colcelli) were awakened on the night in question to shouts coming from outside of their home. When they went to investigate they could see a man on a stopped motorcycle (identified as Marcello Postocchi di Giovanni) looking up at an oval-shaped object. The pair had just caught sight of it before it vanished behind some nearby mountains.Image
Sep 10 5 tweets 5 min read
There is an Extremely Classified Document on Religion and Jesus was Supposedly Genetically Engineered - Bob Lazar

Bob Lazar claims to have worked on reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology at a secret site near Area 51, sparking widespread theories about UFOs and the government cover-up.

In this video clip Lazar speaks about an “extremely classified document” on religion and questioning why it would be classified. He then goes on to say that he read in a report that the aliens see us as “containers” and that religion was specifically created so we have some rules and regulations for the soul purpose and not damaging the containers. He then goes on to suggest that Jesus and two other beings were supposedly genetically engineered.

Full video here: In episode number 2028 of the Joe Rogan podcast, the, Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp discussed the possibility that humans were genetically engineered by a non-human intelligence for nefarious purposes, and some individuals within the government are aware of this.

Knapp also mentions that he knows someone high-ranking who told him that human conflict, specifically war, is sometimes intentionally designed by a malevolent non-human intelligence through manipulation.

Sep 10 8 tweets 7 min read
This CIA scientist, who was part of the CIA's mind-control project MK-Ultra, fell from his Manhattan hotel room and died on the sidewalk. His death remains one of the most mysterious to this day, as he knew some of the CIA’s darkest secrets. In 1994, his son exhumed his body, searching for evidence of foul play.

A mind-blowing thread🧵

Frank Olson was 43 years old when he died on November 28, 1953. He was a scientist, a CIA officer, and one of the few people who knew about the CIA's Project MK-Ultra. This project focused on mind control experiments, including using LSD to see if it could be used against U.S. enemies. The U.S. feared that the Soviet Union was ahead in developing mind control techniques.

Olson was deeply involved in the project, making him part of an elite group. However, this also made him a security risk if he ever revealed what he knew about the top-secret program.

A week before his death, Olson was unknowingly given LSD during a retreat with CIA and Army colleagues. While others at the meeting were also drugged, Olson had a much stronger reaction. He became anxious, had trouble focusing, and couldn't sleep. He even forgot how to spell. At some point, he told his wife, "I've made a terrible mistake," though she never learned what he meant.Image "My uncle Frank Olson died sometime around 2:30 a.m. on Nov. 28, 1953 when he “jumped or fell” from his room on the 13th floor of the Statler Hotel in New York City," writes Paul Vidich, author of The Coldest Warrior.


Frank Olson was a highly skilled Army scientist who worked at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, a top-secret U.S. Army facility that researched biological warfare agents. He had gone to New York to see a security-cleared psychiatrist in the company of a CIA escort.

Olson's sealed casket was delivered to his wife two days after his death. She was advised not to view the body because they said he had severe facial injuries. Olson was buried the next day, and she received a quick pension soon after. For 22 years, that was all the family knew.

In June 1975, new information surfaced. A report by the Rockefeller Commission, which was investigating illegal CIA activities, mentioned an army scientist who was unknowingly given LSD and died after falling from a New York hotel window. The case caught the family's attention. After checking with the CIA, the Army confirmed that the scientist was Frank Olson. Major newspapers reported the story with headlines like "Suicide Revealed."

Just 10 days later, the family was invited to the Oval Office, where the president personally apologized for Olson's death. Within a year, the family received a $750,000 settlement in exchange for releasing all claims against the U.S. government.

Source:……President Ford met privately with the family of Dr. Frank Olson and apologized on behalf of the U.S. Government for the scientist's suicide after he was secretly given LSD by the CIA. Pictured in the Oval Office are left to right: Nils Olson, Lisa Olson Hayward, Mrs. Frank Olson, The President, Eric Olson, and Gregory Hayward, (Mrs. Olson's son-in-law).
Sep 8 9 tweets 8 min read
This Top Neurosurgeon says Science Shows That the Brain does not Create Consciousness & That there is reason to believe Our consciousness Continues After Death: He reveals what happened when he ‘Died.’

Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Eben Alexander argues that there are no scientific or neurological explanations for his experience of the "afterlife."

In 2008, Dr. Alexander with over 25 years of experience, fell into a coma caused by a severe strain of E. coli bacteria. His condition was so serious that doctors gave him less than a 10% chance of survival, and even if he did recover, they expected he would need lifelong care in a nursing home. However, he made a full recovery and described an extraordinary near-death experience (NDE) that occurred while his brain was completely inactive. He shared this experience in his book, Proof of Heaven, a bestseller.

Before his NDE, Dr. Alexander had heard similar stories from patients but dismissed them as hallucinations. He admitted that he never seriously considered them, thinking they had no scientific basis. In Proof of Heaven, he acknowledges that he was wrong and criticizes those who ignore evidence of consciousness beyond the physical brain, calling them "willfully ignorant."

It is a thread!Image Since his experience, Dr. Alexander has shifted his focus to exploring the nature of consciousness. He questions whether the brain creates consciousness or if it is simply a filter for a spiritual reality. In his book Living in a Mindful Universe, he delves deeper into the science behind consciousness and explores mysteries like where memories are stored and what we can learn from the "other side."

He said:

Conventional science can be called reductive materialism, or physicalism—basically, that only the physical world exists. This means that thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and memories are merely epiphenomena of the physical workings of the brain, and thus have no real existence in their own right. Thus, according to materialism, consciousness is no more than the confusing result of the chemical reactions and electrical fluxes in the substance of the brain. Major consequences of this view are that our existence is birth-to-death, and nothing more, and that free will itself is a complete illusion. If conscious awareness is nothing more than chemical reactions, there is no place for “free will” to play a role.

“The brain is more a prison from which our conscious awareness is liberated at the time of bodily death, enabling a robust afterlife that also involves reincarnation.”

My new view, and one that is emerging in neuroscience and philosophy of mind, is the exact opposite: that soul/spirit is what exists, and projects all of apparent physical reality from within itself. The brain is more a prison from which our conscious awareness is liberated at the time of bodily death, enabling a robust afterlife that also involves reincarnation. Our choices matter tremendously, and thus free will is a crucial component of evolving reality.…Image