Vicky Verma @unexplained2020 is the editor at HowAndWhys & its most prolific writer. He is fond of UFOs, E.T., & ancient history.
33 subscribers
Feb 13 • 11 tweets • 10 min read
The woman claimed she traveled to another planet after she died through a velvety void where souls plan their Earth journeys. She saw herself living a parallel life on another planet as a mantis creature and also had visions of Earth's future.
Angela Rose Harris talks about her near-death experience (NDE) in 2015. At the time, she was a teacher and a mother to young children, dealing with serious health issues. She was in the hospital undergoing a test on a tilt table, which is designed to make patients pass out. After 18 minutes, her vital signs dropped dramatically, and she went into seizures—essentially dying in front of her husband.
At that moment, she had an out-of-body experience. She "ejected" from her body and found herself looking down at her own face, but she didn’t feel any fear or concern. Instead, she felt completely free from pain, as if she had returned to her true self. She was overwhelmed with love and peace.
At the same time, she was aware of her husband in the room, watching her die and feeling deep sorrow. She could feel his emotions intensely and understood that their connection was more than just a regular marriage—it was something deeper and more spiritual. She also saw the doctor and nurse reacting to her condition. With 360-degree vision, she could see everything at once, including the nurse moving past her to lower the tilt table and bring her back to life.
As this was happening, she became aware of a new space near her, something different from the hospital room. She turned her focus toward it and found herself slipping into what she calls the "black velvety void." It wasn’t just complete darkness—it had a softness and depth to it, almost like a tunnel with a gentle, comforting texture. It felt peaceful, quiet, and safe. She also saw an entity there, appearing in human form, though she wasn’t sure if it was truly human or just presenting itself that way.
This was her experience on the "other side" before she returned to life.
Angela still felt at peace, full of love, and completely comfortable. There was no fear—just a deep sense of calm.
Beside her was a woman named Melanie, moving alongside her as if they were walking together. What struck Angela as strange was that they were in the middle of a conversation, as if they had been talking for a long time. Yet, before she died, she had no memory of Melanie at all. But here, in this place, it felt like they had known each other forever—like best friends chatting naturally.
Their conversation wasn’t about the fact that Angela had just died. Instead, it was more of an understanding between them. Melanie reassured her, explaining that she had been released from her body and was now moving forward into a new space.
Angela could clearly see Melanie’s appearance. She had long, dark hair and deep, chestnut-colored eyes. She was conventionally beautiful and wore a creamy-colored robe, similar to what others who’ve had near-death experiences describe. In her arms, Melanie carried a book. Angela never saw a title, and Melanie never opened it, but Angela strongly felt that it was the book of her life—holding the story of everything she had experienced.
Feb 8 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
This British Scientist suggests a controversial theory that we may be living 52 million lives in a simulation, as one real-world lifetime could feel like 4.2 billion years in simulated time.
Melvin Vopson, an associate professor in physics at the University of Portsmouth, suggests that we might be living in a computer simulation, much like in The Matrix. He believes that certain signs in our daily lives hint that reality might not be what it seems. He explores the question: if we are in a simulated world, what is its purpose?
Dr Vopson makes scientific observations and measurements to support his theory.
His theory is considered controversial which suggests that time can slow down in a simulation. Just like dreams feel long but last only a short time in real life, a whole lifetime in a simulated world could happen in just one real-world minute. This means a person could live many lifetimes by repeating these short simulations, potentially experiencing 52 million lifetimes in one human lifespan.
Dr. Melvin Vopson has previously published research suggesting that information has mass and that all elementary particles - the smallest known building blocks of the universe - store information about themselves, similar to the way humans have DNA.
In 2022, he discovered a new law of physics that could predict genetic mutations in organisms, including viruses, and help judge their potential consequences.
It is based on the second law of thermodynamics, which establishes that entropy – a measure of disorder in an isolated system – can only increase or stay the same.
Dr. Vopson had expected that the entropy in information systems would also increase over time, but on examining the evolution of these systems he realised it remains constant or decreases. That’s when he established the second law of information dynamics, or infodynamics, which could significantly impact genetics research and evolution theory.
Jan 26 • 12 tweets • 10 min read
This Man, who was the Program Manager of DARPA, once encountered a 7-foot-tall Humanoid Being who told him the human body is merely a 'Soul Housing group' or a machine designed to house a soul for a lifetime.
A former member of the Special Forces, Colonel John Blitch was a program manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where he ran the Tactical Mobile Robots (TMR) program. His role in transitioning rover and robot technology between NASA and the Department of Defense led to his induction into the Space Technology Hall of Fame in 2006.
He has a second master's degree and a doctorate in cognitive psychology. He's an open-minded cognitive scientist who has also served as a visiting professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy, as well as a consultant for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, NASA, and other agencies.
Throughout his military career, Dr. Blitch served in special operations and hostage rescue missions. After retiring from DARPA in 2002, he founded Blitz Solutions Inc. and established two non-profit organizations: CRASAR, responsible for the first robot-assisted humanitarian response after the September 11, 2001 attacks, and ARACAR, which provided support during the Hurricane Katrina response in 2005.
In an exclusive interview with journalist @rosscoulthart Blitch stated that he believes in the claims made by UFO whistleblower Jake Barber.
"I believe I was visited by Non-human Entities"
Dr. John Blitch recounted several traumatic experiences, both from childhood and later in life, that he believes are connected to encounters with non-human entities. He explained how these incidents left him paralyzed with terror, distinctly different from fear, and how they remain unforgettable due to their emotional intensity.
Dr. Blitch described seeing beings through his bedroom window as a child, staring at him with large dark eyes. These encounters were so frightening that he became paralyzed, unable to scream until the paralysis lifted. He shared that he would eventually scream, prompting his parents to come running and attempt to calm him down.
Despite his father's assurances that monsters and aliens didn't exist, Dr. Blitch found their explanations unconvincing. He likened his father's reassurances to what he perceives as the government’s approach to downplaying the existence of such phenomena.
He acknowledged that, as a child, he tried to dismiss these events as dreams, influenced by his skeptical nature. However, in retrospect, he now believes these were real encounters with non-human intelligences.
Dr. Blitch highlighted the importance of emotion in distinguishing belief from knowledge, stating that while many childhood memories require belief due to lack of proof, his later experiences provide what he considers irrefutable evidence. He firmly stated that he knows he was visited by non-human entities, based on both his childhood and three key incidents as an adult.
His professional background in neuroscience and psychology added depth to his account, as he discussed the physiological responses to terror, such as paralysis and the "chicken skin" reaction. These experiences, he emphasized, went beyond simple fear, leaving a profound impact on him.
This Man claims he has found ways to Escape the simulation. There are ways humans could try to hack their way out of the wrong reality and enter the baseline reality. But the consequences of such an Escape Plan are also unknown.
Dr. Roman Yampolskiy is a highly esteemed figure in the field of artificial intelligence, specializing in AI safety. He holds a tenured position as a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Louisville, where he is also the Founding Director of the Cyber Security Lab—a globally recognized hub for research in computer security, biometrics, and forensics.
His research primarily focuses on ensuring that the rapid development of AI remains safe and beneficial for humanity. Dr. Yampolskiy is a prominent advocate for understanding and addressing the potential risks of advanced artificial intelligence. His work emphasizes developing safeguards to mitigate the risks associated with artificial superintelligence and explores critical topics such as AI consciousness and ethical deployment.
Dr. Yampolskiy @romanyam is also a prolific author, with numerous journal articles and research papers that have been widely cited in both scientific circles and mainstream media. His insights have been featured in outlets like New Scientist, Science World Magazine, BBC, and MSNBC, underscoring the broad impact and recognition of his contributions to AI safety and ethics.
He suggests that a superintelligent AI could potentially "jailbreak" the simulation, offering a way for us to escape. This idea hinges on the notion that superintelligent AI could identify and exploit flaws in the code of the simulated reality, thereby providing us with a means to transcend it.
A thread to escape Matrix!🧵
The idea that humans might be living in a simulation is actually quite old. French philosopher René Descartes mentioned it in the 17th century. However, the idea became more popular in the science community after Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom wrote a detailed article on it in 2003. Bostrom estimated that there’s about a 20 percent chance that we’re living inside a super-advanced alien computer.
Dr. Yampolskiy believes that if we're living in a simulation, we should be able to find a way to break out of it. Elon Musk thinks there's a very high chance (more than 99.9999999%) that we're in a simulation. Yampolskiy looks at examples from video games and ideas from quantum mechanics to show how we might hack our way out.
In his paper, Dr. Yampolskiy argues that if we are in a simulation, can we escape? More formally, the question could be phrased as: Could generally intelligent agents placed in virtual environments jailbreak out of them?
Dr. Yampolskiy discusses why we might want to escape the simulation. He suggests several reasons, such as accessing the "real world" or base reality, which has more knowledge and resources that could lead to major scientific discoveries. In base reality, we could answer big philosophical questions about our origins, consciousness, purpose, and the nature of our creator.
If this world isn’t real, escaping would help us understand our true goals and provide many potential benefits, like controlling superintelligent machines, achieving immortality, and avoiding existential risks. It could also offer wealth, power, and the ability to do more good. Escaping would also give solid proof that we're living in a simulation.
Jan 20 • 8 tweets • 7 min read
There is an extremely classified document on religion, and Jesus was supposedly Genetically Engineered. ~ Bob Lazar.
According to the documents, Bob allegedly read, humans are described as "containers." He speculates that this term might refer to humans being containers for souls. The implication is that aliens supposedly view humans as vessels that hold or house souls, which could potentially serve a purpose beyond human understanding.
He also mentions that religion, as described in the documents, was created to establish rules and prevent damage to these "containers." This reinforces the idea that humans, in their role as containers, have a specific significance or utility, possibly related to the souls they harbor.
He read in a report that the aliens see us as “containers” and that religion was specifically created so we have some rules and regulations for the soul purpose of not damaging the containers. He then goes on to suggest that Jesus and two other beings were supposedly genetically engineered.
Interviewer (Int): I want to go back to the religion thing. I want you to say it.
Bob Lazar (Bob): Oh, come on, that's so weird. That's a lot…
Int: I'm not asking you to say what you believe to be a fact. I'm asking you to say what you read in a report—one distributed at what may be the most top-secret facility in the world.
Bob: Um… alright, I'll say it. It's just so, it’s so far out…
Int: Alright, your objection has been noted. What does it say?
Bob: That we’re containers. That’s how, supposedly, the aliens look at us—we are nothing but containers.
Int: Containers of…?
Bob: Containers. Maybe containers of souls. You can come up with whatever theory you want, but we’re containers. That’s how we’re referred to in the documents.
And… it said that religion was specifically created so we’d have some rules and regulations—for the sole purpose of not damaging the containers.
Int: The souls? Meaning…?
Bob: Well… the souls or the bodies. It means we’re containers for souls that they might use at some other point.
Int: And they had something to do with different prophets and biblical figures?
Bob: Yes. Well, supposedly, Jesus and two other beings were genetically engineered. They were implanted in people on Earth during biblical times, and their births were closely monitored.
Now, there are small connections to that—ones my wife brought up. For example, in the Bible, it says a star followed Mary wherever she went.
You know how UFO sightings always start out with people saying, “That looks like a bright star”? In the Bible, it says the brightest star in the sky followed her everywhere she went. Just little connections like that.
Int: Fascinating. Anything else you’d add?
Bob: That’s about it. I don’t know what else to touch on for now.
Jan 19 • 7 tweets • 7 min read
The Famous UFO hacker Gary McKinnon says he is back. He'll be sharing exclusive content soon.
At the beginning of 2000, Gary McKinnon, the famous British hacker claimed that he got so fed up with the government hiding information related to UFOs and free energy that he decided to hack the most secured servers of NASA and the Pentagon.
McKinnon said that he had found evidence of the following:
1. Information about the development of a secret space fleet and inexhaustible source of power existed for these secret spaceships;
2. He said that he had seen real photographs of UFOs in computer files at the Johnson Space Center Building. He even took a screenshot of one of the cigar-shaped UFOs in-between space and the Earth’s atmosphere. Unfortunately, it was removed from his computer after being seized;
3. Interestingly, before releasing any photos, he said that the government used Photoshop to edit out the UFOs from them.
In a video shared on X (Twitter), McKinnon @realGMcKinnon says he is indeed the real UFO Hacker and confirms that the videos he's posting are genuine, not deep fakes, though he hasn't figured out how to prove it yet.
He states that this is his official X (formerly Twitter) account and expresses his excitement about being back. He plans to share exclusive content on UAPs, UFOs, and the strange drone phenomena.
This is New UFO Whistleblower blowing the lid off everything says he saw an “Egg-Shaped UAP” with no visible propulsion system. He is certain it was Non-Human.
Jake Barber, a US Air Force Veteran revealed that he saw an object that was white and egg-shaped.
Ross Coulthart asked Jake Barber to share the moment when he realized he was involved in recovering non-human technology, or alien technology.
Jake explained that it became obvious when their communication procedures were changed, and when he saw the object on the ground. From its appearance, it was clear that the object was something extraordinary and different from anything human-made.
He was a helicopter pilot, and typically, he would work with a long line of about 150 to 200 feet. This time, he got within 150 feet of the object. When he got close enough, he saw something that looked like a white egg.
He was asked if there was any visible propulsion system on the object, but he said there was nothing like what we would recognize as an engine or any form of propulsion.
He was operating at night, using night vision goggles. Even with the goggles, the object's strange appearance remained clear. He would take the goggles off and on, examining the object from different angles to make sure he wasn’t imagining things.
When asked how he knew the egg-shaped object wasn’t from humans, Jake explained that, based on his experience and everything he had seen before, it looked completely out of the ordinary.
It didn't match anything he had ever seen. His teammates also had the same reaction—they all knew they were dealing with something far beyond what they were used to.
Ross asked if he had ever been directly told that the craft was of non-human origin. Jake replied that in the years following the event, senior members of the UAP task force had confirmed that the object was, indeed, non-human in origin. He emphasized that this wasn't a one-time, unique experience; similar things had been encountered before.
This Man found that Altered States of Consciousness Can Distort Time, And Nobody Knows Why: Altered states of consciousness can affect our sense of identity, and our normal sense of separation between us and the world.
Dr. Steve Taylor finds that Time also seems to pass slowly when we are bored or in pain. It seems to speed up when we're in a state of absorption, such as when we play music or chess, paint, or dance. More generally, most people report that time seems to speed up as they get older.
In his book, he calls this phenomenon "Time Expansion Experiences or (TEEs)" – in which seconds can stretch out into minutes.
The reasons why time can speed up and slow down are a bit of a mystery. Some researchers, including me, think that mild variations in time perception are linked to information processing.
A mind-bending Thread!🧵
Dr. Steve Taylor is a British psychologist, author, and academic specializing in Consciousness Studies, Spirituality, Positive Psychology, and Transpersonal Psychology. He teaches courses in Social Psychology and Interdisciplinary Psychology. He has published 14 books, including Waking From Sleep, The Leap, and Extraordinary Awakenings, many of which are best-sellers focused on psychology and spirituality.
Taylor's research has been featured in major academic journals, including The Journal of Humanistic Psychology and The Journal of Consciousness Studies, as well as in popular media outlets such as The Daily Mail, The Guardian, and BBC radio and TV channels. He is a member of the British Psychological Society and was the past chair of its Transpersonal Psychology section.
Jan 9 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
The CIA Built This Nuclear-Powered ‘Eagle’ drone. Declassified 2020. It was developed in the 60s supposedly at Area 51. [Project Aquiline]
Project Aquiline was one of the most unusual and complex spying projects during the Cold War. The idea was to create 12 bird-shaped drones powered by nuclear energy that could fly for up to a month. These drones were meant to be robotic spy planes and deliver secret items, but the project was never finished.
The CIA wanted Aquiline to be the first uncrewed system for gathering intelligence. Its goal was to secretly gather information in areas where access was restricted. The drone, designed by McDonnell Douglas (a defense company known for fighter jets), was very different from the company’s usual aircraft.
Aquiline was a small drone meant to be kept as close to bird-like size as possible—five feet long, 7.5 feet wide, and a takeoff weight of 83 pounds—under the constraints of the time's technology. A silent 3.5-horsepower, four-cycle engine would give the drone a speed of 47 to 80 knots and an endurance of 50 hours and 1,200 miles. Aquiline's maximum altitude was estimated at 20,000 feet.
Nuclear power was supposed to make Aquiline fly even farther. The CIA suggested adding a system that would use the heat from decaying radioactive materials like plutonium to create electricity. This system, made for deep space missions, would allow the drone to stay in the air for up to 30 days or travel 36,000 miles.
Aquiline was built to carry cameras and spy equipment. It could take photos from a lower height than the U-2 spy plane and collect electronic signals from radios, radar, and other devices for later study.
Jan 3 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
This CERN Scientist Reveals They Captured a Mysterious Entity INSIDE The Particle Collider.
Deep inside CERN's underground labs, the Super Proton Synchrotron has found something incredible. This undercover, four-dimensional force messes with the paths of zooming particles. Hidden in the depths of phase space, this unknown force, called the 4D ghost, throws the delicate dance of particles into chaos.
Scientists at CERN in Switzerland and Goethe University in Germany discovered a mysterious “ghost” that influences how particles move in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). This "ghost" is a 3D shape that changes over time, so it’s best understood in 4D. The idea behind it is similar to why coffee spills when you walk or why your friends fly high on a trampoline bounce.
The SPS is a huge circular machine almost four miles wide, built in the 1970s. That might seem old, but it’s still super important at CERN.
In 2019, it got an upgrade called a "beam dump," which works like a safety ramp for the powerful beams inside the SPS. When scientists spotted a glitch, or “ghost in the machine,” they knew it was crucial to figure out what was happening for future experiments.
A ghost happens because of resonance. This is when energy creates waves, and those waves mix together, forming spots where energy builds up. For example, when you walk with coffee, every step makes waves in the cup.
These waves meet and cause the coffee to spill. On a trampoline, when one person times their jump with another’s, it boosts their jump much higher. In the SPS (a type of particle accelerator), "spilling harmonic coffee" means losing important photons, which leads to beam degradation.
"I now firmly believe that consciousness is more than an accidental by-product of the neurophysiological and biochemical processes taking place in the human brain.
I see consciousness and the human psyche as expressions and reflections of a cosmic intelligence that permeates the entire universe and all of existence. We are not just highly evolved animals with biological computers embedded inside our skulls; we are also fields of consciousness without limits, transcending time, space, matter, and linear causality."
— Stanislav Grof, The Holotropic Mind, pp 17-18.
Stanislav Grof is an intellectual giant in the field of Transpersonal Psychology. His career began in the 1950s when he worked as a psychiatrist in Czechoslovakia.
There he participated in an experimental program using LSD for therapeutic purposes, soon after it was discovered. It was considered to be an unconventional training tool, but the idea was that it might help therapists if they were able to spend some time in the worlds of their patients.
They could then better communicate with them and offer better treatment. So the therapists had the opportunity to take the drug, and Grof was an early volunteer. He later moved to the USA, where he continued this work until LSD was made illegal. He then devised a system of intensive breathing to obtain the same results without using the drug.
The mid-1900s was a big time for psychedelic research. About 40,000 patients used LSD, and it helped a lot with things like addiction, depression, and fear of death.
One of the key figures in this era was psychiatrist Stanislav Grof. He led around 4,500 sessions with psychedelics during that time. But his work with these substances came to an end when they were banned in 1971.
Even at 93, Grof continues to influence psychiatry and psychology. Together with his wife, he found a way around the ban by creating a breathing technique called Holotropic Breathwork, which gives a similar experience to psychedelics.
Dec 28, 2024 • 10 tweets • 12 min read
This boy said he lived in an Atlantis colony in Egypt 12,000 years ago in his past life and that Atlantis was founded by beings from other worlds 30,000 years ago. He suggests that all past lives happen simultaneously, as everything is part of a singular organism.
Matias began recalling his past life as an Atlantean at the age of 12. He shared his drawings and memories with his mother, describing life in an Atlantis colony in Egypt 12,000 years ago. According to him, Atlantis was founded by beings from other worlds 30,000 years ago.
Matias De Stefano started communicating with his spirit guides at a young age when he began remembering past lives, including one in an ancient Atlantean colony called Kehm and another on a distant planet named Gludok in the Canis Major star system.
He believes these memories help him understand his current mission: to bring heaven to earth, a concept known as Ater Tumti in Atlantean. Matias has inspired thousands of people to join his efforts to heal our planet.
He has traveled to more than 40 countries, visiting key locations to "unlock" energy portals and activate the Earth's chakras. According to Matias, these portals increase energy flow for everything on the planet—not just humans, but all living beings.
Matias’ mission isn’t new. He says it began over 12,000 years ago during the Age of Leo. Today, he is deeply committed to this spiritual path and shares his message with anyone ready to listen, though his journey hasn’t always been smooth.
At 23, while giving a talk in Spain, he suddenly forgot everything he was saying. He realized this was his guides' way of clearing his mind for new messages. Shortly after, they told him that on November 11, 2011 (11/11/11), he needed to prepare a gathering to shift the energy in a specific place. This pushed him into a challenging inner and outer journey, bringing him to the next step of his mission—one that almost cost him his life.
Disclaimer: This story is based on Matias De Stefano's experiences and beliefs. It reflects his personal spiritual journey and metaphysical perspectives.
Matias says the story of Atlantis is deeply rooted in humanity's collective subconscious because it represents the beginning of our current civilization. He claims to remember his life in an Atlantean colony, where he learned about Atlantis through stories told by his grandfather in that life.
According to Matias, the Atlantean people were a mix of beings from the stars and Earth, often referred to as the Anunnaki, giants who settled in the Middle East.
The 'Anunnaki' created a civilization by having children with humans—partly to help their species transcend since their planet was dying. Some Anunnaki treated humans as equals, while others used them as slaves to extract minerals needed for survival.
Matias recounts that the Greek god Poseidon, whom he knew as Stalin in his memory, was an Anunnaki who protected 12 children of mixed lineage. Poseidon led them away from the controlling Anunnaki in the Middle East, settling them near the Atlantic Ocean, where they founded Atlantis' 12 families.
He adds that Atlantis was divided into 12 regions, each managed by these families, who were not rulers but guides. They held knowledge from the stars and passed it down, encoded in their bloodline, to maintain cosmic wisdom and spiritual balance. The Atlantean culture, as Matias remembers, focused on humanity looking beyond Earth and toward the stars.
Matias also suggests that the Anunnaki and other star beings were part of a larger universal experiment. Even they didn’t fully understand their role in humanity's creation. Atlantis, according to him, played a crucial role in setting the foundation for human awakening and consciousness, and he invites exploration into the connections between these cosmic ancestors, Atlantis, and the origins of human civilization.
Dec 26, 2024 • 11 tweets • 8 min read
This Man claimed that the Brain creates consciousness, but his quantum consciousness theory has been criticized for three decades. However, new evidence now supports his claim.
Dr. Stuart Hameroff is a prominent neuroscientist and anesthesiologist known for his work on the science of consciousness. He is the co-founder and director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona and a professor emeritus in the Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology.
Dr. Hameroff's research focuses on the role of microtubules—protein structures within cells—in consciousness. He proposed, alongside Sir Roger Penrose, the Orch OR (Orchestrated Objective Reduction) model of consciousness in the 1990s. This theory suggests that consciousness arises from quantum computing processes within the brain’s microtubules, with influences from the fundamental structure of spacetime at the quantum level. According to the model, this could explain phenomena like perception, self-awareness, and potentially even spirituality and the afterlife, connecting consciousness to the basic fabric of the universe.
In addition to his scientific research, Dr. Hameroff organizes the biennial Science of Consciousness conference series, which brings together researchers from various fields to discuss theories and findings on the nature of consciousness. He also continues his clinical work as a practicing anesthesiologist. His theories remain controversial in the scientific community but have spurred a great deal of interest in exploring the relationship between quantum physics and consciousness.
A mindblowing Thread🧵
Dr. Stuart Hameroff has been interested in the mystery of consciousness for almost his entire life. Instead of studying brain science or psychology, Hameroff became interested in anesthetics—drugs that cause loss of consciousness—because of their connection to consciousness.
"I thought about neurology, psychology, and neurosurgery, but none of those seemed to address the problem of consciousness," says Hameroff, a retired anesthesiology professor from the University of Arizona. He remembers when he first came to the university and met the chair of the anesthesia department. The chair said, "If you want to understand consciousness, figure out how anesthesia works because we don’t know how it works."
Dec 15, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Graham Hancock says that the soul is non-physical and believes that consciousness is a fundamental force of the universe, like gravity or electromagnetism. He supports the idea of reincarnation, where souls come back to live many lives, often in different forms, including animals or even beings on other planets.
He views the entire universe as a place for souls to grow and learn through these experiences.
'I happen to think we come back. I think this this incredible opportunity of a human life would be rather wasteful if it were only one life that we had. I think we come back for many lives and the cards are randomly dealt. We may come back in the next life with a totally different stack of cards from the ones we came into in this life. And that's good, because that's that's how we learn.'
Hancock believes the soul is eternal and has always existed. It isn't something tied to the physical body but a manifestation of non-physical consciousness, which he views as the foundation of the universe. This non-physical consciousness, he says, created the physical world as a place where it can manifest, learn, and grow through experiences.
"The soul is non-physical... the fundamental essence of consciousness is non-physical."
"This physical realm was created by non-physical consciousness."
Dec 4, 2024 • 12 tweets • 8 min read
This Man who worked for Google says Humans will go Back in Time in 5 years & reach Singularity within 21 years: He thinks humans will become a million times smarter by 2045 & it is going to deepen our awareness and consciousness.
Ray Kurzweil can see the future and If he is Right (Again), We’ll meet his Immortal Soul in the cloud. He is renowned for predicting things accurately.
Kurzweil, an American computer scientist and entrepreneur, is considered one of the best inventors of our time, with over 60 years of experience in AI. Many of his predictions about the internet, AI, and bioengineering have come true.
In 2005, he wrote a book called "The Singularity is Near," sharing insights from his work in technology. In the book, he used the term "Singularity," borrowed from math, to describe a future where AI reaches human-level intelligence by 2029 and eventually merges with humans by 2045, becoming one.
A mind-to-AI connectionthread!🧵
In 1999, Kurzweil predicted that we would create artificial general intelligence (AGI) when we developed technology capable of doing a trillion calculations per second. He thought this would happen by 2029. At the time, experts laughed, saying it would take at least a hundred years or more. But now, with 2029 getting closer and more talk about AGI, his old prediction is starting to feel more possible.
In his new book, "The Singularity is Nearer," Kurzweil doubles down on those predictions and details how humanity’s intelligence will increase a millionfold via nanobots (among other things).
Nov 23, 2024 • 8 tweets • 7 min read
This Woman Claims She Has Seen A Spiritual Realm That Is Very Close To Our World. She said that on the other side she could see 360 Degrees & talked with Angels through vibrations.
Nicole Kerr shares the story of her near-death experiences, explaining how she survived three life-threatening incidents. She talks about an accident that occurred in 1983 when she was 19 and a cadet at the United States Air Force Academy.
Nicole was in one of the first military recruitments of women and she joined because of the pressure her family put on her, not because she wanted to. She suffered enduring that process desperately trying not to quit even though every part of her knew quitting is what she wanted. Later she learned that the car accident that caused her first NDE was somehow orchestrated on the other side to allow Nicole to leave the Air Force and find her true purpose in life.
A thread to take you to the spiritual realm🧵
One evening, she got a ride from a senior cadet who had been drinking and had other plans in mind. They stopped to drink beer and smoke, which was a big change for Nicole, who had grown up in a strict, conservative household with strict rules from her father. She felt pressured to please her father, and this influenced her decisions. After the drinking and smoking, the senior cadet became angry when she refused his advances and, while driving at high speed, lost control of the car. They crashed, and Nicole was ejected from the vehicle.
She was pronounced dead at the scene, but after about 10-13 minutes of being clinically dead, the EMTs arrived. They couldn't find any vital signs, but one EMT noticed a slight reaction in her eye. This indicated she was still alive, and they were able to save her. She describes this as a life-changing experience.
"I will tell you now if you've heard of that saying our eyes are the window to our soul my soul had flown out when I crashed through the windshield and went up into the air and I froze in that position and I knew when I looked down that I was going to die I just knew it and I called out to God to police help me and what happened was an angel came and took me up to the other side."
Yes, it is true that Tucker Carlson said 'there are forces. That are not human, that do exist in a spiritual realm of some kind that we cannot see and that when you think about it, sort of make you think we live in an ant farm.'
Carlson believes that the U.S. government has entered into some sort of agreement with entities thought to be aliens, who are not extraterrestrial but rather have always been present on Earth and may be spiritual in nature.
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Nov 16, 2024 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
Yes, there is original CIA document which says in 1984, the CIA conducted a remote viewing session where a psychic allegedly looked back to 1 Million Years B.C. on the planet Mars. The psychic allegedly saw dying Giants & obelisks. This was part of a bigger operation called ‘Project Stargate’ which aimed to use psychics for intelligence gathering, including spying on the Soviets.
The CIA document titled “Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,” basically centers around a subject that made use of astral projection which helped him observe ancient alien life on Mars.
In this document, there is a transcript, where a subject named Joseph McMoneagle, a retired US Army veteran was given an envelope prior to the interview and asked not to open it until the interview ended.
According to the CIA’s own documents, the unnamed psychic described “The planet Mars. Time of interest approximately 1 million years B.C.”
[Subject]: I’m seeing, ah… It’s like a perception of a shadow of people, very tall… thin, it’s only a shadow. It’s as if they were there and they’re not, not there anymore.
[Monitor]: Go back to a period of time where they are there.
Sub: Um… (mumble) It’s like I get a lot of static on a line and everything, it’s breaking up all the time, very fragmentary pieces.
Mon: Just report the data, don’t try to put things together, just report the raw data.
Sub: I just keep seeing very large people. They appear thin and tall, but they’re very large. Ah… wearing some kind of strange clothes.
According to the date specified in the “Mars Exploration” memo, it was approved to be published only in 2000 although it was recorded in 1984, and McMoneagle was the only remote viewer to be working at that time. He wrote in his book “Mind Trek” about a similar incident mentioned in that memo.
Nov 16, 2024 • 12 tweets • 9 min read
Mike Tyson says ‘Magic Mushroom’ changed his life: He takes them to alter his consciousness which helped him in his spiritual exploration. He says, "I AM CURED."
During his reign as heavyweight champion of the world, no one was more feared than Mike Tyson, who obliterated opponents with ruthless efficiency.
But all the while, the troubled superstar was at war with himself, battling an abusive voice in his battered head that led "Iron Mike" to the brink of suicide.
He said that all changed when he began taking psilocybin mushrooms, more commonly known as "magic mushrooms," and other similar consciousness-altering substances.
Disclaimer: This post does not promote the use of any drug that alters a person's perception of reality.
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He said psilocybin helped him bridge that gap and the experience led him to found Wesana Health, a first-of-its-kind company dedicated to studying its ability to treat traumatic brain injury (TBI) in athletes, veterans and others.
"To think where I was - almost suicidal - to this now. Isn't life a trip, man? It's amazing medicine, and people don't look at it from that perspective."
Humans have been ingesting psychedelics since the earliest days and as stigmas slowly dissolve, it is beginning to be taken seriously as a psychiatric medicine.
Nov 15, 2024 • 15 tweets • 9 min read
Her death at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles remains one of the most mysterious cases in public consciousness.
The chilling details of this story might shake you to your core—read at your own risk.
To this day, no one knows for sure how she died. She was last seen at the hotel, and a creepy surveillance video showing her strange behavior before she disappeared has only raised more questions.
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On January 26, 2013, Elisa Lam arrived in Los Angeles. She had taken an Amtrak train from San Diego and was on her way to Santa Cruz as part of a solo trip along the West Coast. The trip was meant to be a break from her studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, where she lived.
Her family was worried about her traveling alone, but Elisa insisted on traveling solo. To ease their concerns, she promised to call them every day to let them know she was okay.
That’s why it seemed strange when her parents didn’t hear from her on January 31, the day she was supposed to check out of the Cecil Hotel (now renamed Stay on Main) in Los Angeles. Worried, they contacted the Los Angeles Police Department. The police searched the hotel but couldn’t find her.
Nov 12, 2024 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
Seymour Cray, "the Father of Supercomputing", claimed that Elves often helped him overcome computer design problems.
Seeking a way to cool the machine he built in 1985, at the time the fastest computer in the world, he characteristically chose to immerse it in artificial blood.
Although never a household name, Seymour Cray was a legendary figure in the computing world. His designs for supercomputers were ingenious to the point of miraculous, and the machines he designed and built were, for much of the 60s, 70s and 80s, the most powerful -- and the most expensive -- on the planet.
Cray was born in 1925, in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, and from an early age was fascinated with radios, motors, and electrical circuits. After a spell in the US Army, he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and a Master's in applied mathematics.
A thread about a never-before-heard story.🧵
At his University instructor's suggestion, Cray went to work at a small company building specialized cryptographic equipment for the US Navy. The unlikely home of the company was a converted factory for manufacturing wooden gliders.
It was here that Cray designed his first computer, the 1103. "My guiding principle was simplicity", he said, and throughout his career, this remained the focus of his design philosophy. He was building RISC machines long before IBM coined the term in the 1970s.
In 1957, Cray and some others left to start Control Data Corporation, and it was here that Cray designed the 1604, one of the world's first fully-transistorised computers. The age of the vacuum tube was over.