Sharon Graham Profile picture
General Secretary of @unitetheunion, Britain and Ireland's biggest Union. Join Unite at: |
Mags Richardson Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 8 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵1/5: All the warnings Unite made about the dangers of @UKLabour rowing back on its pledges for the 'New Deal for Workers' have been proved right. This new #Labour document on the New Deal, issued to the unions on Monday, is a row back on a row back.… 2/5: It is totally unrecognisable from the original proposals produced with the unions. UNRECOGNISABLE! Workers will see through this and mark this retreat after retreat as a betrayal. #Labour @UKLabour
Jul 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
.@unitetheunion statement: Britain's leading trade union today refused to give its backing to an important @UKLabour document for government at the National Policy Forum gathering in Nottingham. 🧵1/4 #NPF @labpolicyforum Image .@unitetheunion was unable to back the document in full as it crossed the union's red lines including around workers' rights in collective bargaining, an area which needs root and branch change, not just tinkering around the edges. 🧵2/4 #NPF
Aug 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The case is being made before our own eyes that selling off our energy sector to the private profiteers has ended in tears. A piecemeal approach won’t work. 1/5 Days ago BP announced that from April - June this year it had made almost £7 billion in profits. On the same day, it was being openly contemplated that household energy bills in the UK could rise to £3,600 a year. 2/5
Jul 27, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
If @grantshapps had his way we would all still be in the workhouse.
His intervention is just the latest in a growing list of political attacks on trade unions and the most fundamental rights held by working people. 1/6 Whilst this outbreak is clearly framed by a pony parade within the @Conservatives, it is also deeply serious and shows just how out of touch our political class are.

The @GOVUK has miscalculated. People can see behind the usual narrative of “Union bad, boss good". 2/6
Jul 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
.@trussliz has declared war on the trade union movement and working people.
Let’s be clear, her mad-cap proposals are an attempt to all but ban strike action and outlaw effective trade unions. 1/4 This manifesto is nothing but a charter of discontent.
The rights of working people have been put on the chopping block by an ambitious politician, hawking for the votes of a tiny minority. 2/4
Aug 25, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
1/5 - I am honoured to have been elected as General Secretary of @unitetheunion by our members, and I understand that the trust that they have placed in me brings with it tremendous responsibility. 2/5 - Our members expect their union to be in their corner so I was proud to stand on a manifesto that pledged to put our members and our workplaces first. I will deliver on those promises.