👑S.A.L.A.K.O🕊 Profile picture
|Web² Retired DevOps Kingpin 👨‍💻 |Web³ Cr¥ptõ & DevRel🧣 |Doctoral Researcher (Ph.D 1 & 2 In-View), Gliomas 🧬 |Digital Nomad (14/195) 🌎 |A Stoic-Outlaw 🟡 ⚓
Career Pathfinder Profile picture nkem okafor Profile picture 🇯🇵Habibi ✞ Profile picture OLINKSTECH.NFT(🌽,🌾) Profile picture îrïè🌊🇰🇪 Profile picture 7 subscribed
Jul 31 10 tweets 2 min read
This is an uncomfortable truth but I'll say this for all my brothers out there:

"there will be light at the end of the tunnel" in the actual sense is a delusional simulation.

There's nothing that guarantees at the end of your journey through the tunnel, you'll find light. What if your travel ends right in the tunnel?

What if, right in the tunnel, was where your travel was meant to end?

These are two different questions. What do you do? What your fashion how you currently lived your life differently?

I'll share my perspective.
May 23 13 tweets 5 min read
6 months in solitude and you can literally set the tone for the life you want.

I'll thread an update of tech routes & resources you can self-pace in the next 6 months and know enough to land an internship.

You don't need previous coding experience.

Just commit 30 hours weekly. The only ask I make of you:

🤌Be ready to grind on YT and Udemy
🤌Commit 3 hours daily.
🤌Detox from social media unless you're learning a new update with the route you've chosen
🤌Block your talking stages and pause love for 6 months.

Unsure what path to choose?
Fine hack:
May 3 32 tweets 6 min read
I turn 30 today. 🎈

As someone who was severely underprivileged, has been independent since 15, is currently proud of his journey - I think it is fair to share for all young men, regardless of age.

Here are 30 no-BS life hacks I've amassed in the last decade that has helped me: Image 1/30
Let's start with the classic on my cover photo.

There is NOTHING you aspire to, that is beyond your reach.

How badly do you want it and the sacrifices you’re willing to make, for it?

The magic you’re looking for, is in the work you’re avoiding!
May 1 5 tweets 1 min read
I decided to go to the gym today and I could sense someone staring hard at me and mumbling something to his partner.

As a sharp Lagos boy, It was becoming very discomforting.

Then I started to think - "what did this person see to make him think I roll that way. Egbami". He finally emboldened a move, walked across and asked.
"Excuse me. Are you Salako?"

I was too stunned to respond, then I asked:
"Who is asking?"

He gestured to his phone and his friend, responding:

"I was just showing my friend a thread I read from someone I follow on Twitter"
Mar 3 7 tweets 2 min read
My life used to be hard - very hard.

My life is easier, not because I have accomplished more but because Stoicism gifted me the reins to tame 3 demons.


I'd have asked you stay with me as I share but this will be another pointless thread. Of the things you feared - which one came to pass?

Many are harmed by fear itself & many have come to their fate while dreading fate

Fear is a mirage - only real from afar. Where you need to be is on the other side

1 step & the mirage reveals itself for what it is. An illusion
Feb 1 13 tweets 3 min read
As we start a new month, I think I should share with you, again, an ancient secret that has transcended eras.

If you woke up this morning with clouds of palpitations, exhausted because your repeatable actions aren't fruiting -- you might want to open this.

Again, up to you. There's no one who has significantly changed the trajectory of their lives that didn't have a/multiple "build season(s)"

A build season is an isolation system where you shut everyone out, shut societal distractions, recline into a zone where you focus solely on yourself.
Jan 24 13 tweets 3 min read
A thread went viral - the author referenced how as a brilliant child who by all design should have the world bow down before, can barely figure life out today.

I have a perspective to share. Draw your seats close.

It is the undoing of brilliant folks.

This will be brutal. As someone who was asked to skip two classes in primary school, demonstrated beastly command of sciences,

in SSS1 had completed all Organic Chemistry modules and was holding special classes for SS3 seniors,

has two diploma distinctions, has first degree first class -
Dec 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
After work yesterday,vmy colleagues and I were conversing on aberrations that affect women & endocrine disruptors.

Food content creators won't like this but if you've been struggling with hormonal imbalance, you probably want to discard your nonstick pots, today.

I'll explain. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is responsible for the slippery aesthetics of nonstick pot and it has been flagged by EPA to both be toxic, and potential carcinogens.

When you cook with these wares *for long*, the chemical reactions into another compound called -
Dec 18, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Spend some time with Oncology and Geriatrics, you'll demystify all the lies black people been telling themselves for decades.

There's nothing in our genetic makeup that makes us clinically stronger - in fact, we're one of the most susceptible groups.

Our women? Sadly, worse. What is the % of black folks that age healthily?

I mean - still have their sensory motors active at 80+?

What % of black folks live past 80?
In Europe, Italy in case, 1 out of every 5 human is elderly.

Over 30% of that fraction is 80+.
Dec 16, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
This is not conventional advice but it's for ambitious/career women currently making their bread.

Take this from a brother - there's a strain of men you should discern against.

I call them the "trophy wife hunters"

They won't like this tweet but I'll explain. One wrong move that lands you in the net & all of your life's work will flush down the drain

Their strategy is simple:

Lovebombing & breadcrumbing

You're the prize because you have all it takes to assure them "stability".
They don't really like you like that but they need you.
Dec 1, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
When all landmarks failed, they could always count on her.

Sailors, travelers, cosmopolitans, Navigators, will always mention how - on dark nights when their way is lost, all they need to do is look up and find the North Star.

This tweet is not about constellations. Stay close. Image As someone who has had a multivariate experience that has stemmed from both ends of the sociocultural stick, I hold a bivalent view that:

- everyone was put on earth for a reason,

- not everyone will peak into the apex of capacity they were born with.
Nov 11, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Just one thread.

19 mega folders of premium resources on:
🤲 Azure,
🤲 MC,
🤲 Customer Success,
🤲 Cisco,
🤲 Networking,
🤲 CyberOps,
🤲 User Experience,
🤲 Linux.

(Folders in thread: OPEN.)

Password for all folders: SERVER_Z
Don't thank me. RT. ❤️‍🔥ITIL:

❤️‍🔥Windows 10 Courses:

❤️‍🔥PowerShell :

❤️‍🔥Outlook 365:


❤️‍🔥Customer Support: drive.google.com/drive/folders/…
Oct 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This isn't an isolated case. When people go missing, this is what they end up as.

He cracked open a human skull for $20 to prepare a ritual fetish for prosperity - when you ask him what "prosperity" means he'll say car, house & a bag of money.

There's so much to unpack here. There's the
- religious angle,
- social/cultural angle,
- psychological angle.

The psychological angle: there's a number that poverty does on a person that okays the killing of a human like them for $20.

Unfortunately, a larger size of the populace is sinking into that range.
Sep 2, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
✨ Not for the unserious ✨

3 year migration plan for my Nigerian starters in tech:

✨ Pick a field: Grind on YT, Udemy, FCC till December

✨ 7-9 hours daily will give you enough knowledge to land you an internship (does not have to be paid),

✨ Don't fall in love. ✨Once you land a local job, inc ur stack (learn more tech/tools)

✨What will kill you is lifestyle inflation. You don't need a car, don't move from your one room. The focus is simple - stack your coins.

✨Stack your coins for a year and remember

✨Don't fall in love.
Aug 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I have a confession to make.

The popular notion that Europeans brought Christianity to Africa has had a bit of an impact on my faith - logically so, because there's no way these criminals that masterminded lootings, slave trades would be capable of a "good gift"

Then I made - a discovery that has strengthened my faith.

Europeans didn't bring Christianity to Africa.
The Christian religion was with the Ethiopians (since the 4th century) long before the colonial bondmen polluted the shores of Africa.

The Ethiopian Bible is in fact older than the KJV.
Jul 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Years ago,I made it a habit to research the stories behind hymns before singing them - it interestingly opened my emotions to a different light & turned the lyrics of the hymn into life

There's one I'll never forget: the story of the writer "It is well with my soul"

I'll share: Image Spafford lost his business to the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 - the same year, his son died of pneumonia.

2 years later, his four daughters aboard the Villa du Havre ship travelling from the U.S with his wife, all sank with the ship in death - the wife survived.

That's not all.
Jul 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I have some time so let me teach a concept I taught in my 6 years of teaching college biology.

Mosquitoes fit perfectly into the food chain and the absence of mosquitoes means many plants and animals will cease to exist.

I'll tell you how & why: Alongside bees and butterflies,mosquitoes are one of the most influential pollinators because their males feed on nectar

They transfer pollen grains from flower to flower, enabling reproduction

Putting mosquitoes at risk, means plants would be at risk - by extension, herbivores
Jul 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Why I ditched the Army:

I'm not sure I've shared this publicly with this level of details but I'll put it out there, today:

In 2019, I was one of the 600+ nationwide selected candidates for SSC by the Nigerian Army.

I left my job in V.I and travelled to Kaduna for medicals: The schedule was to do medicals, run fitness tests then start training that was to last 8 months - afterwards, you're commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant.

On reaching that camp, I heard and saw things especially from recruits who were applying for the same position.
Jun 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
There is a mental shackle barely spoken about - as I make this thread, I haven't found words but hopefully it comes together. It is about the numbers poverty does to a person.

Being broke is different, you used to have or you'd normally have but currently, you just don't have. Poverty is - all your life, all you've known is lack, you currently don't have and there's no hope in sight that you'll soon have.

When you eventually catch a break, it leaves you with a badge of honor - a trauma.

Sometimes, it might be a good rein reminding you not to slack.
Jun 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
There's a public argument on the TL currently and this is my submission:

I do not speak for or against, as there's an angle for balance.
If you speak against sexual innuendos in general for Christians, I remind you that there's an entire book in the Bible filled with innuendos. Image In the pursuit of balance, I also say - if I wanted to read about sexual innuendos as a Christian, I go directly and find it.

But in this case, it is finding you - as you do not control what pops up on your TL.

Or is the solution to mute or block Christians as a Christian? 🙂
Jun 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
When I left Nigeria, my first attempt at a relationship was with a woman that was 2 continents away.

She offered to pay half the price of tickets when it was time for us to meet and tbh, that's one of the reasons I don't "bash" women when it comes to these Twitter arguments - because most of the women I've been with have taken care of me - as I have, them.

Women when they like you are beautiful creatures. You stupid boys are the problem - you keep going where you're not loved and I hope you experience genuine likeness.

The signs are always there.