One Horse Pony E. Morelock *** Profile picture
Follower of Jesus, weather nut, Baseball: Red Sox, Cards, #MAGA, #KAG, 100% Trump supporter. IFB after vetting. Same on parler.
Sep 30, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
KrisAnne Hall has been deplatformed on twitter. Here's her fb post on the debate:
I've been reflecting why this #presidentialdebate2020 degraded so quickly.
I have come to the conclusion that the questions were not designed to elicit real political responses.
The questions were 2/ carefully crafted to look political but were highly emotive and extremely loaded.
The questions had very little to nothing to do with the real constitutional issues on the job of the president.
These questions had one purpose... to make as much drama as possible and