Marty: a sucker for tattooed Sakusa Kiyoomi Profile picture
📝 | level 25 unlocked | 🇮🇹 | (verse & switch) skts enthusiast & sktsn lover | NSFW 🔞 minors dni | she/her | pfp by @itsaleois | header @azgeip | free 🍉
Feb 7, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
skts | Omegaverse | ft. jealous Sakusa Kiyoomi | cw// pining idiots

“Jealousy doesn’t suit ya, Omi-Kun.”

He turns, and he’s met with Atsumu’s pointed stare. Atsumu’s smirk widens; his pupils dilate. He looks like a predator that has just smelled blood, its eyes now set on its prey, and it takes all of Kiyoomi’s willpower not to lower his gaze; to not give in to his instincts.

"Don’t look at me like that, Omi.”
Jan 26, 2023 26 tweets 4 min read
NSFW-ish | fem!snos | Lingerie Model Osamu & Photographer Rintarou

“So,” Osamu starts, clearing her throat to break the silence, “how do ya want me?” Suna’s mouth twitches; as if she’s trying not to smile, and for the second time in the span of a mere couple of minutes, Osamu realizes she just embarrassed herself AGAIN with compromising, easily misunderstandable phrasing.
Jan 8, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
skts | Yakuza AU

" conclusion, I want you to infiltrate the yakuza."

Atsumu's heart thunders in his chest, and a static buzz echoes in his head.

"It's a lot to ask, but you're one of my best men."

This can't be happening, because Atsumu is /dead/.

"...Miya?" Atsumu feels as if he's underwater, but he snaps out of his stupor when Meian calls his name; mind still reeling and breath coming short.

"Miya, are you okay?"


No, because he remembers dying, yet here he is– struggling to breathe, but very much alive.
Nov 5, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Prince Miya Atsumu and Prince Sakusa Kiyoomi were known to be fine warriors and strategists– both Generals by the age of 23 and 22 respectively, there were no doubts they'd be the ones to lead their armies to war. A war between Inarizaki and Itachiyama that has been going on for years.

A war that ended with Sakusa Kiyoomi on his knees, face tilted up by the tip Atsumu's blade just beneath his chin.

Oct 24, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
NSFW-ish | (implied) skts

Kiyoomi doesn't really know how he let it all happen, but he did, and here he is now.
At a party, hosted by none other than Miya Atsumu, wearing a /maid dress/. The skirt covers his ass, so Kiyoomi would dare to say that he's not wearing the sluttiest maid dress out there– which is his only saving grace in this embarrassing scenario.
Aug 30, 2022 44 tweets 7 min read
NSFW | #omigirin | cow hybrid!Osamu | black panther hybrid!Kiyoomi | fox hybrid!Rintarou | PURE FILTH | CRINGE AHEAD | Osamoo gets milked

Osamu feels overwhelmed– overwhelmed by his lovers surrounding him, overwhelmed by the pressure on his chest. He feels boneless, yet all the muscles in his body are taunt; ready to snap at any moment.

"Poor baby," Kiyoomi purrs from behind him; his lips mouthing the sensitive skin of his neck, "does it hurt?"
Jul 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
FIC REC! Do yourself a favor and read "of Scales and Sunlit Waters" by haretsu on ao3! It features merman!Kiyoomi and marine biologist!Atsumu and it's just so good! I've been obsessed over it since September last year and I need more people to read it!
Jun 5, 2022 64 tweets 10 min read
CW// NSFW, mirror sex, Omigiri ft. Besties SnOs.

Osamu knew about Sakusa Kiyoomi's flexibility. He knew, of course he knew. How couldn't he? Both Suna and his brother constantly reminded him just how flexible Kiyoomi was. That didn't mean he was prepared to the sight of said flexible man bent almost perfectly in half, wearing his compression gear and volleyball shorts only.
He hoped Tsumu wasn't looking his way, where he was standing just behind sports journalists, not too far away from the court.