Vanessa Sica Kasabach Profile picture
Human-centered Designer, Strategist & Educator | Alum of @CarnegieMellon School of Design & @SmartDesign | Parent of twins learning in-person as safely as poss.
Jan 27 11 tweets 4 min read
“…take proper precautions to keep yourself from being infected…Don't listen to those politicians & such who have tried to politicize the heck out of proven infectious disease control measures. For example, N95 respirators…”😷
🧵/1 Image 2/“…N95 respirators are designed to block small particles like viruses. Wearing such face masks can effectively cut down respiratory virus transmission as long as the masks fit and are worn properly.”😷 Image
Dec 4, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
“When people see me in a mask, they’re reminded of the acute phase of the pandemic. My presence confronts them with an uncomfortable truth: their refusal to mask contributes to the deaths & disabling of others. It reveals they may not be as caring as they like to think.”🎯 🧵/1 Image “If we continue as we are, everyone will eventually develop #LongCovid. Those who still mask are only delaying the inevitable because we’re so outnumbered.” /2
Sep 16, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
“Denial is a powerful, usually unconscious defense mechanism that shields individuals from uncomfortable or distressing realities. By repressing objective facts or experiences— especially those that provoke fear or anxiety— people can maintain a sense of stability…”🧵/1 Image “Historically, denial was vital to daily life. With little protection against illnesses like smallpox, tuberculosis or plague, people would have been immobilized by fear if not for the ability to repress reality.”/2
Aug 28, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Can @UFT explain why COVID-19 is not on this list of 27 “diseases & ailments you may encounter as a public school educator” while 1.2 million people in the U.S. are getting infected daily?

Was this accidental or intentional?

Teachers, students & families deserve to know!🤷‍♀️/1

Teachers deserve to be informed & protected at work!

Students deserve to be protected at school.

Families, friends, neighbors & strangers who they interact with deserve to be protected too.

None of them deserve to be harmed! /2 Image
Aug 24, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
I received this text from our school district yesterday…& decided to reply!
/1 Image “Thanks for the reminder. Please make sure my child’s classrooms are ready for the first day of school by having good ventilation 🪟, adequate filtration (HEPA), CO2 monitors for teachers, encouraging masking, testing, staying home when sick, & educating families…”/2 Image
Aug 20, 2024 22 tweets 6 min read
“During the pandemic, masks became a symbol of divisiveness, enraging sectors of our society who thought mask mandates took away personal freedoms. The freedom to get sick & infect others, I suppose.”

🧵👇of full article by @missleetulloch 🫶🥇

h/t @CrabbBrendan

/1 Image “I'm sick of getting sick on planes.

I got another case of COVID-19 last month, on a domestic flight, sitting near a woman who was sneezing. I wore an N95 mask but she was wearing only the loose surgical type. I suspect she knew she was infectious.” /2
Jun 7, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
“We are completely under-investigating this virus,” said Douglas C. Wallace, a University of Pennsylvania geneticist & evolutionary biologist. “The effects of repeatedly getting this throughout our lives is going to be much more significant than people are thinking.”🎯/1 Image “…a University of Colorado team is studying whether covid reawakens dormant cancer cells in mice. Their provocative findings…showed that when mice that were cancer survivors were infected with SARS-CoV-2, dormant cancer cells proliferated in the lungs.”😳/2 Image
Aug 2, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Excellent article! What struck me…districts that skimped or refused layered protections & remote options may ultimately pay the price by now needing to accommodate #LongCovidKids w/ remote options & more, or the lawsuits that come if they fail to. 🤦‍♀️… This info is important for parents, teachers, school leaders, docs, nurses, public health depts & electeds who set policy yet paywalled for many, so here are highlighted pages 1-4 of 9.
HT @scott_squires
