Coach | Sponsored Athlete | Greek Yogurt Fanatic. Tweets Helping High Performers Build their Dream Body, Optimize their Health, and Perform to Their Potential.
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Jan 18 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
Every Workout Tip I know at 33 that I wish I knew at 23:
1. The gym is for building muscle, nutrition is for torching fat.
For best results, ensure every part of your training is optimized toward this.
Too many people confuse the two and get mediocre results.
2. Stop 'winging it'. With no plan, you will spin your wheels and waste months or years with little to no progress.
Jan 13 • 22 tweets • 6 min read
If you want to lose weight in 2025, here is 17 years of fat loss advice in one thread:
(Instant bookmark)
1. If your diet has a name, it's not the answer. 2. Discipline is the most overlooked asset for crushing your health and fitness goals. Learn to prioritize long term goals over short term gratification.
3. Your number 1 priority to lose fat has to be a caloric deficit. In a caloric deficit you are GUARANTEED to lose fat.
Jan 12 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
'I don't have time to workout'
I manage Business, Family, and Regular Travel.
The key?
I optimize my workouts to get big results in just 40-45 minutes by doing these 6 things: 1. High Intensity Sets:
We've all seen it.
People with no focus, 'winging' it, and leaving tons of reps in the tank.
One quality set taken to to 0-2 reps in reserve is better than 10 sets with no intensity.
Quality > Quantity.
*hint your last reps will be involuntarily slow
Jan 10 • 20 tweets • 8 min read
If you're serious about your health this year, you need to be lifting weights.
I've been training and coaching for the last 17 years.
Here are the Top 13 exercises on the planet to get in the best shape of your life:
(Videos of each included)
1. Quads: Hack Squat
Arguably the best quad builder.
▫️ Takes strain off the back
▫️ Increased range of motion
▫️ Prioritizes muscle failure over task failure
Training Cues:
▫️ Narrower stance
▫️ Feet lower on the platform
▫️ Control the eccentic for 3 seconds
▫️ Keep torso engaged with back flat againse the pad
Jan 7 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
Can't lose fat?
I guarantee it's your crappy diet.
After 16 years training and coaching, here is everything you need to know to nail your nutrition permanently:
1. Greek Yogurt + Whey Protein is a fat loss cheat code 2. Nutrition is your key lever to lose fat (not cardio). For example:
To lose lb of fat per week you need a 3500 deficit total over 7 days (or 500 calories each day).
Your options:
⚬ Time to burn 500 calories on the treadmill = 1 hour
⚬ Time to not eat that 500-calorie donut = 5 seconds
Understanding nutrition will ensure you never worry about fat loss again.
Jan 4 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
The silent killer that begins at just 30.
Muscle loss.
Do nothing and it guarantees:
→ Frailty
→ Strength loss
→ A shorter and lower quality life
But 52 year old Chris took action.
Here is the 5-Step Playbook we used to stop muscle loss in its tracks:
Age-related muscle loss, called sarcopenia, is a natural part of aging.
After age 30, you begin to lose 3% to 5% every decade.
Most men will lose about 30% of their muscle mass during their lifetimes.
This is a massive indicator for lower quality life...
But the good news...
Jan 3 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
I torched 39lbs of fat in 19 weeks by changing one thing.
This is exactly what I ate every single day:
= Thread =
Struggling to drop fat?
Learn this:
→ Stop hours of cardio.
→ Dialing in your nutrition is the key to fat loss.
It's how I lost 39lbs of fat in 19 weeks.
After years in the game simplicity always scales.
Below is exactly what I ate every day:
Jan 2 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
If I was entering 2025 fed up with being overweight...
Here is the exact 7-Step Playbook I would use to get lean and stay lean:
= Thread =
1. Eat in a Caloric Deficit:
Without this you will never lose body fat.
It's easier than you think:
1. Go to an online BMR calculator (google is fine) 2. Take 10 seconds to put in your details 3. Subtract 500 from your BMR
You now have a caloric target each day.
This is key.
Jan 1 • 20 tweets • 5 min read
Are you serious about your health in 2025?
Then you must lift weights.
But don't waste a decade figuring out 'what works'
I've spent 4000 hours in the gym the last 17 years
Here are 41 training tips I wish I knew when I first started
1. Gym = Muscle. Nutrition = Fat Loss
For best results, ensure every part of your training is optimized toward muscle growth (not fat loss). Too many people confuse the two and get mediocre results.
2. Stop 'winging it'. With no plan, you will spin your wheels and waste months or years with little to no progress.
Dec 30, 2024 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
Can't get to the gym?
A set of dumbbells is all you need to get lean and strong.
Here are the Top 10 exercises you can use to hit every muscle group at home:
(Videos of each included)
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1. Bent Over Rows
1. Bent Over Rows
Muscles targeted:
⚬ Rhomboids
⚬ Lats
⚬ Pull back through elbows
⚬ Avoid excess momentum
⚬ Pull elbows towards hips (not straight up)
⚬ Squeeze each contraction (quality execution is key)
Dec 28, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Can't lose fat?
I guarantee it's your crappy diet.
But if I can get lean working 70+hours per week so can you.
Here are 5 of my favorite 'no cook' meals you can make in under 3 minutes to get lean no matter how busy you are:
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1. Greek Yogurt + Whey Protein 1. Greek Yogurt + Whey Protein
⚬ Buy 950gm tubs of Greek Yogurt (stock up)
⚬ Put half in a bowl leave half in the tub
⚬ Put 1 scoop of whey in each
Prep Time: 60secs (30 secs/meal)
Macros: 90gms protein, almost no carb or fat
Efficient, low friction, delicious
Dec 27, 2024 • 23 tweets • 7 min read
Everyone on the planet should be lifting weights.
But most don't know how to start.
I've been training for the last 17 years...
If I was starting from scratch, this is the exact workout plan I would follow to get in the best shape of my life:
(Videos of every exercise included)
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Start with 4 simple workouts per week.
Upper/Lower/Upper/Lower is the split.
For each workout:
⚬ 3 working sets/exercise
⚬ 6 - 12 reps/working set
⚬ Rest 3 minutes between sets
Here is the workout plan (print this off):
(Videos of every single exercise below)
Dec 25, 2024 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
45 year old client Rob just torched 33lbs in the last 19 weeks.
→ No extra time
→ No extra cardio
→ No extra training
Here are the 7 simple steps we used to make fat loss easy:
= Thread = 1. Eat Similar Meals Each Day:
You'll NEVER get lean without a consistent nutritional intake.
We made this easy to stick to.
Created a small database of simple meals Rob enjoys & eat them most days.
✅Consistent intake
✅No guesswork
✅Low Friction
Make it simple.
Dec 24, 2024 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
The Number One New Years Resolution on the planet...
'I want to lose weight'
But 90% fail because they have no plan.
I've been getting lean for fun for over a decade...
Here is 17 years of fat loss advice in one thread: 1. Discipline is the most overlooked asset for crushing your health and fitness goals. Learn to prioritize long term goals over short term gratification.
2. Your number 1 priority to lose fat has to be a caloric deficit. In a caloric deficit you are legit GUARANTEED to lose fat.
Dec 23, 2024 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
Building muscle is your key to longevity and health.
But don't waste a decade trying to figure out what works.
I've built 45lbs of muscle over the last 17 years.
These are the 7 most important training tips I wish I knew when I first started:
= Thread =
Muscle is one of the biggest indicators for longevity.
And it's how you lift that matters.
You need "mechanical tension"
The force/tension exerted on muscle fibers during a lift.
The more tension you generate, the more fibers you recruit and stimulate, leading to growth.
Dec 22, 2024 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
60 year old client John just dopped 33lbs in 16 weeks and added years to his life.
Despite travelling regularly and working long hours he dictched the excuses.
He's now more energetic, confident and setting an example for his family.
Here are the 4 simple steps we used to do it:
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John is a legend.
He reached out to me as he knew something had to change.
He realized health needed to be a priority and the opportunity cost of 'wheel-spinning' by himself was not paying off.
We crafted a custom plan which works for him.
Here is what we did 👇
Dec 21, 2024 • 20 tweets • 8 min read
Everyone on the planet should lift weights.
But most have no idea how to start.
I've tried thousands of exercises over the last 17 years.
Here are the only 13 exercises you need to get in the best shape of your life:
(Videos of each included)
1. Quads: Hack Squat
Arguably the best quad builder.
▫️ Takes strain off the back
▫️ Increased range of motion
▫️ Prioritizes muscle failure over task failure
Training Cues:
▫️ Narrower stance
▫️ Feet lower on the platform
▫️ Control the eccentic for 3 seconds
▫️ Keep torso engaged with back flat againse the pad
Dec 19, 2024 • 29 tweets • 8 min read
I've been training and coaching for the last 17 years.
If I was starting from scratch and wanted to make 2025 the year I got in the best shape of my life, this is everything I would do:
= Thread =
1. Take 5gms of creatine every day for the rest of my life.
Creatine is the best supplement on the planet, safe, and well researched. Everyone should take it.
2. Use Nutrition as my key lever for fat loss.
To lose 1lb/week you need a 3500 deficit total over 7 days.
To do that:
→ 7 hours of cardio OR..
→ 5 minutes of controlled eating.
Easy choice.
Dec 18, 2024 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
Can't lose fat?
I guarantee it's your crappy diet.
After 16 years training and coaching, here is everything you need to know to nail your nutrition permanently:
1. Greek Yogurt + Whey Protein is a fat loss cheat code 2. Nutrition is your key lever to lose fat (not cardio). For example:
⚬ Time to burn 500 calories on the treadmill = 1 hour
⚬ Time to not eat that 500-calorie donut = 5 seconds
To lose lb/week you need a 3500 deficit total over 7 days.
That is:
⚬ 7 hours of moderate to vigourous cardio OR just 5 minutes of controlled eating
Understanding nutrition will ensure you never worry about fat loss again.
Dec 17, 2024 • 18 tweets • 6 min read
The silent killer that begins at just 30.
Muscle loss.
Do nothing and it guarantees:
→ Frailty
→ Strength loss
→ A shorter and lower quality life
But luckily there is a simple answer.
Here is your 5-Step Playbook to stop muscle loss in it's tracks:
Age-related muscle loss, called sarcopenia, is a natural part of aging.
After age 30, you begin to lose 3% to 5% every decade.
Most men will lose about 30% of their muscle mass during their lifetimes.
This is a massive indicator for lower quality life...
But the good news...
Dec 16, 2024 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
Last summer I torched 39lbs of fat in 19 weeks by changing one thing.