Romeo Kokriatski Profile picture
Editor of words, including, Hromadske, Zaborona. Managing Editor at @NewVoiceUkraine, co-host of @HypeUkraine. As seen on @CNN. he/him
Aug 8, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Imo, as a non-expert, I can't properly judge whether or not Kursk is worth it. But I can note that Command was facing a very shit situation - run a attritive defense for god knows how many months, until the Russians get tired.

Or, they could change the narrative. It is clear that Ukraine cannot really afford attritive trench warfare. We don't have the people, we don't have the stocks, and each week emboldens Russian morale. Even if they lose thousands of soldiers, even if they progress just a few kms a week, that's a victory for them.
Mar 20, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
Really annoys me that even in more or less sane US leftist spaces, any mention of Ukraine is strenuously avoided, as if it's a fucking taboo Like I very distinctly get the sense that unlike Gaza, our being invaded by Russia has something that makes the conflict something other than plainly black and white
Dec 21, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read

I think a good way to understand Russian motivations here is to discard any political ideas developed after the 18th century. Russia is a monarchy, with Putin as tsar. The tsar owns everything, including his subjects. He can therefore treat them as he sees fit. Ukraine is a Russian subject, the tsar believes. He can therefore do whatever he wants with them. Currently, this subject is rebelling. Like all monarchs, he’s confused by why this is happening. The problem is the technicality that Kyiv is independent.
Dec 9, 2022 31 tweets 5 min read

The Soviet Union had a very loose association with the truth. Aside from the more famous examples of deletion practiced by Stalin and the KGB, truth was twisted into lies and falsehoods on a more personal basis. The newspapers, such as the ironically named Pravda, was a pure propaganda organ, and dissension was not typically treated lightly. To tell the truth in the Soviet Union was not simply a mistake, it was, oftentimes, a political crime.
Dec 9, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Fantastic thread, and I think it captures the seemingly (to Westerners) odd statements that Russians often make. This culture of impunity – growing out of both Soviet-era corruption and 90s mafia culture – is something many Western policymakers still fail to take into account.T This is why we hear idiotic statements from the German and French leadership at times, because they treat with Russia as a modern, 21st century state – one that has interests it rationally pursues, namely longevity, stability, etc. But Russia and Russians don’t think that way.
Oct 8, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Dude saying it like I haven't already read his Искра columns, что делать, state and revolution. Like here's the thing: For all these aesthetic fanboys, the history of the USSR is just a story. Like Lord of the Rings. It's not "real" to them. It's a fiction, a fantasy. And like many fandom communities, critique of this story is the worst attack someone can endure.
Oct 7, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Daily reminder that Stalinism (or Marxist-Leninism, tankies, campism, whatever you call it) is a fascist and reactionary ideology that requires constant vigilance to keep out left spaces 💅 So-called "authoritarian leftism" is a contradiction in words as it presumes the agency of the working class is less important than the will of the party, which is a direct negation of basic leftist principles. "authlefts" as are much left as "anarcho-capitalists" are anarchist
Apr 20, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
A small story of Russian slave raids on Ukraine - my cousin's wife's family, from Mariupol, have been 'evacuated' to Russia. First they were sent to Taganrog, then Rostov, now Khabarovsk in the far east. No one tells them why they're being sent, for what reason, or what they'll do once there. Just an endless, inhuman bureaucratic system forcefully shipping slaves wherever it desires. We don't know how to get them back to Ukraine or how to help them in Russia - just waiting and waiting to hear a scrap of news off a borrowed phone call.
Apr 19, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I hate the Russians for forcibly conscripting Donbas men to go and die against Ukraine. But I really struggle to understand - why die to Ukrainian guns, when you could turn your weapons against your occupiers? They clearly care nothing for you. I don’t really get it. I read an account of supposedly an orchestra being forcibly conscripted. According to it, they all died at Azovstal. Why? You may die if you shoot up the commissariat - but isn’t that better than dying for no reason, for people that hate you and see you as literal slaves?
Apr 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The problem with pie-in-the-sky ‘anti-imperialist’ takes is that the Russian-Ukraine war is ridiculously simple from a leftist standpoint - it is an anti-fascist war. There is no complexity needed. Fascists are attacking us, wanting to literally wipe us out. Simple. In fact, this basic leftist take analysis is so simple, that anyone muddying the waters is 100% attempting to forgive and whitewash fascism. Making them collaborators - at best.
Apr 10, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
There's an interesting interview here with a connected Kremlin propagandist, and some thoughts after having gone through it:… The current war, in the regime's eyes, is justified by two things - Ukraine's "Nazism" and an eventual war with the 'The West' - the US and EU (but mostly the US.)

I'll explain both justifications and what they reveal.
Apr 4, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
If you are a Western citizen, sitting at home, looking at pictures of Ukraine, and feel helpless in the face of your cowardly, do-nothing politicans - here's what can and should do: Exercise your democratic rights. Organize with other people that feel the same way, and start planning letter-writing campaigns, attend local town halls and party conferences, stage demonstrations and protests, call your constituency's office.
Mar 21, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
There cannot be, fundamentally, a peace deal in this war. Russia will never, ever accept anything less than the annihilation of the Ukrainian state, and we, as Ukrainians, will never accept being annihilated. Period. That’s why this will not lead anywhere, and the Kremlin isn’t dampening hopes - it’s literally the same thing it did during the fucking bilateral summits - it restates its initial positions in different ways, and the Western press reacts as if its becoming more ‘reasonable.’
Feb 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
While much of the Russian invasion has made no sense to me (why the fuck are you trying to do hot air drops onto a contested LZ miles away from any possible support as stage 1 of the kinetic invasion?), think I’ve figured out at least one thing: Why the fuck the Russians are seemingly getting lost, in the modern era of fucking smartphones?

Well, as it turns out, it seems that much of the money the Russian military had allocated for secure comms and encrypted radios has been squirreled away onto dachas and villas.