Val Katayev Profile picture
Immigrant. Started at $0. Bootstrapped to $100M+ in profits & exits. Funded $1.7B of credit. Serial entrepreneur in adtech, music, fintech, jewelry, SaaS, RE.
18 subscribers
Oct 10, 2024 24 tweets 7 min read
A legend passed away yesterday. This gentleman built a $300B empire and pledged 66% of it to charity.

He owns Jaguar and Range Rover and is a leader in India's airline, Steel, Fashion, Car, and Technology industries.

The greatest philanthropist you've never heard of - Ratan TataImage How is the Tata Group worth $300B?

It has 29 publicly listed companies with a combined valuation of Rs. 23 trillion or $314 Billion.

From fashion to airways & steel to IT, automobiles, chemicals, and hospitality, the TATA group has a public company in every industry. Image
Aug 17, 2024 51 tweets 9 min read
Look at this kids face.

He was making $500K per cold email sent. Reached half BILLION people per month.

Earned $10M+ profit in the 1st year of the business. Sold it and "retired".

Here's what his business was and how he built it: (this is my story) 👇 Image It all started in 2006. I had already built a massive Google Ads business from my parent's basement.

I was paid to drive search traffic to advertisers.

It was a solid business that generated many millions in profits, but I didn't like being dependent on Google.
Aug 4, 2024 37 tweets 7 min read
At 19, this kid built a Google Ads business that quickly made over $30 million in profit. The kid is me.

I was the only employee (in a basement).

At one point, I was Google’s 2nd largest advertiser after eBay.

Here’s the story of how I made this happen and what the biz did: Image A few years ago, a stack of envelopes w/checks arrived on my bday. They were class action settlement checks.

These were remnants of my first big hustle.

The business was performance marketing. I used paid search to execute it.

That combo just crushed it.
May 22, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Don't give your kids an allowance.

Pay them interest instead.

I made a system that naturally instills the power of compounding and makes them understand money. I've used it for many years.

Here's a thread on how it works, my downloadable worksheet, and the results 👇 At a very young age, I explained to each of my kids the concept of saving money.

However, I told them saving is not the main goal.

Making sure money works for you while you sleep is the most important component.

They were fascinated by money working during sleep.
May 10, 2024 30 tweets 7 min read
A legend passed away today. This x-CIA math genius built a quantitative trading fund that earned more than $100 BILLION for investors.

At 66% return/yr, his track record destroys that of Warren Buffet, George Soros, Carl Icahn.

A thread on "Greatest Investor of Wall Street" 👇 Image 1/28
If you'd have put $100 into Jim Simons' Medallion Fund in 1988, it would be $400M+ today.

By contrast,

$100 in the S&P 500 in 1988, would be $2,000 in 2022. (roughly)

Let that sink in.
Apr 17, 2024 61 tweets 9 min read
One company dominates the fine jewelry category in US.

It does $8 BILLION in sales.

6 years ago I started a company to take on this juggernaut.

Here’s how and why I entered the jewelry industry (click here for thread) Image The company is Signet and it manages 2,800 locations with 30,000 employees across these stores they own:

Blue Nile
Diamonds Direct
James Allen
Banter/Piercing Pagoda
People's (Canada)
Ernest Jones (UK)
H. Samuel (UK)
Feb 11, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
Did you know this 85yo gentleman built a $300B empire and pledged 66% of it to charity?

He owns Jaguar and Range Rover and is a leader in India's airline, Steel, Fashion, Car, and Technology industries.

The greatest philanthropist you've never heard of - Ratan Tata Image How is the Tata Group worth $300B?

It has 29 publicly listed companies with a combined valuation of Rs. 23 trillion or $314 Billion.

From fashion to airways & steel to IT, automobiles, chemicals, and hospitality, the TATA group has a public company in every industry. Image
Jan 26, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read
These 15 CIA-funded startups are revolutionizing our lives.

From sophisticated AI systems to sustainable technologies, these startups are making our life easier than ever before 👇 1/16
Satellite Vu | @satellitevu

Launching satellites capable of measuring, identifying, and monitoring heat waste & thermal emissions of any structure on the planet to achieve NET ZERO Emission.
Jan 25, 2023 32 tweets 9 min read
ROLEX, valued at $9 BILLION is the world’s richest NON-PROFIT

Built the world's first waterproof watch, 80 YEARS before Apple did.

After losing his parents, this child, with no money & connections, created the most luxurious watch brand in the world: Image 1/31
Today, it accounts for ~25% of all Swiss watch sales.

Despite the pandemic, it made $9B in revenue in 2020, & $13B in 2021.

But the CRAZY part, 100% of its stake is owned by a charity foundation - Hans Wilsdorf Foundation. Image
Jan 20, 2023 63 tweets 9 min read
At 25, I built a company that controlled 2x as many eyeballs as Facebook at the time.

500 MILLION people monthly.

It made $10 MILLION in profit the first year with $0 funding.

How I built it step-by-step, and some valuable tactics you can apply in your business: 🧵 1/62
It all started in 2006. I had already built a massive Google Ads business from my parent's basement.

Companies would hire me to drive search traffic to their website and give me a cut of sales.
Jan 16, 2023 32 tweets 8 min read
This secretive $100B Chinese retailer sells to the whole world, except China.

It dethroned Amazon with 177M downloads, quickly dominated the US market, and is worth more than Zara and H&M combined.

How it eclipsed American brands with these 4 crazy business strategies: 🧵 Image 1/31
Shein is known as "China's most mysterious billion-dollar company".

In 2021, the app had over 177 million downloads, with over 43.7 million users worldwide, with 10 million monthly active users in the US alone.

On TikTok, the hashtag #Shein has garnered over 32.3B views. Image
Jan 13, 2023 33 tweets 7 min read
A former CIA math genius built a quantitative trading fund that earned more than $100 BILLION for investors.

At 66% return/yr, his track record destroys that of Warren Buffet, George Soros, Carl Icahn, and every investor who ever lived.

The Smartest Billionaire in Finance: Image 1/28
If you'd have put $100 into Jim Simons' Medallion Fund in 1988, it would be $400M+ today.

By contrast,

$100 in the S&P 500 in 1988, would be $2,000 in 2022. (roughly)

Let that sink in.
Dec 20, 2022 39 tweets 8 min read
In the 2008 crash, I found an extraordinary opportunity hiding in plain sight.

It was so damn good, investors were giving me 10s of MILLIONS after ONE meeting.

I took advantage of it and helped turn a $9M fund to fund $1.7 BILLION.

What the opportunity was and how I aced it: Image Part 1 - How I got my golden insight.

In 2006 I was lending money to people through a new platform called Prosper.

Say you want a loan. You could get a bunch of people to pool the capital and loan it directly to you through Prosper.
Dec 10, 2022 29 tweets 12 min read
The most valuable thread you will read this year.

23 time tested ways to make $300k/year from people who’ve done it over & over.

Start 2023 with these 23 learnings 👇 Who: @tibo_maker
How: SaaS
Profit Potential: $1M+/year
Investment: <$5k
Difficulty: Medium
Dec 3, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
Did you know there is a shadow bank that oversees $21 TRILLION of the world's money?

It has a dominating stake in every major S&P 500 company.

It directs Trillions for the Fed, Central Banks, and Govt Treasuries.

The global financial ecosystem is ruled by this ONE COMPANY. Image Larry Fink started Blackrock in 1988 after being fired from his previous job.

He had missed an important phone call and lost $100 million for his company. Image
Nov 29, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
20% of South Korea's GDP comes from Samsung.

Controlling a $210B empire, Samsung's CEO has more influence over South Korea than the government.

How Samsung rose to dominate an entire country -

Down the rabbit hole we go: Image In 1953, Samsung was a grocery trading store.

Within a decade of that it went on to acquire:
- Banks
- Industries,
- Insurance companies
- Real Estate, and more

To become the peninsula's most powerful conglomerate. Image
Nov 24, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Bob Iger's last dance might be to sell Disney to Apple.

Apple is worth $2.4 Trillion

13x Disney's $180 Billion

Together they’d be an UNBEATABLE ecosystem with a 1/5th of earth’s population as customers.

Here's why: Image Apple and Disney have been friends forever. Steve Jobs loved Bob Iger. In business and in life.

Both companies are equal parts creative and dominant in their respective industries.
Nov 21, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Qatar spent $220 BILLION on the 2022 World Cup.

Their GDP is just $180B.

Is this investment a money pit?

Or a catalyst for a nation to thrive?

You decide, but let's dig into the numbers: Image First off, this number is just mind-boggling in context of any other World Cup, ever.

It's 15x more expensive than the next costliest WC. Image
Nov 17, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
I am an immigrant from communist Soviet Union.

Started with $0.

Didn't complain, made countless mistakes, hustled for 15 years straight, and built 5 companies that generated $500M+.

The American Dream is alive if you internalize these 11 principles: ImageImage 1. Your thoughts shape your actions.
Your actions shape your character.
Your character shapes your reality.

Changing your reality begins with changing your thoughts.
Nov 8, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
Don't give your kids an allowance.

Pay them interest instead.

I made a system that naturally instills the power of compounding and makes them understand money.

Here's how it works, my downloadable worksheet, and the results: At a very young age, I explained to each of my kids the concept of saving money.

However, I told them saving is not the main goal.

Making sure money works for you while you sleep is the most important component.

They were fascinated by money working during sleep.
Nov 6, 2022 36 tweets 6 min read
I've generated over $1 billion in sales using ONE strategy.

Used it in every recession - 2000, 2009, and 2020.

I've never shared it publicly before.

This thread might make you a millionaire. During every recession, everyone cuts down marketing.

I jack up advertising spending and win the market.