Valentina Hynes Profile picture
Human, Woman, Wife, Mother, Sister, Speaker, Writer. Vice Chair & School Governor. MHFA Instructor, Wellbeing & Happiness at Work Specialist. @svhinc_teams
Mar 25, 2021 12 tweets 8 min read
@WorldofGoodBook Thanks for sharing @WorldofGoodBook

As we’ve debated this before, you already know my views on this. The BMC study summary you have seems right. MHFA role is neither to diagnose or treat. But to offer support.

I’ve got a long thread coming up in response. @JayneHarrison3 @WorldofGoodBook @JayneHarrison3 1). MHFA is not a stopgap solution and should stop being rendered as a tick box exercise. To cater for the #mentalwellbeing of people, a holistic approach needs to be implemented like i stated in my article. Much like your position that employee benefits should be holistic.