Varshini Prakash 🌅 Profile picture
Co-founder, Exec. Director of @SunriseMvmt. Fighting for a #GreenNewDeal, building a mvmt to stop climate change & create jobs for all. Tweets my own.
Mar 31, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Today I find myself caught between two truths:

@POTUS  infrastructure plan is an historic step forward that would not have been possible without our movement, and so, so much more is needed to truly transform this country at the scale necessary to stop the climate crisis.

🧵: Biden's speaking our language + using our framing. His plan won’t stop the climate crisis as is—but it could be a stepping stone to a Green New Deal.

It's clear to me: we've got a lot more power to build to realize that transformative vision & meet the climate crisis at scale.