1/ We're thrilled to share our preprint on Deep3P - a new approach that takes us on a deep dive into the world of brain tumors, using three-photon microscopy and #AI. This exciting endeavor is brought to life together with the amazing @Prevedel_Lab ! https://t.co/gnD18lAW5etinyurl.com/mpz3extr 2/ Spearheaded by the impressive team @MarcCSchubert, @StellaSoyka, and @AmrTamimi9, we're pushing the technological boundaries of #CancerNeuroscience.
Aug 3, 2022 • 25 tweets • 12 min read
How do glioblastoma invade and colonize the entire brain ?
Overlaying molecular, structural and functional data helped us to uncover three layers of neuronal mechanisms driving glioblastoma invasion (authors.elsevier.com/c/1fVaEL7PXipIV). A thread 🧵: (1/24)
Previously, we saw a subpopulation of glioblastoma cells was connected with each other via gap junctions while other tumor cells appeared unconnected . The tumor-tumor network was resistant toward therapy. But what is the role of the seemingly unconnected tumor cells ? (2/24)