Vasudevan Gopalaswamy Profile picture
..started the existential journey... endeavouring to become what I strongly believe in...from the state of Being to Becoming.. Sat-Chit-Ananda.
Feb 9 5 tweets 1 min read
Now that the dust of the #DelhiElection2025 result celebrations has started to settle a little, it is time for us #BJP supporters to again thank #RSS profusely for their invaluable role in this victory.

RSS conducted around 60,000 meetings on 70 seats - from parks to temples to temples to impromptu Chai pe charchas. That's almost 850 meetings per seat.

A total of 50,000 RSS cadre were involved in this exercise. 30 Dalit seats were identified and around 18,000 #Dalit #Swayamsevaks worked day and night on 1,900 booths over these 30 seats. Door to door
Jan 25 11 tweets 2 min read
It is a sheer shame that our modern political Asuras, who worship only Wealth, Women, Mansions & Mammon, continue to peddle the theory of Aryans enforcing #Varnashrama on native tribes, in collusion with pseudo Liberal retards, pseudo historians & foreign powers that are keen to tear apart the very fabric of Bharat & divide the majority Hindus on caste lines.
I have culled here, from the works of #SwamiVivekananda, some of his insights into the civilisational & caste war clashes in Bharat.
Dec 12, 2024 19 tweets 3 min read
Why #Adani is being targetted by #Congress and DeepState?

America has been a superpower for the last 100 years. They have destroyed every country that challenged them.

When Japan challenged them, they destroyed them. When USSR challenged them, they broke them into 17 pieces. When Iraq raised its head, they destroyed them. They did the same to Iran.
Nowadays it is China. But with India gaining more geopolitical significance, India’s turn has come.
For the last 100 years, American industrialists have dominated the top 10 industrialists of the world.
Sep 15, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
What are the fundamental differences between #Quran & #BhagavadGita( Primary Scripture of #hinduism, along with #vedanta & #Brahamasutra).
1. Quran says: #Islam is the only true religion & God gets upset when one “sets up partners in worship with Him” (Quran, 4:116). 2. Only those who believe in Quran can go to heaven. And there is no place than hell for Kafirs (non-believers). Allah punishes people those who worship other Gods which is described in the words….“Lâ ilâha illa Huwa” (No one should be worshiped other than Allah) (Quran, 6:102).
Sep 14, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Is #PMModi Trapped in a Chakravyuh (Labyrinth) of the #TukdeTukdeGang leader #RahulGandhi?
Senior journalist Sushant Sinha explained in his show what a real Chakravyuh is like.
At the center of this Chakravyuh is Modi. Modi represents India, and for India, there is a Hindu who speaks of Hindutva and places his religion and country above caste. In this way, a Chakravyuh has been set around Modi in the name of Modi.
The First Layer: The first circle of the Chakravyuh attacks the economic system so that India's economy collapses.
Sep 6, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
#SwamiVivekananda:- To the #Hindu of #SanatanaDharma, man is not travelling from error to truth, but from truth to truth, from lower to higher truth.
This is the reason for the philosophy of #Hinduism to intersperse its Srutis( Primary scriptures - (Upanishads, BhagavadGita & Brahmasutara) with the ideas of Dualism, Qualified Monism and Non-Dualism.
For a Hindu all the #religions, from the lowest fetishism to the highest Absolutism, means so many attempts of the human soul to grasp and realise the Infinite, which interpenetrates all finite
Sep 3, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Culled from the works of #SwamiVivekananda:
In almost every Dualistic & Monotheistic Religion the God favours His own Religious sects. This exclusiveness is purely anthropomorphic and cannot be accepted.
And, therefore, in the nature of things Dualistic/Monotheistic Religions are bound to fight & quarrel with each other and this they have ever been doing with bigotry & fanaticism.

No wonder, the people, with no normal restraint in their actions, make a travesty of Advaitism teachings -without any understanding.
#Advaita #vedanta teaches that man's
Aug 30, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
@RahulGandhi says #Hindutva is the cause of violence in India and #Congress & INDI Alliance try their best to differentiate #Hinduism & Hindutva to divide #Hindus on caste lines.
With false narratives & information, they continuously cheat the youth through social media.
Thread Let us see the facts?
10 countries with the highest rates of prostitution in the world:
  1.Thailand (Buddhism)
  2 Denmark (Christianity)
  3 Italian "
  4 Germany
  5 French
  9 UK
  10. Finland "
Aug 22, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
The following post is a  thought provoking Forward that gives some perspective on the concept "Thucydides Trap".  
#PMModi affirmed these ideas on Aug15th and said"As we become more powerful, external and internal threats will also increase. However, we want to tell the world that India's growing power is not a sign of crisis for the world, but rather for the welfare of the world."
When a Prime Minister speaks such words on such an important occasion, it sends a strong message to us!
In fact, PMModi was talking about the "Thucydides Trap"
Aug 19, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Congress Leader #RajeevShukla said that if #PMModi was not the PM, then America would never have invited him!
This reply by ChauhanBauNath, USA is brilliant 
"IF #RahulGandhi was not Sonia's son, he would only have been a peon in some office !
IF #Sonia was not Rajiv's wife, she would have been a retired bar girl from some bar in Europe.!!
IF #RajivGandhi was not #IndiraGandhi's son, he would have spent his days as a "pilot".!!
IF Indira Gandhi had not been Nehru's daughter, she would have remained an ordinary muslim housewife...!!
Aug 11, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Stage 1) Attack big Indian that investors get confused and will lose confidence in Indian big business houses.
Stage 2) Attack the regulatory body #SEBI of the Indian equity market
so that Indian & foreign Investors confidence & belief will get damaged while investing in Indian equities
Stage 3-In coming months attack Indian strong leadership by fake reporting of involvement in this scandal
Stage 4- Indian #Toolkit #Congress will get activated automatically to attack Indian leadership
Jun 19, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
It is very clear that huge sums of money, maybe billions of dollars, were distributed to #Congress led INDI Alliance to break the #PMModi's reign to establish the #DeepState hegemony in India. When the main source of INDI Alliance NGO funds was blocked, it naturally looked for the #Hawala route, facilitated by the #DeepState lobbyists through the Indian network of Narcotics, Arms, Sand, Liquor, Builders...mafia gangs that work in tandem with local political class.
Jun 17, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
As children,we start understanding the various names & forms through our senses.
As we grow older & older, more finer aspects of matter are grasped through the finer intellect of the mind. As finer & finer the intellect becomes, Nature starts unraveling more secrets of matter. But to understand the REALM OF INFINITUDE, man has to go beyond the finite matter of mind& intellect, declare #vedanta.
Vedantic Hindu sages had realised that this ABSOLUTE-INFINITE can be realised only with higher instrument of knowledge ie the meditative state of Inspiration,
Jun 13, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
After the #LokSabha2024 results it became clear that #BJP would get only 240 seats. But #Congress wanted to play mind games with #TDP & #JDU, luring them to be a part of I.N.D.I Govt. It is then BJP played a great game to floor the #opposition with no collateral damages to BJP. Naidu & Nitish were called by Modi to say BJP would sit in the opposition.After hearing this decision of Modi, the condition of both became jittery & got cold feet. They knew how #Congress had behaved in the past coalition govt, leaving the partners high & dry.
May 14, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
We are told Islam is a religion of peace. Any mullah or a #Muslim who tells you this, is deliberately trying to deceive you.
Unless muslim organisations openly that the Indian Constitution is more sacrosanct than some of #Quran's verses, the majority #Hindus cannot believe it. Islam is not a religion of peace at all. Muslims follow the Quran edicts only. The Quran dictates that its followers must convert the non-believers to #Islam or kill them if they refuse to convert. It commands how one must live, dress, treat women, slaves and practice jihad.
Feb 27, 2024 14 tweets 2 min read
Forwarded post.
WHY 2024 #LokSabhaElection2024 is *DO OR DIE* FOR #SanatanaDharma & #Hindu majority.
#Islamic #Nehru #dynasty and Islamic #Congress made India a #Muslim nation through the #Constitution but could not declare it. Articles 25, 28, 30 (1950)
HRCE ACT (1951)
HCB ACT(1956)
POW ACT (1991)
WAQF ACT(1995)
1) They legalized *conversion* by ART 25
Feb 25, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
#OM is BRAHMAN - the plenary Non-Dual REALITY & world-ground which is of the nature of Existence -Consciousness -Bliss, from whom all names & forms appear to play a great drama in this illusive universe.
OM is Cosmic Consciousness & Comic Energy & all these waking, dream & deep-sleep states are IT'S play.
OM is the supreme object of meditation to overcome the threefold divisions of Knower, Knowledge & Known in the finite minds of subject & object. OM is ONENESS.
The entire concept of Vedanta(Upanishads)&BhagavadGita is strung together around OM.
Feb 14, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
W/A msg
 Negotiations with Fake Farmers went on till late night. NOW let's expose these Anti-nationals funded by (P)#AAP & #CONgress.
Negotiations failed because of following IRRATIONAL & REGRESSIVE demands of this Fake Farmers. Complete waiver of all agriculture loans which will amount to loss of  approx ₹24 Lakhs Crores to Bharat's Banking System.
Assurance from Govt on not going ahead with Electricity Reforms.
No restriction on Stubble Burning which pollutes Environment, inspite of the fact that
Jan 27, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read
The root cause of liberal & international angst against India
By Kishore Asthana
"In 1942, Albert Einstein was teaching at Oxford and he gave his senior students an examination.

Later, when his assistant asked him why he had given exactly the same examination as he had given last year, Einstein said, “The answers have changed.”
The present anti Hindu rhetoric that we see in the world press and in some of our own ‘liberals’ brings to mind the above.
During the #Mogul rule when someone asked the #Hindus, “Look, they have killed ten thousand Hindus,
Jan 27, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Forwded msg.
A 5000 year old temple existed below the #Gyanvapi #Mosque.
#ASI Survey Report submitted in the #court.
(There goes the Aryan Invasion Theory in the dustbin it belongs to)
As per the survey report, 32 different evidences have been uncovered pointing to a huge temple Image structure under the present day #mosque.
#SanatanaDharma inscriptions on the wall in Kannada, Telugu, Devanagari and Grantha scripts include the three names of #LordShiva, Janardan, Rudra and Omeshwar. Broken statues of #LordHanuman and #LordGanesha have also been found buried Image
Jan 20, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
#Vedic Wall Clock
Aditya is written at the place of 12:00 which means that there are 12 types of Sun.
God is written at the place of 1:00, which means that there is only one type of God. Eko Brahma Dwitiyao Nasti.
Paksha is written at the place of 2:00 'o'clock, which means that there are two Pakshas, ​​one is Krishna Paksha and the other is Shukla Paksha.
At the place of 3:00 o'clock, Anadi Tattva is written, which means that Anadi Tattva is 3. God, soul and nature, these three elements are eternal.
Veda is written at the