Software Ecologist, Architect, Modeler | #DDDesign | Systems Transformation | Actor Model | Team & Individual Optimizer | Writes Code | @kalele_io @kalele_domo
Mar 22, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
In Implementing #DDDesign why use Anticorruption Layer rather than a Repository to integrate with another Bounded Context?
Typically the Repository pattern is used as an Adapter in front of a database. In general you could think of a Repository as an AcL over a database. 1/6
But then again, an AcL is at least both of these: (1) an Adapter, and (2) a Translator. Typically a Repository doesn't translate from database data into a model's data. Usually database data is at most reshaped when hydrating 2/6
Mar 21, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Q: In the book "Implementing DDD" you say to do code reviews with domain experts. Really? How?
A: First, I didn't say that.
The point is that business experts can understand tests if the tests follow the language that the experts helped develop and if the tests present 1/5
realistic scenarios with realistic data/information.
I don't know how many times I have seen tests with completely bogus scenarios and data. For example, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln have no value-add as personas in most modern contexts. 2/5