Victor Scott Profile picture
Software Developer with hobbies of working out, learning about health, root causes of illness and natural remedies
7 subscribers
Mar 7 4 tweets 2 min read
Fort Knox gold continued. Here is a snippet from The Money Masters documentary. I had to split it in 2. In 1982, the Ronald Reagan “Gold Commission” announced that the U.S. Treasury doesn’t own the gold. It is owned by the Federal Reserve as collateral against the U.S. debt. /1 The gold is not there IMO. However, even if it is there, we (the U.S / the American people) do not own it. If you understand the Federal Reserve, then you also understand that this is the most likely scenario. We have been screwed since 1913. /2
Feb 15 6 tweets 2 min read
The phrase “cure for cancer” leads people astray.

It assumes ONE cure (wrong).

There are multiple causes and multiple locations in the body, therefore MULTIPLE cures.

The question is: “What cure or combination of cures will work for your particular case”? /1 The cures are well known. What “cures” to apply and when is the key.

Fenben cured a man with cancer. However, it may not work for someone else. You just can’t say “I’ll take Fenben”. You may need enemas, castor oil pack, chlorine dioxide, soursop, baking soda, DMSO, etc. /2
Feb 9 11 tweets 6 min read
Frankincense and myrrh thread. Add them to your list of cancer and universal remedies (they treat damn near everything). They are both powerful antiparasitics. Mrryh is proven to remove liver flukes snd larvae. Do your own research. Cancer patient being treated with them. /1 Screenshots of various frankincense testimonies. Take note of the brain cancer testimony in which it was rubbed on the child’s feet. I frequently see things being applied to the feet in healing testimonies. /2 Image
Feb 1 5 tweets 2 min read
Everything you see is scripted (speeches, executive orders, agendas promoted, etc.). It is a harsh reality that I still see people aren’t grasping. As we are distracted and tossed crumbs, major lies are told and major agendas pushed on the cabal’s behalf. The people really in control aren’t part of any religion, they are Lucifereans and atheists. They claim to be Catholic, Jewish or Christian but that is a cover. We are ruled from London, Switzerland, etc. (look up the family names and where their castles are). Not Israel.
Jan 26 8 tweets 2 min read
Regarding Ivermectin, some of you give evil too much credit. Not every scientist is evil including the 2 people responsible for IVM. Both were focused on finding cures in nature. One is a parasitologist who worked for Merck named William Campbell. You should listen to him. Just because Campbell worked for Merck doesn’t make him evil. He understood the parasite life cycle which is why it works. Log Ivermectin under “shit happens”. Research how it originated. It is excreted from a bacteria found in nature and dihydrogen (natural also) was added.
Jan 17 4 tweets 2 min read
My belief in chlorine dioxide comes from interacting with people who have benefited from it. Here are a few testimonies from the Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies (CDT) chat.

- Toenail fungus removed using CDS baths
- Ear infections cleared quickly when antibiotics failed /1 Testimony continued:

- Autistic son’s score dropped from 77 to 14 in 3 months. Not included in the clip: listening more, speaking more words, etc.
- Mom’s ear infections, ulcers and autoimmune disorder managed /2
Jan 12 7 tweets 5 min read
I know someone with life long allergies, nose is usually clogged and frequently uses antihistamines. I told her that some people have cured life long allergies. She didn’t believe me.

Here are some testimonies. /1 Image
More allergy testimonies. Some screenshots may be chopped off but the main info is included. /2 Image
Jan 2 6 tweets 3 min read
Kary Mullis quote: “There is no little bottle of HIV anywhere on the planet”. HIV doesn’t exist. Until people wake up to these massive “virus” deceptions, the evil will continue. HIV doesn’t exist and many diseases are bundled together and blamed on HIV / AIDS. Until we kill this nonsense by exposing the core lies, Gates and many others will continue spouting total nonsense about “virus” outbreaks, fear, injections, immunity (also fiction) and so on. If people knew the truth, as soon as Gates says “HIV” they would stop listening.
Dec 28, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
Necrotizing Fasciitis (flesh eating disease) seems to be on the rise. This young man just killed himself over it.

The potential solution is hidden: hypochlorous acid (HOCL). Like chlorine dioxide, is solves many health issues. In these crazy times, I suggest you learn about it. For a patient with necrotizing fasciitis, the doctors basically try to cut it out resulting in disfigurement and amputation.

Dr. John Crew successfully treated over 20 patients using HOCL. Image
Dec 22, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
For everyone who just can’t bring themselves to believe that there is no Covid virus, Dr. Jennifer Daniels warned decades ago that if “they” ever wanted to create a “flu” outbreak, they could simply put a chemical in the water at the treatment facilities or exchanges. /1 Radiation, chemtrails, flu shots, Covid vaccine side effects, the deadly hospital protocols and ordinary cold and flu symptoms people get every year. All of those possibilities and you believe the “lab leak” narrative because it was fed to you and fed to you for a reason. /2
Dec 12, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
Thread on Dr. Hazel Parcells (natural healer):

- Live to 106 (born in 1889), 100 yrs old in the video snippets
- Lived thru the Spanish Flu. Says that those who didn't go to the hospital didn't die.
- Told she would die at 40 (tuberculosis)
- Believes flu caused by radiation /1 - Believed that the underlying causes of disease are lack of energy & oxygen, radiation sickness, pesticides, heavy metal toxicity and parasitic infection
- Was reportedly vibrant right up until her death (got her hair done at the beauty shop days before her death) /2
Nov 22, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
UTIs are the most common infection in women. In my fight against Big Pharma, let’s discuss the cause and the solutions. Here is Dr. Jin Sung discussing the root cause (bacteria) and others factors such as the overuse of antibiotics. Had to cut the video short. /1 Women are making Dr’s appointments and taking harmful antibiotics when D-Mannose seems to be a simple remedy. It is in my household. Dr. Sung mentions it in the video. Below are a few screenshots of D-Mannose powder product reviews on Amazon. /2 Image
Nov 11, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Trump is not the successful billionaire businessman you think he is. He was loaned 4 billion with a personal guarantee of 1 billion. Rothschild Inc. bailed him out 4 times. The first time in 1990.

He is in debt to the tune of hundreds of millions right now. /1 Here Epstein clearly has brought some underage (or barely of age) sex workers to a party for Trump. The commentator may be a little biased but if you think that they didn’t get Trump on video doing some wild shit, you are pretty naive. /2
Sep 23, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Essiac Tea has been used to successfully treat cancer. Rene Caisse discovered the formula (herbs) from a person who was treated for cancer by Indians. Here are some video snippets from a documentary. The 1st couple of snippets are people fighting to be able to use Essiac tea. /1 I was talking to my sister who knows someone with cancer who is doing well with Essiac Tea. Surprising his doctor who told him to keep doing what he is doing. The conversation reminded me to tweet about Essiac. /2
Sep 14, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
I still see the “parasites do not cause illness” lie. Maybe you need a visual. These are cysts that can form in the liver, lungs and brain. Often “mistaken” for cancer. It is called Echinococcosis. A disease caused by helminth larvae (such as tapeworms). Transmitted by feces.
Exhibit A: “Parasite Derived” cancer caused by tapeworm.
Sep 2, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
People being diagnosed with cancer who don’t have it is a huge problem. Breast “cancer” labeled DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) is a clear example. Cancer by definition means an uncontrollable growth with cell replication. “In situ” means “doing nothing”. /1 People are submitting to chemo and radiation for harmless conditions. The equivalent of a pimple on their face. The original cancer definition also required symptoms. No symptoms = no cancer. They loosened that definition. /2
Aug 8, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Stage 4 colon, liver and lung cancer, given 6 months to live but still alive and “doing better than ever”. Regimen included. I like this but add chlorine dioxide and enemas. Image For people who have a problem with Ivermectin, fenbendazole, etc., you had better replace them with non-pharmaceutical antiparasitics strong enough to remove large parasites like worms, flukes and their eggs. If not, you can cancel Christmas. Myrrh & turpentine are possibilities.
May 27, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
End stage prostate cancer cured with chlorine dioxide (oral & intravenous) and daily CD enemas. Told he would die in 10 months without chemo. He refused. He cleaned and oxygenated his body instead (CD oxygenates and oxidizes). This is basically the remedy for all diseases. This case is one of the first to be published. Which is a difficult feat given the desire to hide the effectiveness of CD. CD combined with other natural remedies could put an end to big pharma.…
May 17, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
The term "brain death" was created for organ harvesting. There is big money in it for the hospitals. Understand that you represent revenue and there are people who put systems in place to take your life for that revenue. One body can generate as much as 11 million dollars. /1 The "Uniform Anatomical Gift Act" is legislation with a lot of slick language designed to get your organs. The bill presumes that everyone is an organ donor. It was passed in 47 states at the time of this video but now appears to be passed in all states. /2
May 7, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
A "HIV positive" man dies from a parasitic infection. Was diagnosed with cancer which was really tapeworm cells that "behaved just like cancer" (called "Parasite-Derived" cancer in the video). May have survived if he understood the HIV hoax (doesn't exist) & the cancer deception. More on tapeworm cells or egg sacs being mistaken for cancer.
May 1, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
A true hero Kerri Rivera is reversing autism. Another hero Pam Bartha is reversing multiple sclerosis. Because they target the root cause, their approach can potentially improve any illness. I will focus on remedies use by both: Chlorine Dioxide and enemas. /1 Enemas are a powerful remedy that you can do at home. They reverse illness and can save lives in some emergency situations. If you listen to healing testimonies for autism or MS, take note of the huge progress and what comes out of the body as a result of enemas. /2