Victor Scott Profile picture
Software Developer with a hobby of learning about holistic health, root causes of illness, natural remedies and forbidden history
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May 27 4 tweets 2 min read
End stage prostate cancer cured with chlorine dioxide (oral & intravenous) and daily CD enemas. Told he would die in 10 months without chemo. He refused. He cleaned and oxygenated his body instead (CD oxygenates and oxidizes). This is basically the remedy for all diseases. This case is one of the first to be published. Which is a difficult feat given the desire to hide the effectiveness of CD. CD combined with other natural remedies could put an end to big pharma.…
May 17 7 tweets 3 min read
The term "brain death" was created for organ harvesting. There is big money in it for the hospitals. Understand that you represent revenue and there are people who put systems in place to take your life for that revenue. One body can generate as much as 11 million dollars. /1 The "Uniform Anatomical Gift Act" is legislation with a lot of slick language designed to get your organs. The bill presumes that everyone is an organ donor. It was passed in 47 states at the time of this video but now appears to be passed in all states. /2
May 7 6 tweets 3 min read
A "HIV positive" man dies from a parasitic infection. Was diagnosed with cancer which was really tapeworm cells that "behaved just like cancer" (called "Parasite-Derived" cancer in the video). May have survived if he understood the HIV hoax (doesn't exist) & the cancer deception. More on tapeworm cells or egg sacs being mistaken for cancer.
May 1 15 tweets 5 min read
A true hero Kerri Rivera is reversing autism. Another hero Pam Bartha is reversing multiple sclerosis. Because they target the root cause, their approach can potentially improve any illness. I will focus on remedies use by both: Chlorine Dioxide and enemas. /1 Enemas are a powerful remedy that you can do at home. They reverse illness and can save lives in some emergency situations. If you listen to healing testimonies for autism or MS, take note of the huge progress and what comes out of the body as a result of enemas. /2
Apr 13 6 tweets 3 min read
A cancer cell is likely a non-human cell. A one-celled animal called protozoa. When scientists view cancer cells under the microscope, their characteristics match protozoa. The names of some of the cancers are a giveaway. “Hairy cell”leukemia, “giant cell” carcinoma, etc. /1 “Hairy cell” leukemia is called that because the cancer cells appear to be hairy. Many protozoa appear hairy or have flagella depending on their current from. These protozoa are called ciliates. Pictured below. /2

Mar 23 4 tweets 1 min read
Whatever is going on with Kate Middleton, you are not getting the full truth.

- I doubt she took the vaccine (probably got a placebo)

- I doubt that she would do chemo (the Royal family knows better)

Part of a plan normalize cancer and chemo even more now that it is exploding. The Royals are the Illuminati in plain sight. Read The Committee of 300. It explains how the Royals and close affiliates comprise most of that and other top level secret societies. They are not doing chemo. They rarely get cancer. 2 at the same time is suspicious. Shenanigans.
Mar 2 8 tweets 2 min read
Stage 4 pancreatic cancer cured with baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, cannabis oil and intermittent fasting. Was given 1 month to live. After listening to Dr. Simoncini (author of Cancer is a Fungus), he decided to try this approach. /1 More on Dr. Simoncini. /2
Feb 24 5 tweets 2 min read
Ebola and cholera symptoms are the same. I will continue exposing the trick of giving the same symptoms multiple names, blaming multiple “viruses” and offering multiple vaccines. It is the base for understanding the virus and vaccine hoax. Screenshots of the symptoms of both. /1
Here is Dr. Daniels discussing Cholera, its similarity to Ebola and treatment. With Ebola, they amp up the fear with theater and Hazmat suits even though is a waterborne and foodborne illness (not airborne). /2
Feb 11 9 tweets 3 min read
Vaccines don’t and never have worked. The concept is flawed at it’s core. You are not going to inject anything into your arm that is going to cause your body to recognize “something” later and give you immunity. Powerful people put the lie in the books. People regurgitate it. /1 Same with natural immunity. Another lie told to support the vaccine lie. When exposed to REAL causes of illness, if and how sick you get depends on your state of health at that moment in time. Not “immunity” or that you were exposed to it before. /2
Feb 4 5 tweets 2 min read
Ear infections are one of the first vaccine side effects seen in children. Image BTW, there are natural remedies for ear infections that work better and won’t ruin you child’s health like antibiotics (garlic oil drops, DMSO, chlorine dioxide).

Feb 3 11 tweets 4 min read
What is cancer? There is a well-documented scenario in which people are diagnosed with cancer caused by a parasitic infection. The "immortal stem cells" or "immortal larva" of tapeworms or flatworms that continuously replicate in the human body. It is called Echinococcosis. /1 You have probably heard of immortal HeLa cells. Notice the use of the word immortal along with stem cells, planarian cells and neoblasts. You should look those words up. In the screenshots, "metacestode" is tapeworm larva. /2

Jan 24 4 tweets 2 min read
The white fibrous clots were still being seen in 2023. Tom Haviland did a survey with 269 responses. 73% observed the clots in 2023 in an average of 20% of the corpses. /1 Most aren't even aware of the "coffee ground" looking clots that were rarely seen before the vaccines. These clots have greatly increased also, are deadly and still seen in 2023. 79% saw them in 2023 in an average of 25% of the corpses. The normal clots increased also. /2
Dec 29, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Black slaves were able to cure diseases that traditional doctors couldn't. Everything required was right there in the woods (bark, roots, leaves, grasses, weeds, etc.). From "African American Slave Medicine", for anything other than a broken bone, they used their own remedies. /1
If the healing power of these natural things was understood, Big Pharma would be out of business. Turpentine is frequently mentioned in the book as a treatment for almost anything. It was used in many ways and in combination with other things. Here are some screenshots. /2

Dec 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Toilet water turned directly into drinking water. The water is often contaminated without us knowing about it anyway which is why I bought a distiller. The typical refrigerator filter doesn’t remove all contaminants either. Google “boil water advisory”. For each incident, water is contaminated with a chemical or organism. Often fecal contaminated. Causing flu, respiratory symptoms or stomach issues in a local area. If you don’t believe it, look at the symptoms people show up in the hospital with.
Dec 23, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
In the late 1700s, evil men like Edward Jenner created the first vaccines. They have never worked and always caused disease. To hide this, a pile of lies was needed including viruses, virus mutation, antibodies, immunity (vaccine, herd, natural), antibodies, PCR, breakthrough /1 infection, contagion and vaccines eradicated certain diseases. A bunch of lies put in the texts books, taught and regurgitated by doctors in order to be licensed. Lies that have been in place so long that most are so brainwashed that they will never see the truth. /2
Nov 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Historic document on turpentine written in 1821. "An Essay on the practical application of turpentine to the cure of diseases". It is written in cursive. I will include quotes from it in this tweet. /1 Image "In all the atonic shapes of disease, whether primary or subsequently induced, the turpentine, I am persuaded, will prove a most valuable remedy." /2
Nov 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The “Spanish Flu” pandemic was started by vaccines and then continued by vaccines as fearful people were told that vaccines were the solution. There was no “flu” or contagion. Vaccines created with “vaccine lymph” (a term you should look up) from horses. More info on the Spanish Flu.
Nov 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I just tweeted about how a deadly amoeba named Acanthamoeba was discovered in the monkey kidney cell cultures used for the polio vaccine. A group of concerned parents had mask inspected. Guess what was found. /1… Number 4 on the list. /2 Image
Nov 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
What ingredient in the "live virus" polio vaccine caused paralysis: Likely Acanthamoeba ("brain eating" amoeba). This amoeba was discovered in the monkey tissue cultures used for the vaccine. "they were laboratory curiosities that appeared in primary monkey tissue cultures". /1 Screenshot from "Amebic Meningoencephalitis & Keratitis" by Govinda S. Visvesvara. "Acanthamoeba identified as a contaminant in a primary monkey kidney cell culture during production of the poliomyelitis vaccine." /2 Image
Nov 7, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
To kill the vaccine nonsense, we have to attack the core lies. There is no such thing as immunity (vaccine created or natural). Specifically, immunity based on recognizing a mythical "virus" or even real causes of illness (toxins & parasites) from previous exposure. To /1 build upon that lie, other lies are piled on ("breakthrough" infections, variants, renaming diseases). People get the same illness (same set of symptoms) over and over. Common cold, flu, malaria, etc. If it were true, we would all have immunity from the common cold. Another /2
Nov 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Why does radiation cause cancer? I believe that cancer is caused by microorganisms (protozoa). Radiation & chemicals stimulate the growth of protozoa and causes them to transition into a more aggressive form. Which then causes tumor growth and metastasis. A Russian scientist /1 named Tamara Lebedewa lost all of her siblings to cancer, began researching and mistook a "cancer cell" for a parasite called Trichomonas. While observing cancer cells in culture for about 14 days, the cancer cells changed form, grew hairs and began swimming around. I found /2