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What is as destructive as the billions of adult males who relinquish their manhood to the nearest pimp, who makes bank by selling out girls and women? Catholics
Jun 5, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
#WhenChildPredatorsRunTheWorld #WCPRTW

More than 10 million children, women & men are lured into the torture chamber of pedophile rings, commercial sexual exploitation, serial rape to make other people money, daily violence, drug addiction to tolerate "the Life" #WCPRTW
Children are separated from their mothers, beginning as young as newborn
Mar 22, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
Pedophilia: adults sexually attracted to children, age infant to prepuberty.
Hebephilia: adults sexually attracted to pubescent/adolescent youth.
Globally: 10 mil exploited in commercial sex industry, including porn.
Every year 1 mil children added to serve the demand.
How? This vile industry cannot thrive without active contribution of all global institutions-- church, government, business, entertainment, media, medicine, criminal justice, social services, education, military--supporting and nurturing organized crime against children and humanity.