Vidita Vaidya Profile picture
Neuroscientist at TIFR, Mother to a teen, Scientific outreach enthusiast, Women in STEM
May 12, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
When you interview young applicants be the interviewer that you hope your own child would get. Putting the applicant at ease is something interview committees must be trained for. This does not mean you cannot ask challenging questions but your tone can also set an applicant at ease.
Oct 20, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
A story that touched my heart and tells me what good science outreach can and should do. A friend's 4 year old son is a big fan of space science and @isro He made the rocket he hung at his window inspired by Chandrayaan. @isro 4 year old Ayan Ranade then followed the news about what was going on with the Chandrayaan-2 mission and had a lot of questions for his folks. When he heard that Vikram lander was lost he told his mom "why should they lose hope, I have not lost hope nor should they!"