Vince Fakhoury Horn Profile picture
Co-founder @InterbeingInc & @BuddhistGeeks
Dec 10, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
There have always been Doomers who believe the collapse of human society is right around the corner, and Bloomers who believe that things are basically good, and that our brightest days are yet ahead of us.… Thinking of you all while reading this. 👆

@cognazor @RizomaSchool @dogeatcrow
Dec 10, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
“Decentralized” is a total misnomer.

Functional networks are never in a static state of being either centralized or decentralized–they are always moving! This means that networks are either centralizing, decentralizing, or distributing. #NetworkTheory I think the Web3 crypto network builders out there would probably benefit a lot from reading Networkologies–which presents a philosophy of networks.…
Dec 9, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
After engaging with lots of different productivity hacks, systems, & approaches I finally gave up on the idea that someone else knows how to do this better than me. 🧵 When I totally let go of the guidance of external authority w/r/t productivity, I ended up experimenting, and those experiments have yielded some incredibly interesting results.
May 3, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵 I try not to talk too much about crypto here, because it's a contentious topic inside the intersecting venn diagram of communities I take part in, but it's a pretty dang important topic. To my crypto-maxi mutuals: Look I get that this is literally as big a deal as web 1.0 & web 2.0 were, in terms of the future impact on technology, society, consciousness, etc...
May 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Finders who can’t help seekers become finders, are missing the bigger bigger picture. This is the top of the mountain curse. From way up there it seems like everyone should get this. This is a conflation of universal and the personal, and all it’s serving is the “enlightened ego.” Enjoy the fall, my friends...
May 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Misogynist is to Feminist as Racist is to ??? If we ONLY have a way of describing what the offenders of racial injustice look like, how can we possible hope to align ourselves with the forces of liberation?
May 2, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Neil deGrasse Tyson shows his ass here big time. Like dude, do you even read the New York Times? God I miss Carl Sagan.…
Oct 19, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
The success of Meta-Organizations will be determined almost exclusively by their choice of governance practices. 1️⃣ Shared governance is what connects disparate organizations, that may have different purposes themselves, but want to connect in a meta-purpose together. 2️⃣
May 8, 2018 15 tweets 3 min read
The #1 most common question I receive as a meditation teacher is: “How do I know I’m on the right track?” 1️⃣ When I first was starting out as a meditation teacher I answered this question by helping people recognize and move through the traditional state-stages of the early Buddhist meditative path (ex. The 16 stages of the progress of insight, the 4 paths, the 8 jhanas, etc.) 2️⃣
Mar 18, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
1: I am utterly convinced that one of the most challenging complex emotions that we have got to come to grips with as contemporary practitioners (inside & out) is cynicism. 2/ For those of us who are self-identified skeptics (🖐🏼) it’s the thinnest and finest line toward being cynical. I confused & conflated the two for years.