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A Surgeon and a Pathologist! Here to enhance Nerd Immunity. Threads to be posted every Sunday! Please correlate 'quizically'!
Mar 6 15 tweets 5 min read
This Nobel Prize winner named his drug discovery after his ex-girlfriend, as he felt the drug gave the same high as her company. Or so one legend goes…

Meet Adolf von Baeyer, the man behind barbiturates and some of the biggest breakthroughs in chemistry. 🧵👇
@ChemistryNews @ChemistryWorld @NatureChemistry @RoySocChem @AmChemistryImage Born in 1835 in Berlin, Baeyer had an early knack for science. He started experimenting with chemicals as a child and even discovered a new double salt at just 12 years old. His destiny in chemistry was set! 🔬 Image
Dec 17, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
#SamBahadur has generated a lot of hype around Field Marshal Sam Maneckshaw but did you know that there are actually "TWO MANECKSHAWS" with distinguished service in the Indian military.

A 🧵

@IAF_MCC @adgpi @meghnagulzar @vickykaushal09 @RonnieScrewvala @sanyamalhotra07
So it all begins with Maneckshaw senior i.e Hormusji Maneckshaw.

Hormusji Maneckshaw(Sam’s father) was born in Balsar (Valsad) and became a doctor.

Incidentally, the town Balsar gives another iconic Parsi- Farrokh Balsara i.e. Freddie Mercury his surname! Image
Mar 26, 2023 47 tweets 12 min read
Spitfire Singh - a name that evokes bravery and heroism.

Join us in a thread dedicated to the inspiring story of AVM Harjinder Singh - who rose from the lowest enlisted rank to the then second-highest rank in the Indian Air Force! @IAF_MCC @adgpi @MilHistNow
@EGYDinfo “ Yours must be one of the most romantic careers of any man in any service in the world” - Air Vice Marshal Cecil Bouchier.