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Jul 8 4 tweets 3 min read
🚨Extortion and Chaos in Clinton Hill: Bottle-Throwing Incident Highlights Tensions Among African Migrants🚨

Yesterday, the normally quiet neighborhood of Clinton Hill was disrupted by a violent altercation among African migrants, leaving innocent bystanders, including children, caught in the crossfire. According to calls from concerned neighbors, bottles were hurled between individuals, creating a scene of chaos and fear.

One witness described how a mother with children in a stroller was forced to flee into a nearby pizza store to avoid being struck by the flying projectiles. "I saw kids getting hurt, and it was terrifying," she recounted. "I had to run into the store just to be safe."

Several black African migrants in the area revealed that one of the individuals who sparked the conflict has been extorting money from other black African migrants through intimidation and threats. They reported that this individual carries a machete or a very long knife, describing him as very dangerous and constantly harassing them.

The incident escalated when one of the regular black African migrants decided he had endured enough and chose to fight back, leading to dangerous bottle-throwing that endangered residents and passersby alike.

There are two reports on file for assault from this incident. The police made two arrests following the altercation. One of the individuals is not a migrant but is African, while the other is a migrant and is also African. Both were charged with Assault 2nd Degree.

I spoke with a family member of one of the migrants who was arrested. He described that his relative has a huge gash in his head from being hit with a bottle.

Community members expressed fear of walking the streets at night. They emphasized the importance of enforcing the shelter's curfew, noting that the lack of a current curfew has made elderly residents particularly afraid of getting hurt by some of the migrants. "It's important to keep the curfew in play," one resident stressed. "Without it, we don't feel safe, and the elderly are scared to walk outside."

The altercation in Clinton Hill serves as a stark reminder of the underlying tensions within the community. It highlights the urgent need for community support and intervention to prevent such incidents and to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents, whether they are migrants or long-time residents.

Despite the gravity of the situation, local authorities are not currently looking into the matter. The neighborhood hopes for a swift resolution to the conflict and a return to peace.

Film by @LeeroyPress
For licensing email Here's a quote from a black African migrant.

" Sometimes we sleep outside when we don't have access to the shelter and he comes and threatens us with a long knife. "
Jun 15 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨🚨NYPD Officer Allegedly Carjacked by Armed Migrant Gang member in Harlem

Late Friday night, an off-duty NYPD officer was allegedly carjacked at gunpoint in Harlem. The incident took place at the intersection of West 146th Street and Bradhurst Avenue, with two armed individuals reportedly identified as Venezuelan migrants, according to police sources.

The officer, despite being armed, chose not to engage the two suspects due to the high risk. The assailants, brandishing firearms, commandeered the officer's white BMW 330, and fled northbound on Bradhurst Avenue.

Using an iPad left in the stolen vehicle, authorities tracked the BMW to Broadway and West 138th Street, where it was found unoccupied. The suspects were subsequently apprehended without incident. Police recovered two firearms, one of which was a Glock modified with a fully automatic switch—a rarity in New York City and a significant cause for concern.

The suspects were identified as Jomar Crespo, 21, and Jose Rivera, 20. Both lacked identification, but one bore a tattoo linked to a Venezuelan gang, potentially the TDA gang, raising further alarms about the presence of organized criminal elements.

Senior police officials, including Chief Stephenson, Inspector Edwards, and Captain Diaz, were promptly informed and were present at the scene. The officer, assigned to the 48th Precinct, was not harmed during the incident.

The NYPD has launched a comprehensive investigation, which includes video interrogation of the suspects. The case has been escalated to the central robbery division for in-depth analysis and further action. @ICEgov
Jun 9 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨Addressing New York City's Sanctuary City Law Amidst the Migrant Crisis

New York City's Sanctuary City Law, intended to support undocumented immigrants, faces significant challenges amidst the migrant crisis. Some immigrants, particularly those in gangs, have committed serious crimes, including cold-blooded murder and even shooting NYPD cops multiple times. These incidents underscore the urgent need to address public safety concerns while upholding humanitarian principles.

While many immigrants seek refuge from violence, some gangs among them perpetrate heinous acts, such as shootings, assaults, and multiple attacks on NYPD officers. These violent actions instill fear and jeopardize community safety.

Immigrants encounter threats even within shelters, where they should find safety. The presence of dangerous individuals, who continue to pursue them, creates a pervasive atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

Certain immigrant gangs engage in organized crime, including drug trafficking and human exploitation, exacerbating community unrest and instability.

Existing laws pose challenges for law enforcement agencies in effectively addressing the activities of these dangerous immigrant gangs. Limited collaboration with other agencies impedes efforts to protect residents and prevent further harm.

Some gangs exploit New York City's laws, viewing them as loopholes to avoid consequences for their crimes. This exploitation has led to tragic incidents, including the loss of innocent lives and multiple attacks on law enforcement officers.

Mayor Eric Adams advocates for closer collaboration with immigration authorities to expedite the removal of immigrants involved in serious crimes from the city. This proactive approach aims to enhance public safety and uphold the rights of law-abiding residents.

It's important to note that the Sanctuary City Law can only be changed if the City Council votes to do so. While some members, like those in the Common Sense Caucus, support changes, all city council members would need to vote on it. This underscores the significance of public and legislative support in addressing the challenges posed by the migrant crisis.

As New York City grapples with the challenges posed by the migrant crisis, addressing the threat of dangerous immigrant gangs requires a multifaceted approach. By prioritizing collaboration between law enforcement agencies and immigration authorities, the city can mitigate risks to public safety while honoring its commitment to providing refuge for vulnerable populations.

By @LeeroyPress @NYCCouncil
May 31 6 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨I've spoken about this before.
I believe the migrant situation during elections will be the new BLM.

I've caught anarchists and the far left at multiple migrant shelters getting in the migrants' heads and offering them certain things. 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️

Today, others I spoke with, including law enforcement, also think the same.
But some need to look for something to ignite the fire and get them out in the streets.

It can either be playing Trump saying if he wins, "it would be the biggest mass deportation in history," Or something to happen between law enforcement and the migrants that will set it off.

Keep in mind that in NYC alone, we have over 200k migrants and I think it's much more .

This can be a serious problem if I'm correct on this . It is important to remember that not all migrants are dangerous. However, the gangs that have entered illegally are indeed extremely dangerous.
May 26 5 tweets 1 min read
Last night, I spoke with a police officer currently in charge of managing protests. He shared that a lot has changed since a high-ranking officer who previously oversaw protests retired. According to him, he can now arrest individuals for committing crimes during protests. Previously, under the high-ranking officer’s leadership, protesters were often allowed to get away with various criminal acts. Anarchist protesters knew this about this officer and took full advantage of this
May 5 5 tweets 3 min read
Professional agitators arrested at Columbia College campus.

Unveiling a Pattern of Disruption

Recent arrests at Columbia College campus in NYC have brought to light the activities of anarchists, revealing a concerning pattern of unlawful protest actions. These arrests, coupled with insights into the criminal histories of the individuals involved, paint a vivid picture of the challenges faced by law enforcement in maintaining public order and safety amidst growing unrest.

Among those arrested, several individuals stand out for their recurrent involvement in protest-related activities:

1. **Aidan PARISI:** A key figure in Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) encampment, PARISI's recent arrest for burglary and illegal entry adds to a history of disruptive behavior. Previously, he participated in a "Resistance 101" seminar and has faced prior legal actions related to his protest activities.

2. **Nora FAYAD aka Nora FAYAD RAUHOUSE:** FAYAD's repeated arrests, including recent summonses for protest-related actions, underscore her persistent involvement in disruptive protests. Claiming affiliation with Hamas, she poses a continued challenge to law enforcement efforts.

3. **Amelia FULLER:** Known for her participation in sleeping dragon protest tactics, FULLER's recent arrest adds to a string of previous legal actions. Her dismissal from NY Botanical Garden following statements expressing support for violent acts raises concerns about her potential for further escalation.

4. **James W. CARLSON aka Cody CARLSON aka Cody TARLOW:** CARLSON's extensive history of violent protest activities, dating back to the 2005 San Francisco G8 Protests, highlights the persistent threat posed by individuals with a track record of disruptive behavior.

5. **Jacob Isaac GABRIEL:** A recidivist with numerous protest-related arrests, GABRIEL's frequent presence at disruptive events indicates a steadfast commitment to anarchist ideologies. His involvement in high-profile disruptions, such as the Thanksgiving Day Parade, underscores the need for targeted intervention.

6. **Rudy Ralph MARTINEZ:** MARTINEZ's vocal support of Hamas and involvement in infrastructure obstruction highlight his role as a prominent agitator. With a history of protest-related arrests dating back to California, his recent actions at Columbia College underscore the persistent challenge posed by individuals with a penchant for disruption.

Jesse PAPE: PAPE's recent attendance at the “Abandon Biden” rally and sealed arrests between February and March suggest a continued engagement in unlawful protest actions. His association with extremist sentiments, as evidenced by his appearance on the Instagram account @jewhatedb, further underscores the concerns surrounding his activities.

The recent arrests at Columbia College campus underscore the need for proactive measures to address the root causes of disruptive behavior. As law enforcement agencies grapple with the complexities of maintaining public safety in the face of growing unrest, understanding the criminal histories and motivations of those involved is crucial for effective management and resolution.

By @LeeroyPress
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May 1 8 tweets 2 min read
Here's a leaked Zoom call between Lisa Fithian and someone . Looks like this was before the j6 capital riot.
I and other reporters have Positively Identified multiple anarchists at the J6 capital riot and some were dressed like Trump supporters.
Yesterday Lisa was caught on multiple cameras looking like she was organizing the collage protests . Here proof that anarchists were at the J6 capital riot dressed like Trump supporters. Here talia again right in the middle of it , most likely pushing propaganda for her anarchist friends.

Apr 24 8 tweets 3 min read
The West village NYC.
While I was trying to film a pro Palestinian protests one of the members of the NYC anarchist crew got in my face and was blocking my shot.

Now you get to see his face .
🎥 @LeeroyPress
For licensing email Just like the @NYCMayor @NYPDChiefPatrol and @NYPDDaughtry said. These anarchists are posing at college students . This is not organic.
Apr 22 4 tweets 2 min read
Colombia Campus College NYC.

Here's proof that anarchist groups have taken over the college campus.

These are not college students. These are professional protesters who love to cause division and take advantage of any conflict .

It's the same faces over and over again .

Press that's on campus was told not to film faces of anyone there .

(Send in by a source) Even the NYC Mayor Eric Adams called it out . And he has a hell of a lot more ways to find things out than me . Image
Apr 19 4 tweets 2 min read
Someone just set themselves on fire at collected pond park in downtown Manhattan NY
Filmed by @LeeroyPress
For licensing email NYPD officers found this sign where the person set fire to themselves. Unclear if it was the person sign. Other leaflets were found all over the floor. I believe the victim was throwing them around when they were set fire to themselves. Image
Mar 31 5 tweets 1 min read
Saint Patrick's Cathedral NYC
Pro Palestinians and Pro hamas protesters disrupt Easter services at the church. 3 protesters were arrested.
🎥 @LeeroyPress follow @ViralNewsNYC
For licensing email @elonmusk these people have crossed the line over and over .
Feb 27 5 tweets 2 min read
Canarsie Brooklyn NY
During a Town Hall Meeting the @NYCMayor states that NYC needs to modify the Sanctuary city law so if some migrants who commit felonies should be tuned over to ICE and be deported.
🎥 @LeeroyPress
For licensing email Canarsie Brooklyn NY
During a town hall meeting, the @NYCMayor explains that by law, he has to house the migrants and due to federal law, he can't turn the busses or planes around. He also states him and his team did the job better than any state or city.
Filmed by @LeeroyPress
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Jan 29 4 tweets 2 min read
Earlier today @QueensDAKatz along with the @ATFNewYork and @NYPDPC, made a huge bust that was connected to 2 anarchists. They found guns , bombs, a hit list, and anarchist literature. I remember anarchist literature passed around at protests and ralllies. I also remember literature being passed around outside the Watson hotel when anarchist groups put migrants lives in danger to push a selfish anti government agenda. Some of these anarchists play like they are innocent but they are far from innocent and the bad part is some far left politicians back them . Multiple anarchists were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism. Some of those who were connected to anarchist groups here in NYC. Some of those same anarchist groups here in NYC were raising money for the stop cop city group…
Dec 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
DC looks like they are supporting open borders but doesn't want to fund or help anyone who's dealing with their plan .
Texas is getting hit the hardest due to the influx of migrants.
The Texas Governor has tried to stop it but has been sued .
Texas is now sending migrants to other states and states it will continue sending migrants until the borders are controlled or closed.
Catholic charities have been sending a majority of the migrants across the country and are being funded by federal taxes .
NYC has been hit the second hardest by the migrant crisis and can't afford to take care of the migrants.
NYC has tried to stop certain laws but have been sued as well .
NYC has been begging the feds for help to deal with the DC crisis, but no help has a came .
A coalition of 10 different city and state officials have been formed to call on DC to help.
I was told the migrant crisis will only end during presidential elections . This is pretty much the migrant crisis in a nutshell lol
Nov 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
East Village NYC
100s of migrants wait in the freezing cold to either get plane tickets or to be re sheltered. Some stated they have been out here for two days .
The City of NY can't handle this migrant crisis, and city officials have been stating for months that it's unsustainable
🎥 by @LeeroyPress
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#update. I was told the city is offering then a place to stay at night, but some migrants have chosen to stay and wait on line so they won't lose their stop
Nov 25, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Earlier today, @shaunking posted a misleading video of fatima amarneh , editing out the part of her stabbing an IDF soldier. Trying to make it look like she did nothing wrong before her arrest. the video racked up over 3 million views.
Today, fatima was released by Israel as part of the hostages deal .
I'll post his video below.
This is what he posted on his page

Nov 21, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Lincoln High School Brooklyn NY
A lady asks the mayor a budget cut in NYC, and the mayor brings up the cost of the migrant crisis and states
" Dc has abandoned us. They need to be paying cost to this national problem,"
and asked for everyone to raise their voices at DC

🎥 by @LeeroyPress
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#migrantcrisis #NYC #FJB
Lincoln High School Brooklyn NY
The NYC Mayor Eric Adams touches based on the school safety agents issue. He stated he didn't day day, and he would get rid of them. But he did say NYC needs help, and people need to chip in as a whole to save the city from the migrant crisis.
🎥 by @LeeroyPress
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Nov 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Manhattan NYC migrant crisis
100s of migrants sleep outside in the cold, stacked on top of each other using cardboard boxes to shield them from the cold. Soon, the weather will get much colder .
African migrants stated they wanted to work, and they needed working papers to do so.
Chinese migrants state they sit round all day long with nothing to do .
NYC officials have been stating for months that the migrant crisis is unsustainable without aid from the federal and state government.
🎥 by @LeeroyPress
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Btw this footage was taken at 1am. last night. it's in front of the courthouse. Some have been out there since 7 pm , and the court opens at 7 am 🙄
Oct 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
City Hall NYC
During a press conference, a reporter asks the NYC Mayor Eric Adams about migrants sleeping on the streets. He states that the city council passed a law to make it legal in the streets and its out of his power to fix
" Someone can sleep in front of your right now , and there is nothing we can do about it."
🎥 by @LeeroyPress
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City Hall NYC.
During a briefing, the mayor stated that due to city council migrants can legally sleep on the streets
" the Police can't stop you. Eric can't stop you. No one can stop you."
🎥 by @LeeroyPress
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Oct 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
NYPD used drones for arrests in pro-Palestine protests in NYC
We got the whole thing on video,” Assistant Commissioner Kaz Daughtry said of pro-Palestinian protesters in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, who clashed with cops, throwing bottles, fireworks, and eggs at them on Oct. 21. “We’ll be turning that evidence over to the Brooklyn DA’s office to help enhance the arrests.”

Image Here's a look at the NYPD drones
Oct 4, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
While I was at the Roosevelt hotel migrant processing center. I spoke with a migrants who just arrived in NYC by plane. He told me he came from California, and the Salvation Army paid him and his migrants friends to come to NYC .
Here's one of the groups who are sending migrants besides Governor Abbott.
Image Here's more paperwork the migrant received from the Salvation Army. Looks like they played a part in finding him shelter and courts Image