Virali Modi Profile picture
Queen of Nights, Slayer of Beds, Joker of Disability Jokes, and Roller of Wheels. Motivational Speaker, TEDx Speaker, Disability Rights Activist, Model.
Oct 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

I am disabled and I got married at the Registrars Office at Khar Mumbai on 16/10/23. The office was on the 2nd floor WITHOUT a lift. They wouldn’t come downstairs for the signatures and I had to be carried up two flights of stairs to get married.
The stairs were extremely steep and the railings were loose and rusty. No one even offered to help nor did they make any kind of accommodations for me, even though I had informed my agent of my disability prior to the appointment.
Oct 3, 2022 20 tweets 11 min read
TW: Sexual Harassment

This person posted an ad on Instagram for a casting call regarding a modelling gig for a big brand. He said I was pretty but he wasn’t looking for someone on a wheelchair for that specific modelling gig but he would keep me in mind for future projects. A couple of months later, he posted again for another project. I messaged him again, just to remind him of me. He then proceeds to tell me that if it wasn’t for my condition, he’d be horny for me. To be honest, I was taken aback by his disgusting message and I told him off.
Dec 3, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Today is World Disability Day and I wanted to drop some truth bombs. What you see depicted in this picture here is the bitter truth of our country. Despite having a campaign by the government that’s geared towards accessibility, our country is inaccessible for those with disabilities. According to the consensus of 2011, 5-6% of India’s population has some form of disability.
Aug 8, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Two years ago my life took a 180 degree turn. My hero was diagnosed with gastric cancer in the US. I was with her and dad in the states and I took the extremely difficult decision of moving back to Mumbai, to live alone.

Imagine this: A disabled woman, living alone in Mumbai for the first time, with no help. It was psychotic and I don’t know where I got the strength.
May 27, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: #RIPPrekshaMehta

Preksha was only 25, an actress, and severely depressed, let that sink in.

The heartbreaking suicide of Preksha Mehta is proof that not everyone can understand the pain behind a smile. We need to talk about mental health more. A smile can be misleading, just because someone seems to have their life together, is seldom the case. No matter how lavish someone’s life may seem on social/mainstream media, there’s more than what meets the eye!