Vlad Zamfir Profile picture
Absurdist, Gengar trainer, Karen theorist, troll.
Mar 8, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
The problem with stateless ethereum is that it weakens and threatens the separation between dapp development, hosting, and use Will users host and provide up to date state? Will application developers? It isn’t clear — but what is clear is that for some state in some cases that it won’t be hosted by block producers
Mar 30, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
It's not failing, it was never set up to deal with changes that are driven by non-technical considerations, and people have regrettably been trying to use a system for tech changes to make non-technically motivated decisions We need to do serious foundational work in blockchain governance, law and politics, before this will be tractable
Mar 15, 2019 12 tweets 26 min read
@VitalikButerin @technocrypto @iamDCinvestor @MuteDialog @elliot_olds @TraderWader @CleanApp @ameensol @SelectaCrypto @MPtherealMVP I think that the problem with your stance here is that it tries to put me in a position where I have an obligation to propose something @VitalikButerin @technocrypto @iamDCinvestor @MuteDialog @elliot_olds @TraderWader @CleanApp @ameensol @SelectaCrypto @MPtherealMVP But proposal is a super powerful thing, it can't be my responsibility, and if I made it my responsibility and somehow came up with the same proposal that we would come up with working together in public, it wouldn't be as legitimate and it'd be much easier to attack politically
Mar 24, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
We should replace the whole question of "when does a token go from being a security to being a commodity?" with "is this token being bought/sold as a security or as a commodity?" for every individual sale/purchase basis And then we can look at the volume of sales of tokens that are sold as securities vs as commodities, if we think that it's meaningful to ask whether the token itself (as opposed to how it is used) is a commodity or a security
Dec 17, 2017 10 tweets 3 min read
I think this is a fundamental tradeoff in fault tolerant consensus protocols. (Thread!) Consensus protocols that only create finalized blocks have low latency and parametrizations in the purple area below (though their overheads for any different node counts may vary).

E.g. Tendermint, HoneyBadger BFT, Dfinity, pbft