Bees - Aspiring Gnome Profile picture
Jennie (she/her) 🐝 Painting minis, reading books and drinking tea. 🐝 Header paintovers of my models by @ArtistsEmpire
Jun 3, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
Games Workshop released information on a new series of books today for Warhammer Crime. Usually I love everything GW do, and I'm looking forward to these books, but I think the timing of their release was bad and I wanted to talk a little about why.

1/15 There are currently protests going on over the murder of a black man named George Floyd at the hands of a white policeman and the racism entrenched in American policing. GW decided today to promote stories about policemen.

Dec 16, 2018 16 tweets 5 min read
My guide to painting black armour in 6 easy steps.

#warmongers #warhammer40k

Mostly drybrushing and shading (no edge highlighting!)

Note: This is using Citadel paints. I primed the model black using a spray can of Chaos Black but I forgot to take a picture of that. Step 1: Base coat all the areas you want black with Eshin Grey.

Keep the paint thin and do two or three coats. Use a big enough brush to keep the paint smooth. For a model this size I use a small or medium base brush.