Unburdened, Unbroken, Unbowed Vox Profile picture
'I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right.' (He/Him/His.) Lawyer, #AppellateTwitter, Opera lover, Nipponophile, Democrat. My views are mine and mine alone.
Sep 9, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
The irony is that she's fulfilling exactly the role that she's supposed to: being the human face of the British nation.

The main issue is that a lot of people really hate the British, so naturally all that antipathy would be directed her way.

That's the responsibility. Even if it's not her fault--and it's not--it's the role she was born into. It kinda sucks, tbh, but I suppose the massive wealth helps assuage that a bit (at least, so I imagine).
Sep 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Right on the money. The very least that courts can do is treat similarly situated parties alike. Aileen Cannon won't even do that much. Last year, I litigated an appeal in which the Commonwealth challenged the allowance of a motion to suppress. I lost that case. But the most infuriating thing about it was seeing them get treated as an appellant with the kind of kid-gloves treatment I can't even dream of.
Dec 3, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Won of my colleagues whom I helped moot a couple months ago just won her appeal against the Housing Authority! #AppellateTwitter I'm so happy for her! Young lawyer, first Appeals Court argument (I think). Just awesome all around!
Dec 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I think the reality a lot of people who do what I do are loath to acknowledge is that most of the cases we have to take up on appeal are really weak, given which side of the v. we're on.

It's not our fault, but it's still our responsibility and it sucks. I get all that.

What I don't get is letting those feelings fester into resentment towards the judges, which is something I see way too often.