Anna Jordan Profile picture
Writer. TV: #OneDayNetflix, Succession, Killing Eve & Becoming Elizabeth. Plays: Yen, Pop Music, The Unreturning, Freak. Director & teacher. She / Her.
Apr 30, 2021 40 tweets 13 min read
Being going through a tough time of late & work, like everything, has been so hard. There are a few tricks & tools I've held onto for dear life which have helped get me through & now I'm (hopefully) coming out the other side I thought I'd share them #WritersSurvivalTips... #WritersSurvivalTips 1. Here's an easy one. At the end of the working day (working hour? 20mins) I've learnt to leave myself a clear task to start the next session. Might be a warm-up exercise, dialogue exchange, a stack of index cards to do some beats or a timeline.... Image