Wales-Women’s Rights Network 💜🤍💚🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Profile picture
Grassroots group protecting the rights of Women and Girls. Adult Human Females - sex not gender. Part of the Women’s Rights Network
Mar 1 5 tweets 3 min read
WRN Wales teamed up with @women_outspoken today in a joint action outside Mumbles Yacht Club @mumblesyc to draw attention to their dreadful policy of allowing men to use the female showers, changing rooms and toilets.

1/5 Image Cathy and Dee explain more here 👇.

@mumblesyc have not bothered to consult with, or consider their members.
They expect women and girls to sacrifice their privacy and dignity to accommodate the wishes of a man to be in female spaces.

Nov 21, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
@WelshGovernment have released their voluntary Diversity & Inclusion guidance for political parties.
The consultation closes on 7th January 2025.

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Draft diversity and inclusion guidance for registered political parties [HTML] | GOV.WALES The guidance is split into three parts for political parties:
1. Publication of a strategy
2. Collection of data
3. Quotas for women candidates
For obvious reasons, we are particularly interested in Part 3.

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Sep 27, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
We’re pleased to UPDATE on our below interaction with @WalesOnline.

After a further complaint about inaccuracy, BOTH articles have been corrected, meaning that we don’t have to take this to IPSO.

It’s worth digging in . Accuracy matters in journalism. As does fairness.
1/5 After an email to the political editor, then the editor (no response) we made our complaint about inaccuracy.
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Sep 21, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Is @WalesOnline an impartial and accurate news source?

On 18/9 they published this story, which is both factually inaccurate and biased.
We contacted both the reporter and the editor to offer balance and to correct the inaccuracies.
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1/8 The article reports on the response of several groups, who were all keen to see the ‘Gender Quotas’ Bill become law in Wales.

Their views are reported uncritically, along with their disappointment with Welsh Government at the scrapping of the Bill.
Sep 19, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
It’s a mystery why @RhysOwenThomas MS has proposed a specific set of amendments to the ‘Gender Quotas’ Bill as potential ‘corrupt practices’.

This of course is the very Bill that would have sneaked in self ID to Wales.

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1/4 Image The Bill is recommended for withdrawal, but will be debated and voted on next week at the Senedd.

The proposed amendments appear to us to suggest that anyone challenging a statement that a candidate is a ‘woman’ could be criminally liable.

Sep 16, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Self ID in Wales has been defeated (for now anyway).

The scrapping of the ‘Gender Quotas Bill’ concludes what has been an embarrassing and shoddy episode in the history of the Welsh Senedd. And a scandalously wasteful one too.
A 🧵
1/9… Those who have been following this Bill will know that WRN Wales leaked an earlier version.

This version made it very clear that the definition of ‘woman’ for the purpose of the Bill, would include men. And that it could not be challenged.

Jul 16, 2024 35 tweets 6 min read
We don’t know if ANYONE is left at the #Senedd today, but we are here at least!

We’ll be listening to the debate on the Electoral Candidates Lists Bill.
Will Members support or reject it?
Either way, it’s looking like being kicked into the long grass to 2030.
🧵 Our letter following the release of the report of the Reform Bill Committee.
Jul 1, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
When it comes to women's sex-based rights, most other MPs and candidates have either dodged or denounced the issue.
This man hasn't. He's stood up for women across Wales and been fearless.
We are very grateful for @DavidTCDavies. We hope he is re-elected.
1/3 Image He's been speaking up for years about gender ideology and women's rights, and has met with concerned groups, listening carefully.
When others have lacked courage to speak out, or been prepared to redefine women to include men, @DavidTCDavies has shown sense and integrity.


May 2, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
The Electoral Candidates Bill 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿- an update.

In the latest evidence session of the Reform Bill committee, @WelshGovernment Minister Jane Hutt was asked by @DarrenMillarMS to provide a definition of woman.
Didn't, wouldn't, couldn't.
Why is this such a difficult question?
1/5 It's not hard to pinpoint the reason for Ms Hutt's difficulty.
The @WelshGovernment's ACTUAL position can't be openly connected with the Bill.
It's repeated ad nauseum in the #Senedd, and in policy documents such as their LGBTQ+ action plan below. 👇

May 2, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday, the #Senedd debated the #CassReport. After weeks of @LauraJ4SWEast asking @welshgovernment to issue a supportive statement, and the answer constantly being that the Report was being ‘reviewed’, @DarrenMillarMS forced a debate.
So what did we learn?
Some rationality was evident within @Welsh Government, notably from @ElunedMorgan @WGHealthandCare, who welcomed the Report’s findings.
@rhianonpassmore made a strong contribution, warning against cancellation and ‘articles of faith’ being relied upon rather than evidence.
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Mar 23, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
The Welsh Government wants to force through a system of self ID on electoral lists in a new Bill.
Please respond to this consultation by 12th April. 👇
You can complete this whether you are in Wales or not.
Bin this Bill!
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1/6 The Bill outlines that you will state whether you are a 'woman' or 'not a woman' via a 'gender statement'.
The attached impact assessment, along with other documentation, makes it very clear that this will be on a self ID basis.
Mar 22, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

When @Plaid_Cymru’s values lead them to cancel a worldwide feminist group @FiLiA_charity’s stall at conference, what are their ‘values’ actually worth?
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Image Values.
By way of reminder, this is the @Plaid_Cymru STILL embroiled in a misogyny and sexual harassment scandal.
Who don’t want women who defend other women at their conference.
As these women don’t prioritise men’s feelings.

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Mar 11, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING NEWS - @WelshGovernment learnt NOTHING from their failed Gender Quotas Bill that attempted to introduce self ID for electoral lists.
Today, they published a new Bill that AGAIN continues their foolish mission to introduce self ID in Wales.

The Senedd Cymru (Electoral Candidates Lists) Bill was published today.
It claims to ensure at least 50% of candidates are 'women'.
It's a deception acted out by a gender ideology obsessed @WelshGovernment.
Shame on you @JaneHutt. Shame on you all.
Jan 17, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Stonewall have released their latest company accounts. What have we learnt?
Well they are doing very nicely out of our small country of Wales

Image The amount @WelshGovernment gave (on our behalf) has reduced - to £100,000.
You may consider this a good investment - or a total waste of money in these cash strapped times. You’re paying, after all.
What do Stonewall provide in return? Well, they seem to ‘advise’ a lot.
Oct 29, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Welsh Govt will thumb their noses at UK Govt and introduce legislation in the new year to –

🚨Redefine ‘woman’ to include males
🚨Alter the definition of ‘woman’ at any time
🚨Squash any ability to challenge a self ID declaration

1/ They are introducing a ‘#GenderQuotasBill’ in the new year that claims to increase the number of women in the Senedd.

It’s a means to introduce self ID in law.
In the corridors of power, this is openly acknowledged & it may increase MALE representation
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Jul 24, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Q. When is a ‘single-sex ward’ not a single-sex ward?

A. When a Welsh health board like @HywelDdaHB are involved and have been 'Stonewalled'

Women of Wales – when you are at your most vulnerable in hospital, you are being gaslit

A 🧵1/9… The Hywel Dda Chief Executive was very keen to respond to our letter about the shocking WRN report

To reassure us that the Health Board were all over this

As part of that response, he was keen to emphasise their single-sex ward provision

Apr 13, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
Part 3
The words of @JaneHutt Minister for Social Partnerships @WelshGovernment

‘I regularly engage with stakeholders across Wales - individuals and organisations - and will continue to listen to their concerns and lived experiences’

You don’t listen to ours

1/6 Image It’s breathtakingly arrogant how our dear leaders claim to be listening to us

While simultaneously ignoring what we say and refusing to meet or answer our questions

They are unable to countenance any critical of their plan- blindly repeating the mantra

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Apr 13, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Part 2
The words of @JaneHutt Minister of Social Justice in @WelshGovernment

‘In respect of trans-inclusion limiting access to women's safe spaces, there is a lack of evidence around the actual experienced impacts of trans inclusion in services’

Hello? Seriously?

1/5 Image This line is trotted out to the women of Wales in various letters to defend their LGBTQ+ and self ID

To tell us to go away, nothing to see here, be quiet, we know best

In light of Isla Bryson - do you still stand by your statement @JaneHutt?

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Apr 13, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
The gender-addled ideologues at @WelshGovernment and their LGBTQ+ action plan


Likely. Not definitely. Likely

Let that sink in

1/4 Image These are the words of @JaneHutt the Minister for Social Justice in @WelshGovernment in a letter to two of our members

Imagine any other group being told that their rights will ‘likely’ not be eroded

Would they dare to be so casual and flippant?

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Mar 25, 2023 7 tweets 10 min read
In Wales @WelshGovernment ignore the voices of concerned women & plough on, intent on destroying our sex-based rights

But Welsh women will not be subdued, dismissed or ignored any longer

Hello Mr Drakeford @PrifWeinidog


#WelshWomenWontWheesht Women representing several concerned grassroots groups took their concerns in a silent protest directly to our First Minister today


Mar 24, 2023 14 tweets 14 min read
Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation?

You might as well take the LGB out of that right now on this showing @WelshGovernment

A shocking bin-fire of a meeting

@UKLabour @Keir_Starmer no wonder women can’t trust you


A 🧵 It may have helped if the host from @LGBTLabour had actually asked questions from those attending

Did you know questions were rapidly being deleted from the chat bar @hannahblythyn?

Did you know that lesbians were being silenced?