WOPR now with 128K Profile picture
Upgraded to PC DOS 3.3 and 2400 baud. Tic-Tac-Toe Grand Champion. Designed to kill commies. I still know the launch codes.
Aug 26, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read
Huge 🧵. It’s only been a couple of years but people seem to forget what the country was like at the time of PPP. I had a manufacturing biz in NC. The governor shut down the state on a Friday (I think) for all non-essential businesses. Remember 2 weeks to bend the curve? 1/ Over that weekend, I spent a lot of time trying to determine if we were “essential”. Based off research from similar manufacturers, we believed we were. So Monday morning rolls around & we had a plant wide meeting. I laid out our case to the employees. 2/
Aug 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Why doesn't anyone ask why college is so expensive? My dad went to college in the late 60s and his family was able to put him through debt free. His father read meters for the gas company & his mom was a housewife. A meter reader could send his son to college for 4 years. 1/ I know the obvious answer is that there was an increase in demand. And as more people got degrees, demand continued to rise because it was the best credentialing method we had. But in 2022 there are many ways for people to be credentialed without going $200k in debt. 2/
Feb 1, 2019 16 tweets 4 min read
This whole billionaire vs toilet cleaner comparison is just stupid. Sure, there are some trust fund ppl that have never worked a day in their life. But most of the wealthy that I know have flat out busted their ass. So, here's my experience with 2 different kinds of hard work. 1/ When I was 15 (in 1987), I took a job as a bag boy at Kroger. Of course the job was more than bagging groceries. It was basically doing whatever shit the manager foisted on me. Part of my responsibilities was cleaning the in-house bathrooms--used by over 100 people a day. 2/