Mattias Wåhlén 🇪🇺🇺🇦🇨🇦 Profile picture
Threat Intelligence Expert @Truesec
Feb 28 5 tweets 1 min read
According to several sources the US Secretary of Defense has ordered US Cyber Command to cease all planning for offensive cyber actions agsinst Russia.

Here is thread to explain what that means. /1… Cyber warfare and wartime destruktive cyber attacks requires a lot of preparation. Ideally you want to have backdoors installed on your adversaries networks in peacetime, so you can strike at a moments notice, if needed. /2
Aug 1, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
Russia and USA appears to have agreed to a prison exchange. USA gets several Western and Russian journalists arrested for various spy charges. Russia gets home... cybercriminals!

A thread /1 Who are these guys that Russia wants back so badly? Well, let's have look at the list:

Two of the men are harldy "cybercriminals". They were arrested for being involved in various schemes to import Western electronics to Russia. /2
May 6, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
From the start, when Anonymous Sudan emerged, I have suspected that this was a group created by Russia to create anti-Swedish sentiment in Turkey by exploiting extremists that have burned the Quran in Sweden.
🧵/1 To sum it up; the name Anonymous Sudan first appeared at the same time as an extremist started to use free speech legislation to publicly burn Qurans in Sweden, even directly outside the embassy of Turkey. /2
Dec 8, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
I would argue that the most significant event in cybersecurity in 2023 was the attack on two casinos in Nevada by the threat actor known as Octo Tempest and in this thread I will explain why.
🧵 /1 Octo Tempest, also known as Star Fraud or Scattered Spider is a group of hackers that highly likely consists of young men, from USA and possibly UK. They belong to an online community simply called “Comm”. /2
Jul 31, 2023 27 tweets 4 min read
I have on several occasions argued that cybersecurity professionals need to be better at explaining cyber threats to C levels. One way to do that is to describe the cybercriminals’ business model.

A thread 🧵 /1 Cybercriminals’ business model may seem esoteric for the average cybersecurity professional, but that is closer to the language of a CFO and if you don’t have the CFO on your side, necessary cybersecurity will not happen. /2
Oct 10, 2022 43 tweets 17 min read
This is a long thread on Russian cyber war in Ukraine, in which I will try to explain cyber war and comment on the Russian cyber war in Ukraine. /1 For those who don’t know me or what credentials I have. I am a civilian threat intelligence expert at @truesec, but I have previously worked 35 years in intelligence, mostly in Sigint. /2