How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App whole thing comes out of a secret Lessons Learned Review written by Paula Vennells and presented to the various Church authorities in 2020 (!! 👀 !!). This was a consequence of a failed Church Buildings Review where the various church bodies could not find consensus. highlights? the paper doesn’t call for Ukraine to surrender its territory for peace, the paper overall is one I couldn’t actually endorse. There are serious flaws in it, which I’d like briefly to flag up, and some aspects which are worrying for their absence. 🧵’s telling that he didn’t bother trying to justify the invasion with a false flag exercise, he just launched a state on state war with no justification under the UN Charter. know how we all want people to be more engaged in their local churches, and @MirandaTHolmes is so often wonderful on this & on our concern for those marginalised from the church, but making the church into a private members club is the way to crash this. pursue the policy they have adopted they have simultaneously to reassure the first that it’s not so bad that the economy must be permanently crippled and the latter that it is bad enough to justify unprecedented restrictions in liberty, even including in wartime.