Christopher Walker Profile picture
Vice President, Studies & Analysis @NEDemocracy, on democracy, media freedom. Opinions expressed are my own.
Mar 28, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
In conjunction with the 2nd Summit for Democracy, @ThinkDemocracy @NEDemocracy is releasing several issue briefs on defining issues for democracy that are global and pervasive, and exerting impact locally around the world… Autocratic regimes have proven adept at exploiting transnational flows of money, information & technological know-how to their advantage. Open societies must respond by adapting and cultivating new forms of collaboration, knowledge-sharing and innovation…
Jul 19, 2018 11 tweets 3 min read
Understanding 'sharp power,' an approach to international affairs that involves efforts at censorship, or the use of manipulation to sap the integrity of independent institutions - my essay in @JoDemocracy As is stated in the December 2017 report by @NEDemocracy @ThinkDemocracy, it is called “sharp” because it seeks to “pierce, penetrate, or perforate” the political and information environments of targeted countries