Hadrian's Wall Community Archaeology Project Profile picture
We are @heritagelottery funded @ArchaeologyNCL project to encourage and enable #community involvement in the management of Hadrian's Wall WHS
Feb 25, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Another week, another #RomanFortThursday & today we are checking out Uxelodunum, aka Petriana, aka Stanwix fort. This was the largest fort on Hadrian’s Wall & it now lies under Stanwix, Carlisle. Aerial photograph of the suburb of Stanwix, Carlisle overlai The fort of many names is likely a bit of a writing error. Petrianis was listed in the Notitia Dignitatum, but is actually the name of the fort’s cohort & Uxelodunum, the actual name of the fort, is the Latinised Celtic placename meaning ‘High Fort’.