Wallace Noll Profile picture
I am American. I wish we had pro-American anti-war politicians, I'd vote for them. Our leadership is corrupt and evil, the disease encompasses both parties.
Jan 22, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
Hank Aaron was trying to prove the vaccine was safe. He died 2 weeks after taking it.
wkrg.com/sports/basebal… the vaccines are completely untested for elderly people. Good reason for that the side-effects are horrific, on a different scale, than other vaccines & the goal was to get it quickly approved.
Oct 15, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
@alessabocchi Senator Warren's comments did not indicate that she is ashamed of being 'white'; they indicate that she's aware of her American heritage; it is no surprise that she's got native heritage, it is what you expect of people whose families were in Massachusetts in 1700; @alessabocchi the colony government of Massachusetts tried to eradicate the natives beginning by 1645; they were largely successful; the only Indians who survived actually mixed with the white population; these events were very traumatic; Warren is only recognizing them;
Apr 20, 2018 18 tweets 5 min read
China is running circles around USA in terms of economic development and building prosperity for their people; China has a superior monetary system, they create new money & manage their money supply in a superior manner; they use public banking like the original pre-1765 13 American colonies did;