Other_Walls Profile picture
Rock drummer, #1 NYTimes author, Film Maker
Angie Blackburn 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Profile picture Kim Profile picture 2 subscribed
Dec 10, 2022 44 tweets 8 min read
1) Why "Die Hard" is an awesome movie.

2) Almost everyone loves "Die Hard," a John McTiernan film from 1988 starring Bruce Willis and Alan Richman. But what made it so great?

3) The movie opens with NY cop John McClain (Willis) landing in LA. He is anxious.
His seatmate . . . 3) contd . . . asks him if flying bothers him & then shows him a trick to decrease the stress--taking off your shoes & socks and "Making fists with your toes." It turns out as in all great moviemaking this plays a key role in the plot.

4) The man then notices something you . . .
Dec 7, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
1) This is hard to write, but historically it appears the GOP is at the same point as the DemoKKKRats in the 1890s or the Republicans in 1912, and neither turned out well.

2) In the 1890s the DemoKKKrats had to choose between racism/continuing to fight the Civil War . . . 2) contd . . . and the emerging domestic populism, which consisted of no foreign wars, regulations on Big Bidness, and inflation. This pitted the Grover Cleveland DemoKKKrats (he was the last good DemoKKKrat) v the William Jennings Bryan wing.

Bryan won the party lost the war.
Dec 2, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
1) Getting a lot of post mortems. One I just looked at said abortion was an issue, but the biggest problem was that with early voting, 41% of Ds & a lot of Is made up their minds early in the process. 48% of ALL said "woke" culture is a problem.

BUT . . . 2) Very concerning, Social Security was in the top 4 issues for indies.

3) It is clear that DemoKKKrats actually sold that SS was under attack. Rs either did not respond or responded way too late.

(WPA Intelligence Poll)
Dec 1, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
1) I will try, one more time, to lay this out and then Ima gonna give up.

2) We don't know a lot for sure about the 2020 election. We know it was steeped in fraud, throughout.

3) Rutabaga didn't get 81m votes. We can be pretty sure Trump got at least 74m, but don't know . . . 3) contd . . . how many more he got. Consider that with ballot harvesting, not only were Biteme votes being arbitrarily added, but we have more than a few reports of Trump votes being destroyed.

4) None of the elites, no one in the GOP really wants to get to the bottom of this
Nov 26, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1) Let me clear up some of the absolute lies about the Fuentes Mar-a-Lago dinner.

2) I have held a secret military clearance.

3) I have spent over an hour and a half in the Oval Office speaking with President Bush.

4) I have been security cleared on another occasion for W. 5) On such visits/dinners, whatever, the President quite often has no idea who is "out there." His aides set up an event. "Mr. President, at 3:00 you'll meet with the Poughkeepsie Children's choir, who will sing a song. A 6:00 you have a dinner with the Boisie CoC."
Nov 15, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
1) @barnes_law and the Trump voter.
Digging into the data from the 2022 election reveals what Richard Baris, The People’s Pundit, polls revealed: a group of independent, working-class, northern voters only interested in voting for Trump. @barnes_law 2) Trump ran ahead, often way ahead, of Republican candidates in these swing states in 2022 polling.
3) These voters derive from two separate camps: first, ex-GOP voters in rural areas and small towns who left the party after the twin debacles of the Bush Sr. & Jr. presidencies;
Nov 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1) So far, DeSantis has cleverly said nothing in all of this. Some of you may think this is smart, that he is "staying above the fray."

We can see the slithering little creatures in the background trying to align all these pols behind DeSantis. Donalds is just the latest. 2) DeSantis could have put a stop to all this junk and stopped the "civil war" a week ago by announcing his total support for Trump 24 and telling his acolytes to lay off.

3) This is a poor choice on his part. He will find himself like a minor kingdome between . . .
Nov 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1) Folks this was inevitable. Trump fired a shot across DeSantis's bow. For four or five months RDS has allowed/encouraged his supporters to wage a "Trump's so yesterday" kind of campaign on Twit, on talk shows, and in social media. 2) No, RDS himself has not said anything but his minions were absolutely doing his bidding with his blessing.

3) We all wish it wouldn't happen. I don't think RDS should be veep cuz he's too good at gov and I want him for Pres after Trump. BUT . . .
Oct 26, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
1) A few life realities as of today:
Republicans nationally are around +6 to +8 but it's trending toward 8
2) ALL DemoKKKrats, despite what they say, know a bloodbath is coming.
3) This will be all down the line from county commissioners to dog catchers. 4) The flip of state houses and governorships will have massive implications for rolling back the Deep State, election integrity, and abortion.
5) McCarthy and Yertle WILL be in so-called "leadership."
6) They ain't gonna be leading anything. All leadership will be carried . . .
Oct 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1) Saw "Black Adam." Based on early reviews I trust, such as "Yellowflash" and "Critical Drinker," I was prepared for it to be ok.

2) I thought it was excellent. The "Justice Society," one of my childhood favorites, had a major role in the story, basically throughout. 3) Very good fight scenes. Black Adam is willing to, er, off bad guys. This made the movie a little different. Some good humor and the Rock is charming as always in his understated way.

4) Pierce Brosnan excellent as Dr. Fate.
Oct 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1) Richard Baris on "Inside the Numbers": Model has moved from R+10 in Jan. to R+2 before Labor Day and now back to R+5 or 6. This is a "wipeout."

2) Particularly so because he is finding that the "independents" are not independent at all but disappointed Ds who . . . 2) contd . . . don't want to be associated with the D party. This is VERY BAD FOR TURNOUT. It may jimmy the numbers in races by showing more indies, but it's an illusion.

3) On abortion: 1/3 of all DemoKKKrats have this as their top issue. Among indies, it's way down the list
Oct 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1) Good question. According to @barnes_law and Mike Davis of the Article3Project, the Court won't get involved in the Special Master appeal because it's a "bad vehicle."

2) Instead, "this will get resolved" with the Supreme Court in "one of two ways." First is a Rule 41 G . . . @barnes_law 2) contd . . . Motion (comes after the Special Master goes through the 30k docs) which will go through Judge Cannon in FL.

3) The second is if Biteme indicts Trump over the Records Act, it will go to Supes right away.

4) If there is no crime being investigated, no one . . .
Sep 24, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1) This is a great question and an even greater story.

What happened was Ike had a heart attack.

2) In 1955, President Dwight Eisenhower was golfing in CO when he had a heart attack.

3) Doctors put the blame on high cholesterol. 4) This was critical because nutritionist Ansel Keys had been pushing low-cholesterol heart treatment for a while.

5) Keys managed to get a couple of his pals on the board of the American Heart Association, and together they began to push a "war on meat/protein/fat."
Sep 24, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
1) Several polls now have the Rutabaga stabilized at about 40%.

2) While I don't think that's even remotely true---I think he's back in the mid-30s at best---it's clear the word has gone out.

3) Why?

4) Moreover, he has been out in public much more? Why? 5) I think inside Moloch's cauldrons of power, a decision was reached about a month ago. Kampuchea Harris is utterly unacceptable. At the same time, Biteme seems to be getting away with his Hate Crusade. At least legally, Grand Moff Garland hasn't toned down a whit.
Sep 19, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1) A couple of notes on why MAGA is different from the Tea Party.

2) Not all, but very many of the Tea Party people were new to the political process, and much older. I saw this when going to TP events to speak. They had never read many of the founding documents, or even . . . 2) contd . . . a couple of good history books or books on gubment.

3) They were highly idealistic, thinking that their arrival on the scene was just going to change things.

4) When they finally realized they needed to hold office, they ran without really preparing.
Sep 16, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1) I am more certain of this today than I was when I wrote "The Flight of the Squidpickles" back in 2021, i.e., the Patriot Day demonstration and mostly peaceful occupation of the people's House rattled the elites to their bones.

2) I'm talkin' terrified. 3) And not just those cowering under desks & fleeing from a guy in a Viking hat and grandmas taking pictures. I'm talking about the whole Deep State was shaken.

4) It is clear from the ridiculous incarceration of so many; the utterly stupid "parading" charges (which . . .
Sep 15, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1) As I argued last night, I don't think it is a "stunt" to send illegals to libtoid enclaves.

It is a NECESSITY. First, it's practical. It divests TX & FL from the burden of dealing with these bilgepickles.

Second, it is a key SYMBOLIC step to show that "You vote for . . . 1) contd . . . these policies, you live by them."

2) Third, and this may be more important than we know: This is reverse Cloward-Pivenism. Break down the entire admin structure of all lib cities to the point they are so ungovernable and crapholes people flee.
Sep 5, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
1) Folks, there are few people on Twit who, when they write/tweet, my ears perk up. Baris is one, Barnes is another. Scott Presler @ScottPresler is a third. No American including the useless head of the GOP, McRomBush, has done more for the nation.

2) When he is concerned, I am. @ScottPresler 3) At the same time--good or bad we must always maintain perspective--in just the last few days we have seen not only good polling out of PA, NY, WA & GA but both Baris & Cahaly have noted trends for Rs that look very good, notably the strong reaction to the student loan scheme.
Sep 3, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
1) Also, if you don't know, I have a full curriculum for homeschoolers & other educators, grades 9-12, in US & World History (wildworldofhistory.com)
I have full teacher's guides, student workbooks, tests, a built-in AP track, and ME teaching all chapters in video! 2) In addition, I have a VIP subscription for those history buffs who aren't teachers, includes:
*Five ongoing lessons in video (15 "Reagan: the American President," 11 "The 1620 Default: why the 1619 Project is Wrong," and "Enduring Lessons on Life & Citizenship,"
Sep 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1) Watched "13 Lives". Good. B to B-
2) apparently close to real events
3) Pet peeve really passing me off now: constant shooting in dark, made worse by water (same problem with "The Contactor"

A filmmaker must tell a story through PICTURES. If you can't see what is . . . 3) Cont'd. . .happening you aren't telling the story.
4) I constantly fast forwarded through dive scenes, not because they were tense, but because they weren't---cuz you couldn't SEE.
5) Way too long @ 2:10. Chop 45, don't lose anything.
6) Not enough done w the coach who ...
Sep 1, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
1) More from @barnes_law on the raid: Because the subpoena was on the ENTITY, and not on Trump PERSONALLY, they deliberately tried to keep Trump from invoking various Constitutional rights.

2) The FBI said they had to keep the info secret, then disclosed it, showing that . . . @barnes_law 2) contd . . . they all along attempted to fight this in the court of public opinion, NOT in front of a grand jury. (First time they have ever done a photo of supposedly classified docs, which could of itself be a federal crime by the FBI).

3) All due to America's "public. . .