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Property rights absolutist https://t.co/uuPuZAllls
Jessica Berman 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇸🇻🇸🇻 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 29 6 tweets 1 min read
"“We do not hate blacks,” Terreblanche once said. “We want to tell them to keep their feet off our land.” The survival instinct rather than strong political beliefs was his motivating force. Constitutional changes undermining apartheid alarmed him."

He was right to be alarmed. "His convictions of white supremacy in South Africa were underpinned by religious beliefs, stemming from the Battle of Blood River in 1838 during the historic Boer trek into the hinterland. From their wagon laager between a tributary of Buffalo River and a wide ditch, a force of about 500 Voortrekkers with rifles and two cannons routed 6,000 Zulus armed with assegais and shields."
Aug 7 7 tweets 2 min read
A childminder, arrested by police for writing angry tweets about the murdered children and charged with inciting racial hatred.

I can understand why a professional childminder would feel angry about the murders. Now she's been deregistered by Ofsted.

telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/0… Over 400 ordinary British people arrested and charged with racial-hatred crimes.

This is a terrible decision by the two-tier government.

If people didn't harbour racial hatred before, they sure will now.
May 26 10 tweets 2 min read
Yes, it is estimated that over 2000 language groups were exterminated by the Bantu during their migration eastwards and southwards across Africa from the Congo.

Oh, wait, they don't like it if you say exterminated, they prefer the words "unified" or "absorbed" by the Bantu. Or you can use the phrase "received significant gene-flow". That's how you explain why the genes of the "unified" people are now "absorbed" by the Bantu, while avoiding the word exterminated which upsets people.

Feb 13 4 tweets 1 min read
It's funny that critical race theorists accuse John Rawls of not being diverse and inclusive, because he failed to include the Third World in his wealth-redistribution concept of justice.

It's funny because Rawls used to be the god of the progressives, now they've turned on him. His progressive defenders, who threw people out of the academic citadel for failing to venerate Rawls, won't defend him. They'll just look the other way and pretend not to see him being denounced. They're too chicken to defend him as he was a white male and thus PROBLEMATIC, haha
Jan 29 4 tweets 1 min read
"Of all the countries with ships there, the US is probably the one who least depends on keeping the lane open ... other nations only partially contribute, running political agendas and talking of a Euro-solution"

Expecting the US to fund everyone's wars

telegraph.co.uk/us/comment/202… "The US Navy has ‘freedom of navigation’ in their DNA. They currently have an aircraft carrier and five escorts in and around the Red Sea."

So the US provides the funding, plus most of the ships and the manpower, while European countries stand about whingeing and complaining.
Dec 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Sir Isaac Newton is black

"More and more, [Dr Who] feels like a deeply self-satisfied exercise in Left-wing trolling. You can just picture its producers squealing with glee, as they compete to think of ways to wind up stuffy old Tories."

They're trolls

telegraph.co.uk/columnists/202… "Doctor Who Upsets Conservatives as Isaac Newton Played by Person of Colour” chortled a typical headline. The Poke, a British satirical website, had great fun mocking anyone who objected. Just look at these silly gammon! Doctor Who is a work of fiction"

They think they're clever
Nov 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
"He sent his anti-white followers with orders to 'kill all European men' and bring back the head of William Livingstone ... decapitated him with an axe – in front of his wife and two small children."

Mayor of London chose to showcase that man as a hero

dailymail.co.uk/debate/article… "Chilembwe proceeded to conduct a sermon in church next to the severed head of Livingstone, impaled on a pole."

This is the "hero" whose statue was raised by the Mayor of London on the fourth plinth of Trafalgar Square
Oct 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Isaac Newton was one of the first to be decolonised.

"the ‘draft inclusive curriculum development’ to ‘decolonise’ the engineering curriculum at Sheffield University last year warned that Newton may have benefited from ‘colonial era activity’"

dailymail.co.uk/debate/article… After decolonising Isaac Newton they went on to decolonise mathematics

"The watchdog has published proposed guidance which states that 'the curriculum should present a multicultural and decolonised view' of mathematics"

Oct 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
May I remind you that the African "hero" installed by the Mayor of London in Trafalgar Square beheaded a white settler in front of his family and raised the man's severed head aloft to showcase triumph over the coloniser.

So don't feign surprise when "decolonise" turns violent. The Mayor of London scoured the whole of Africa for art to mount in Trafalgar Square, to show how diverse and inclusive London is. He came up with: an armed rebellion from 1915, where violent African rebels slaughtered several white settlers.

THAT's what he chose.
Sep 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Here come the "lawful lawyers" to thwart Rishi's plan

"They will claim – perhaps rightly, given the inane legislation – that the Government’s policies are unlawful. They will rush to their lawyers. The Left is already planning a raft of judicial reviews"

telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/09/2… Conservatives don't realise that bad legislation has real consequences. The Blob, by contrast, does

"If Sunak wants to win, he will need to change the law – carbon budgets may need amending, requiring a Parliamentary vote. He may even need to amend the Climate Change Act itself"
Sep 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"While Tegbesu [Slaver-King] was trafficking human beings, the future George III [then Prince of Wales] was becoming a convinced abolitionist. He wrote a monograph arguing that “slavery is equaly [sic] repugnant to the Civil Law as to the Law of Nature”."

telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/04/0… "Later in his reign, he signed the abolition of the slave trade into law in 1807. That act prompted incredulous rage among West African chiefs. A Liverpool slave captain was told by the ruler of Bonny, now in Nigeria, “This trade must go on. That is the verdict of our oracle and the priests. They say that your country, however great, can never stop a trade ordained by God himself.”"

And that's where the Royal Navy comes in.
Sep 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Why are people pretending that South Africa is collapsing due to crime? Crime on its own cannot collapse a country. England has had her own share of criminals and England has endured for 1000 years.

No, you can't attribute the SA collapse to crime. There's more to it than crime. These criminals stole railway track, and England did not collapse.

"a total of 3,500 tonnes of rail and other metal equipment from the Rugby project was unaccounted for, with a potential value of almost £1.5 million."

Sep 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
White farmers in Zim

"Most white farmers have since died or moved abroad, though some still live in poverty, mostly in Harare, often because they only hold Zimbabwean citizenship and are too old to work."

That's why white farmers in SA will stand their ground, as is their right They can't rely on savings, pensions or investments because the Expropriation Without Compensation laws apply to ALL property including personal property, not just land.

They can't physically hold on to any investments. All they have is the land. That's why they'll stand firm.
Jul 30, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
They're chanting "Kill the Boer."

The Human Rights court said "don't worry, it's just a song they sing for their culture".

When farmers are then slaughtered they tell you "don't worry, the farm murders are just ordinary crimes, it's nothing to do with these murderous chants". Same people proudly filmed themselves performing the "ceremonial slaughter" of a cow where they essentially tortured the cow to death for the camera. Gives you insight into their so-called "culture".

Jul 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The Presbyterian Church isn't what it used to be 😳

The woman pastor says “Abortion is a moral good. Abortion is an act of love. Abortion is an act of grace,” Peters told the congregation. “Abortion is a blessing.” Church of England feminist vicars have said calling God "Our Father" is sexist and Jesus got His pronouns wrong as He is a "they/them" but they're still not as far gone as the Presbyterians

Jul 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
"Roughly 5,200 black and Hispanic ex-Big Apple teachers and once-aspiring educators are expected to collect more than $1.8 billion in judgments"

This is how disparate impact works in civil rights law. Payout if you fail a test. $2 million for this man.

nypost.com/2023/07/15/nyc… It's nothing new. People who pretend to be shocked every time these cases are reported are in denial. Nobody wants to think there might be something wrong with civil rights law, so would prefer to think each case is some kind of mistake.

This is the meaning of disparate impact.
Jun 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
South Africa went from the old apartheid where they banned black teams to the new apartheid where they ban white teams.

The new apartheid is worse than the old apartheid as it cloaks the inherent racism in blatant dishonesty by calling this form of apartheid "transformation". The old racist apartheid can show you, objectively, what it achieved in terms of education, economic progress, etc

The new racist apartheid can show you nothing but destruction and dismantling everything.

Both systems are racist, but the new racism is worse than the old racism.
Jun 29, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Civil rights have dehumanised people.

We're no longer individuals, and the concept of humanity is long gone.

Each person is now simply a representative of a certain identity-group who's there to fill the quota for the identity-group and speak the voice of the identity-group. It matters little whether they repeal affirmative action. Universities have already engineered other ways to reflect all identity-groups.

Yale doesn't care if an individual student has any intelligence. Each person is just there for the aesthetic, to reflect the identity-group.
Jun 25, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
The new post-apartheid South Africa fired its white engineers from Eskom. For racial equity. Now the whole country is sitting in the dark. They won't let retired engineers help, as that will skew the diversity numbers. So they all have to just sit in the dark. "Good democracy." This is the background, from 2015: "Eskom is set to axe as many as 3,389 skilled white employees, including 1,081 white engineers and managers, as it ramps up its affirmative action policy."

Jun 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
No race can claim valid title to an entire continent just because they are native to it.

- Celts cannot evict Anglo-Saxons from the British Isles.
- Aboriginal groups cannot evict the English from North America and Australia.
- Black people cannot evict Afrikaners from Africa. "Title to an unowned resource (such as land) comes properly only from the expenditure of labor to transform that resource into use. Therefore, if any land has never been so transformed, no one can legitimately claim its ownership."

Rothbard, Ethics of Liberty
Jun 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
John Locke saw the individual "as the unit of action, as the entity who thinks, feels, chooses and acts".

Some people wrongly take this to mean individualism is against the ideas of friendship, family, community, nation, because these require individuals to interact with others. After all, even markets require more than one individual. Markets are based on exchange, and a solitary individual obviously isn't going to be exchanging goods and services with himself.

The notion that Lockean individualism is anti-social is wrong.