C.N.Warneke(Nat)- on hiatus Profile picture
This is the Nat who gets political & grumpy. Writer & reader. she/her For a kinder, more gentler Nat: click on my link tree below
May 13, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
You believe the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms, is inviolable. Yet, you know very well that some of your fellow citizens will abuse this right. Some will use it to kill family, friends, neighbors. But that a woman might use her bodily autonomy to kill her unborn child 1/ is a bridge too far?
Women deserve to be in control of their bodies as much as you deserve your guns. Thousands of souls are lost each year due to the 2nd Amendment. Where is the outrage? Oh wait, it's not your fault they gunned down school children? Then why is it your fault 2/