Jason Warr Profile picture
'The purpose of theorizing is not to enhance one's intellectual or academic reputation'
May 20, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
When is a book about #ForensicPsychologists not really about Forensic Psychologists?

When its about the complex matrices of #power within the contemporary #prison

This is the primary focus and contribution of this book:
1/13 emerald.com/insight/public…Image In it, are 8 central themes, important to modern #criminology and #prison sociology. These themes cover the quite disparate topics of the nature of expertise, risk/rehabilitation, symbolic power, occupational cultures, Ethics, Emotional Labour, and the paradoxes of power

Aug 12, 2021 31 tweets 4 min read
Penultimate day of #AnnualLeave and have spent the morning doing essential work admin.

It has left me so annoyed! So, rather than spend the rest of the afternoon writing my overdue article (which was the plan) I have decided to collate my #AcademicRules into a singular 🧵
... 1. Never say anything in blind #PeerReview that you would not say directly to the author(s) face-to-face!

May 10, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
Dear #Criminology,
We need to have a serious conversation about #LivedExperience in #Criminology. There's a trend for suggesting that this, in and of itself, confers special insights or even 'expertise' over/above theoretically informed learning. This is not necessarily true. 1/? First, we need to unpick the assumption underpinning the notion #LivedExperience confers special insight. This is predicated on the idea that experiencing a phenomenon necessarily enables an individual to understand the phenomenon that they experienced. This is false. 2/?