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Aug 7, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Pine needles are very high Vit C. Used by ancestors. From Pine needles you get Suramin, Shikimic acid. Oseltamivir "Tamaflu" made from Shikimic acid. Suramin antiviral-parasitic, inhibits C0r0na Spike Protein,Zika, blood clots. ImageImage You can buy Pine needle tea, or make your own. Ancestors ate pine needle tips. Eastern White Pine is best. ImageImageImageImage
Aug 6, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
I want to pass along this info, it's important to learn about natural living water & good to know where a natural spring is incase of attack on our country. This site "Find a Spring" click on your area & it will show u natural springs location & pict, info, some hidden in wild some on private property that owner allows anyone to access water for free or small donation like 25 cents🙂. It's pretty amazing. Some pipes are old not so great but some very good & u could start drinking that water instead of this bottled crap.
Jul 21, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Society has been forced into a diet of sugar, salt and artificial. Bitters are extremely important to our health. Bitter causes taste receptors to signal brain to increase gastric secretions, circulation, optimize breaksdown nutrients etc etc see below. I've used organic bitters for years. When I was younger I took Swedish Bitters( in most health food shops). I use more concentrated bitters now. Bitters or herbal tonics are just that " herbal" so it takes getting used to, sugar is in almost everything and we expect everything to taste yummy
Apr 26, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Shinrin-Yoku-Forest Bathing. Nature emits electrically charged negative ions. Neg Ions heal our bodies.A Forest 2500, Beach 4000, Waterfall 5000. "A office" only 70. Water crashing( waves, rainfall, waterfall, flowing river) creates higher neg ions. Plants/trees emit high neg ion ImageImageImageImage Offices are toxic, you can create Negative Ions by having plants, a waterfall table fountain, copper would be good choice, or piece of copper in water. Copper will keep water clean as well. .Open windows to pull Neg Ions from outside through your home. ImageImageImageImage
Apr 23, 2021 6 tweets 6 min read
Bathhouse Row Hot Springs AR. The 1st national protected resource (Pres Jackson 1832) Sacred to the Indians "Valley of Vapors" "The water so sterile scientists store rocks hauled back from moon in it" huh?🧐Controlled by U.S. Govt ? Mercury rubs, Violet Ray, Electric Stimulation Professional athletes( Babe Ruth etc) Presdents, Hollywood, Elites,used the healing water high mineral content. There seems more to this narrative then we are being told. The buildings are beautiful. The 1st Army/Navy military hospital in the nation built looks down from hilltop
Apr 21, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Our ancestors knew coppers abilities.Then it was hidden. Medical science claims "new" discoveries in copper antimicrobial/antfungal abilities use in hospitals. B.S. 1800's Victorian coal bin. 1800 Lavabo(hand washing.) Copper coffee bean silo. Marie Antionettes Copper bathtub ImageImageImageImage Milk was stored in copper cans/pitchers which killed bacteria. A 1500's Pyxis used to hold consecrated hosts. Last pict is another coal bin 😮...so beautiful for a coal bin! ImageImageImageImage
Apr 20, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Tallow & Lard are another thing that was made "Bad" in 1911 so food giant Proctor & Gamble could sell "CRISCO" & make billions$. Our ancestors used Tallow/lard for everything.It has high vitamin D, less fat than butter.Unfortunately the name has nothing going for it 😀 ImageImageImageImage The fat comes from the back of pig. The very high Vitamin D (1000 IU) in 1 tsp. came from the fact that pigs used to be outside with "Sunlight" on their back all day. Now they are mostly inside factories abused, fed toxic crap in horrible conditions. ImageImage
Apr 20, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
I've written about copper/silver health & energy benefits earlier. Drinking/storing from a pure 99.9 silver/copper cup/pitcher kills bacteria. Silver utensils, plates,bowls were used for that purpose.Egyptians held copper/zinc wands in hands to create healing electrical charge. These rods/wands were hollow or solid. Hollow could be filled with magnetite, crystals,coal,magnesium,etc. These are still made & create a 1-1.3 volt when held. People say they feel healing effects, calmer, more energy circulation.
Apr 19, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Sunlight is critical. Ancient people understood our body is a battery needing sunlight to recharge. Doctors embraced sunlight to heal sick patients. (Exposing your back to sunlight is most beneficial). Post WW2 big Pharma took over w antibiotics $$. No more sun healing. Government scientists have done everything to suppress the healing abilities of sun. We should be exposed to sun everyday.( minimum an hour) Our body's reaction to sun creates Vitamin D , melatonin, & regulates hormones. Sun UV rays kill viruses and bacteria.
Feb 1, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Solar Wind Farms. The Frequency emitted is dangerous to humans/animals. Government gives tax credits/loans, to "Big corporations". Costs taxpayers hundreds of "BILLIONS" Warren Buffet said " We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms" It's all about the MONEY💰 ImageImageImageImage The frequency a wind turbine emits is called 'Infrasound" it is "inaudible" 10 hertz and lower. People/animals living near these have heart, lung, vision, brain, cancer issues. Animals reported to have reproductive issues/stillbirths ImageImageImageImage
Jan 25, 2021 8 tweets 7 min read
1895-1925 Electric Scooters, Bikes, Cars ...Say What?
Autoped 1915 motorized(gas) scooter. 1918 Eveready Battery bought Autoped and made the scooter electric.
Electric car and charging station. Howard Hughes as a boy with motorized bike. Ferdinand Porsche had a passion for field of electricity he built a electrical "hybrid car" in 1901. If the electric ran out while traveling you had the gas backup ..
Jan 16, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Interesting things about sitting on the floor when eating. It aids in digestion. Sitting crossed legged you rock back/forth to eat using abdominal muscles. The vagus nerve sends signal to brain when you are full, this nerve functions better when seated on floor vs chair making you less likely to overeat. Helps flexibility of hips,ankles,spine,chest. Improves circulation & body posture. I ate dinner tonight seated on the floor. I definitely ate less & felt satisfied. I was surprised how weak my back muscles
Jan 14, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Cymatics. In Greek meaning "Wave". Sound and Vibration.The 1st pict shows the how high frequency creates amazing intimate patterns like the Cathedral Windows while low frequency (disease) creates simple forms. Not only are the Cathedral windows beautiful, the floors and ceilings of theses magnificent buildings are intricate in Cymatic patterns as well as well. Another topic on frequency and healing I'm reading about is the church organs. These amazing healing devices much like the
Jan 14, 2021 6 tweets 6 min read
Reading about metals used in bells,frequency,healing, I noticed the spiraled gold, silver, copper (conducting metals)necklaces, anklets, toe rings these people wore. Several months ago I got a small piece of copper to put inside sole of my shoe that went through to outside of sole, to help ground to earth energy through your feet. Toe/anklet rings ancient people wore were made from copper/silver/gold (conductor)Indian culture gold was used above the waist silver below waist. These people had
Jan 12, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
Ancient Temple/Church bells vibrational frequency said to kill bacterial/virus aka "evil spirits"cleansing a region & heal man. Napoleon confiscated bells in war. Did you know Nazi's in WW2 destroyed 175,000 Bells ?🧐WW2 UK banned 12,000 parishes from ringing bells for 3 years. ImageImageImageImage The Nazi's melted down these spiritual healing bells to create military weapons of death/destruction(how ironic.) The Japanese destroyed 70,000(90%) bells called Bonsho in WW2. The U.S took 2 Bonsho's in war. One was given back but Manpuku-ji bell sadly sits outside in Boston. ImageImageImageImage