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A Soldier with more than three decades of Active Combat and Judicial Service to the Nation who CANNOT tolerate Injustice. Re-Attired now. Founder : @DMJurist
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Mar 18, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Complaint against Brig Sandeep Kumar of JAG: There are two specific complaints wherein two serving Offrs clearly stated that the said rogue Brig has asked bribes from them. They even offered that in case they are unable to substantiate the allegations, action can be taken against them under Army Act Sec 56. However, no inquiry was ever conducted. One of the complainant Offr was tried by GCM on the advice of this rogue Brig, since that Col refused to pay up, and he was honorably acquitted of the serious charges which were levelled against him. The
Mar 17, 2023 4 tweets 10 min read
Army Order 4/2000 clearly stipulates that on a named & signed complaint, a Court of Inquiry shall be held. However, in this case, it is reliably learnt that GOC Delhi Area, who is in line to become COAS, has already closed the case without holding any inquiry & without the participation of the complainant in any such inquiry. It is obvious that the said GOC, who is the son of the former Adjutant General of the Indian Army, is also hand in glove with this corrupt Brig. He is dreaming to become the Chief with these credentials.
@adgpi @PMOIndia
Mar 13, 2023 7 tweets 11 min read
Complaint against a serving Brig of JAG of corruption and all other irregularities: It is worth pondering as to how the Govt deals with the named complaints against any public servant. Two Officers have made serious complaints against this Brig but instead of taking action,... the Govt wants to promote him to next rank. While on one hand the Army conducts inquiries on anonymous complaints and resorts to hounding & harassing officers who are accused by such anonymous complaints which, in some cases has resulted into some brilliant officers committing...
Jan 23, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Committal of Suicide by a Colonel: It is such a shameful situation that the Org forces the Offr to take such an extreme step. At the drop of the hat,the Surya Command orders an inquiry against the Offr for his alleged Extra Marital Affair on the complaint of the Offr's wife. 2/n
Such a bright Offr was made a laughing stock in the Stn and was even forced to be admitted in Psychiatry Ward of the MH. On discharge after about 10 days,the Court of Inquiry was conducted which reportedly absolved the Offr of all the allegations but by now his personal and
Mar 13, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
A case has come to the light wherein an upright, highly motivated & honest Major Ranking Offr, serving in Assam Rifles has been victimised, as usual, for repeatedly resisting gross corruption by his CO of 25 Assam Rifles in Nagaland. 2/n
Not only the offr was denied lve at a very critical stage when his wife who is living in Delhi became a target of thieves in broad daylight & when he persisted for lve, CO 25 AR in collusion with Cdr 6 Sector AR, sent him for psy evaluation by initiating AFMSF-10.
Feb 19, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
It has been revealed through RTI that Rs 22.93 Cr is being spent every year on the monthly pension of 262 former MLAs of Haryana. In the last 5 years,the monthly pension of former MLAs has been increased by more than 200%. 2/n
Five years ago their minimum monthly pension was Rs 20,250/- pm & now this minimum pension has been increased to Rs.51,750/- p.m. A total of 161 former MLAs are being given a monthly pension of Rs 51,750 p.m. while 39 former MLAs are getting pension of Rs.90,543/- p.m.
Feb 17, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
After full Day of Hard work, now some humour :
A Fauji while retiring, got to know that rules have been changed overnight by the "Ever Conspiring Babus" pertaining to the inclusion of the Military Service Pay (MSP) in the Leave Encashment payment amount and now the 2/n
MSP wouldn't be included & he would be deprived of a hefty amount. After making due representations, he moved the Court one fine day. On the same day, an Election Rally was being addressed by a Netaji in a State which has got a sizeable population serving in the Armed Forces.
Jan 22, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
In Armed Forces, since about last two years, there is a lot of stress on physical fitness & health and accordingly, Officers who are medically & physically unfit in any manner are not being promoted. However, why the same yardstick is not being applied when deciding upon the + +Gallantry awards & distinguished service awards.There are Offrs who are grossly overweight but have been able to hoodwink the Medical system & have been able to manage the environment. However,it is an apology to see them in Uniform.Would the authorities look into this ? +
Sep 19, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Loot by AWHO: See the plight of the Allottees of AWHO all over the country. First, the DACOITS OF AWHO loot the poor Offrs, JCOs & soldiers by giving them the worst quality of construction with utmost poor designing, exhorbitantly priced & that too after few years of delay. 2/n
Once the Dwelling Unit (DU) is somehow taken over, the occupants are now part of a AWHO sponsored RWA which, from the day one, acts as a "खाप पंचायत". With absolutely no Statutory powers with them, these RWAs consists of a Governing Body. Now, the खाप पंचायत is ready.
Sep 9, 2021 9 tweets 9 min read
Induction of Girls in NDA: The Hon'ble Supreme Court has made a headway for the Girls to join NDA. However,are we really prepared to accept this change?We still treat the existing Lady Offrs in a most unofficer & unprofessional manner. Although the law of the land has created 2/n
enough safeguards in 2013 to protect the ladies through a very well laid out Statute but, as and when there is some complaint made by a lady Offr, we go all out to support the male Offr & try to prove the lady Offr to be wrong by applying all kind of evil tactics against her.
Sep 8, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
The conduct of Chief Engr is in clear violation of Sec 3(1)(iii) of CCS conduct Rules. It is directly challenging the Uniformed Personnel & Commission granted by the President & also amounts to activity prejudicial to the interest of Army entrusted with the security of State. 2/n
But Corps of Engineers are having Generals who are dependent on these civilians for some Gandhi's and thus are spineless to take action against them.
The higher echelon can only command Army personnel through Army Act and no more than that.
Aug 30, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
A failed Formula for saving Rs 5000 Crores per year: I am not satisfied by squeezing on to the entitlements & facilities of troops.I must save atleast Rs 5k Cr more/year so as achieve my political ambitions. After all, I have to lick the MoD Babus more to get more for myself. 2/n
So, I call my Supplies head and order him to reduce the Rations scale of my troops. Poor chap didn't know where to see. He sits tight for few days and then palms off this dictat of mine to the Medical Head. Now, the poor Medical guy is in a fix.But he acts very intelligently.
Aug 14, 2021 11 tweets 11 min read
LOOT BY AWHO: MD AWHO, Maj Gen Vikal Sahni, a Retd Infantry Gorkha Offr visited the Raman Vihar AWHO Project, Coimbatore on 09 Aug 21. Since the Allottees are having innumerable problems, they all gathered to speak to the MD. The MD was not in a position to give the solution 2/n
to even one of the problems. AWHO has outrightly cheated the Allottees by allegedly buying the land in jungle area, much away from Coimbatore, at five times the market rates which were prevailing at the time of buying of land.
Aug 13, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
LOOT BY AWHO: Nobody from @adgpi is taking any action to mitigate the sufferings of a large number of serving personnel/ESMs who have invested their lifetime savings in AWHO & have been cheated now by AWHO. It is very obvious that the Chief Patron who is the COAS & the AG are 2/n
both involved in this organised loot.Had it been not the blessings of the Chief Patron,Chairman & the Members,the AWHO officials wouldn't have been neck deep into this corruption.All the criminals have got together to loot us with the tacit support of the MoD. Its time to get
Jul 13, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
Gross mismanagement & corruption in AGIF: The AGIF is again in news for bad reasons, of course. An IT project worth Rs 8 Crores is being deliberately mismanaged for the obvious reasons. Earlier, the AGIF had approached the MS Branch for posting in of an IT qualified Officer. 2/n
When the request was acceded to & a highly qualified Offr was posted it, now the said Offr is not being employed for the specific job of IT & instead a Gen Services Offr is being made to handle the said IT project and the qualified Offr from Signals is on some other Chair.
Jul 1, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
A Senior General Officer who hung his boots recently was living off the land since long. His household was being run from the ACG and on top of it he has put up many false claims to CDA. While finally leaving, he even ensured that his Dish TV connection as well as the 2/n
charges for his Internet connection for next three years are again paid through the ACG. The whole of the environment is aware of this fact but who will bell the Cat. In the past Mungeri has threatened the wives of the Offrs posted in Delhi that their husbands would be
May 23, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
DISPENSATION OF "JUSTICE": Here is another case wherein nother rogue character in command of a Combat Unit near Coimbatore tasks one of his Young Officer (YO) to deliver CSD liquor to some of his so called friend in town.The YO, a second generation smart officer, knowing the 2/n
credentials of his CO, straightaway declines to obey the unlawful command of the said rogue CO. Now the problem starts for this YO who is otherwise a highly motivated fellow. He is now badly targeted by his 2IC for having refused the illegal dictat of his CO.
May 17, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
An antithesis of the two incidents of Jullundher & Gwalior about which I tweeted yesterday wherein the victim junior officers were only targeted by our superiors. Here is an incident wherein an Offr of Maj rank remained AWL for about three months but now, instead of taking + 2/n
+ any action against the Offr, he is being protected just because the father of the accused Offr, a RAJPUT Offr, was probably the CO of an Offr who is presently a Lt Gen. The Fmn concerned has not been able to even convene a formal Court of Inquiry till date and is under +
May 16, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
On one hand we want to invite young talent by calling for JEE(Mains) qualified candidates to join Armed Forces and on the other hand we are giving command of Units in the hands of such immature Offrs who do not know as to how to behave like a Commanding Officer & a Gentleman. 2/n
About a year back, there was a case in Jullundher wherein a YO was manhandled by his CO/other Offr(s).However, once the victim YO reported the matter, all heads got together to hush up the matter & even a formal Court of Inquiry was not ordered & the victim only was targeted.
Apr 14, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Everyday we hear that Defence Pensions are a big drain on the Defence Budget and in order to make the two ends meet as also to please his Masters aka the Babus in MoD, Mungeri keeps on hallucinating so as to snatch even the little privileges & perks from junior leadership. 2/n
While the actual reasons for all that hue and cry by Mungeri can be easily understood by even a Tradesman, I was wondering as to why nobody questions this Mungeri character about the existence of the 'white elephants' like CLAWS & USI. What is the actual utility of these?
Apr 8, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
This Mungeri Lal character, during his time, stayed in the best of the Bungalows & always kept almost a Company strength worth of men as Guards although the Cantonments / Military Stations wherever he was posted were always very well guarded. Now he wants to reduce the strength+ by one lakh. Yes, by all means do that but cut the guard of every Flag ranking Officer who keeps so many Jawans at their residences in the name of security. What security do these Flag ranking Officers need when the security all around the Station / Cantonment is so strong? +