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Preparing Men to Fight and Win for the Kingdom of God 🇻🇦 Deus Vult 👑 St. Michael the Archangel, Defend Us in Battle 🗡️ Join the Holy War:
Apr 8, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
Pope Francis being BASED.

THREAD 🧵 Image 1. Pope Francis requests reopening the cause of canonization of Isabella of Castile, the Queen who expelled Jews from Spain and established the Spanish Inquisition Image
Nov 9, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
Our society champions values such as equality of opportunity and democracy, yet few realize that these are false ideals advanced by Jews solely to serve their ethnic interests.

This is also related to why our culture sees monarchy in a negative light 🧵 Image Social mobility, as opposed to hereditary privilege, and unstable power structures such as democracy, are values that serve the Jewish interest. Because they allow people with the least noble principles to quickly rise in prominence and subvert societies. Et derriere Le juif (And at the back, there is a Jew), a French poster during World War II
Oct 2, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
More than 60 million innocent unborn babies have been murdered in the US through abortion.

This is undoubtedly America’s biggest crime, but are we aware who the real culprits behind it are?

It should be known to everyone that EVERY SINGLE aspect of this mass murder is Jewish🧵 Image Two of the popular arguments that are often mindlessly reiterated by pro-choice advocates have Jewish origin:

1) “A fetus is just a clump of cells”

The Talmud refers to a fetus as “merely water”. This is in stark contrast to the Christian doctrine of the sanctity of unborn life Image
Sep 18, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Why was this letter published at this point in time? Something huge is about to go down.

What most people don’t know is that Pope Ven. Pius XII was the Cardinal Secretary of State before he became Pope.

This was the first time a Secretary of State was ever elected Pope. 🧵 Image But he was elected because of WWII and someone with political experience needed to be Pope.

What is interesting is that Cardinal H.Em. Pietro Parolin below is considered to be one of the most qualified cardinals to be the next Pope. He also served as the Secretary of State. Cardinal Parolin in July 2021
Aug 31, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Nick Fuentes🧵

1) “It just goes to show once again that there is no substitute for Catholicism.

All roads lead back to the Church, because anything outside of it you find has major, major problems.

Nobody gets to God, the truth, the good, or love, without Jesus Christ.” 2) Nick Fuentes on “free love” and the “cold, dark, lonely, and mean” world it has given rise to.
Aug 16, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
These are completely true yet remain hard to swallow pills for Americans 💊

- Liberty is not a fundamental right

- Rights of God should be the basis of a society, not the rights of men

- The US defeated the wrong enemy in WWII

- The American Revolution was not a good thing Declaration of Independence (1819), by John Trumbull.  Portrays the Committee of Five presenting its draft of the Declaration of Independence to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia on June 28, 1776. I believe that the Founding Fathers were geniuses for designing a system that would restrict the power of the secular state. But from this also stems the drawback of any secular government, that they can never be powerful enough to guarantee the rights of God. First Continental Congress at Prayer, an 1848 portrait by T. H. Matteson
Aug 7, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
So you know they lie to you. But have you taken these red pills yet? 💊

- Democracy is NOT a good thing

- Enlightenment is anti-Christian

- Equality is a false doctrine

- Judaism is the opposite of Christianity

- Communism is a Jewish ideology

- WWII was not Germany’s fault Vladimir Lenin speaking in Moscow in May 1920. The Jewish-Bolshevism in Russia started out the atrocities of the 20th century. Why democracy is not a good thing…
Aug 2, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
We are told that Hitler was a sociopathic murderer but never hear about the fact that there is a mainstream debate among academic historians as to whether the persecution of Jews was merely functional rather than planned and if the initiatives came from the lower ranks rather than from Hitler.

This is not even in the realm of “Holocaust denialism”, but fully mainstream (even involving Jewish historians). This means we don’t even have a single conclusive evidence to believe Hitler and the National Socialists were who we are made to think they were.

Moreover, there was another “Holocaust” in Romania which was operationally separate from and outside the control of the German National Socialists. This shows whatever happened in Germany was not a unique “systematic” state-planned event but rather more of social phenomenon called for by the Jewish problem. They were forced to make radical policies.

Did you know about this? @Trent_Horn

I’m glad to see Catholic men are the first group to finally wake up about the Holocaust. We don’t expect the YouTube influencers to pick up on this, but we request you at least not to go against our movement.

But the historical details are not why we should fight the Holocaust narrative, it’s for the reason Nick mentioned below. It’s about realizing that our society’s obsession with something happened 80 years ago in another continent is manufactured by a certain group for their political purposes.