Demand Justice Profile picture
It's time to restore balance to the courts.
Jul 25, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
📢 Today, we're excited to launch #MomsForAFairCourt, a $2 million campaign to educate moms nationwide about the dangers posed by extreme US Supreme Court decisions. This campaign aims to protect the fundamental rights of women and families. Demand Justice’s new polling shows that while moms deeply care about issues like abortion rights and gun safety, many are unaware of the Supreme Court's role in undermining these rights. It's time to bridge this knowledge gap and empower moms to demand a fair judiciary.
May 5, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Last night the New York Times reported that a federal judge asked John Roberts to assign an investigation into whether Mitch McConnell unethically induced a sitting judge to retire so he could install his protégé Justin Walker in his place.

Here's how we got here: #StopWalker First @nytimes reported McConnell was privately lobbying judges to retire so Trump could fill their seats and the Republican Senate could fast-track nominations this term.

Then Judge Griffith abruptly announced his retirement.

Coincidence? Suspicious.…