How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App now have the capacity for ~12% more moisture. Thus the capacity to fuel more frequent/intense rain. In some cases more moisture means more instability, thus stronger storms & rain rates. Per @MWehner2005 CC spiked Harvey by up to 38%, w/ CC's share of the damage $13B 2/ is what it looked like at the last glacial maximum. Ice spread all the way down to NYC and Chicago. If you go to Central Park in NYC you can see the edge of where they ended, there are huge boulders there. These ice ages have occurred every ~100K years recently. Here’s why… 2023-2024 all areas in deep red were record warm. A huge area. sfc temps across the Gulf & Carib are ~3F warmer than a few decades ago. That’s one reason we should care about a warming world. a result of orbital changes, every ~100,000 years the Earth sees an ice age. In between - where we are now - are warm periods called interglacials. Notice the difference is only 10 degrees F! means in certain places who are trapped under cool troughs in the upper levels we also have pockets of cool air at the surface. So in the US some areas were actually quite cool in June. 2/