Andy Martin💚💙💜🇪🇺 Profile picture
Kidney Care UK supporter. NHS supporter. Labour supporter. ProEU. Dog lover. Lifelong Tory Hater No DMs #FBPE #GTTO
Mar 27, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Morning Everyone. I took my mother to the eye clinic yesterday, having booked an emergency appointment over the phone. The next available appointment was in May.
It's run by Practice Plus Group, a private healthcare company that offers NHS services. 2/
When we arrived, we told there was no record of her being booked in. We waited 15 minutes whilst they checked.
It turns out they had no record of the appointment being made or the phone call.
Aug 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Morning everyone. If you're for getting rid of the ECHR, ask yourself why?
Then, look at what the ECHR does for you - no workers rights, no marriage rights, no right to vote, no maternity/ sick leave, no free education. The list goes on. THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE EU. Image THESE ARE YOUR RIGHTS. And you're willing to throw them away because some right-wing rag or Tory twat bangs on about it.
Apr 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Morning everyone. This government is nothing short of abhorrent in their treatment of the nurses and the NHS. The very people they clapped for during the pandemic, they now hunt down and take legal action against. @SteveBarclay should be sacked for his treatment of the nurses. 2/
They're a government who allow the dumping of sewage and the useless @theresecoffey does nothing, another mp that should be sacked for failing, not just in one department, but every job she's had.
Mar 8, 2023 6 tweets 7 min read
@Stephen63784249 @ChesterEndofMrY @jenben71 @june65wigan An Old woman is walking round a supermarket, knocks over a whole display of tin cans.
Store manager comes over and asks if he can help
The old woman replies "I'm looking for tinned broccoli"
Manager replies "we have no tinned broccoli"
So the lady toddles off. @Stephen63784249 @ChesterEndofMrY @jenben71 @june65wigan Not a minute later there's another crash round the corner.
The manager comes round to see the old woman has knocked a display of bottles over. He asks if he can help.
The old woman replies "I'm looking for tinned broccoli"
Feb 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Morning everyone. Coffey has suggested that all you struggling people out there need to work harder, longer hours. In order to afford food. She claimed £27,986 in  expenses last year. As environmental minister she voted to allow the dumping of sewage into our rivers. As health minister she allegedly handed out prescription drugs to family and friends. It appears to me she is not fit for purpose and should be removed from office.
Feb 11, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
1. Morning everyone. These MPs have no idea how the real world works. They don't spend long hours saving peoples lives, dealing with traumas, teaching children, working 4 lousy paid jobs to make ends meet. No, they sit in comfort working out how to keep the shareholders happy. 2. They work 2nd jobs, on top of their highly paid salary, and earn millions after being disgraced. They make policies which make workers lives worse, sick and vulnerable people worse off. They lie about saving the  country, whilst slowly selling it off to the highest bidder.
Feb 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I've been saying this all along. I appreciate Teachers deserve a pay rise, but so do the hard work support staff. Some one to one staff have a difficult job and are very stressful, often physical. How do I know, well I've done it. 10 years I spent as a one to one support teaching assistant. Looking after physically disabled and autistic children. The pay is disgusting, and pro rata'd, something else which should be abolished. Teaching Assistants deserve a full living ALL YEAR ROUND wage.
Dec 10, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Morning everyone. So people are complaining about strikers. Do they think people want to strike. These people are doing this so they can fight for a better living wage. So they can support their families. The @Conservatives have driven people to this.
This only happens under a Tory Government, where they've created a #CostOfLivingCrisis, another recession, poverty, low wages, fuel crisis and food banks. Nobody wants to strike. I fully support anyone choosing to go on strike and fight for better way of life,
Aug 26, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Apparently we have a PM who refuses to help the country in a time of dire need. No functioning government. A useless so called PM, who refuses to recall Parliament when the country needs them. These are YOUR Tories. This is how much they care for us. 2/
Tax Cuts, VAT cuts that's the answer to all your financial problems from the possible new PM. Not hold the energy companies to rights for their giving their huge profits to shareholders. Not renationalise the energy companies. No. Just Tax Cuts and VAT cuts.