Developmental Editor. Creative Arts 501c3 Non-Profit Director. Entrepreneur. Philanthropist. Married to the Amazing Mike Hamilton. Mom. GiGi. Binxy. Beloved.
Feb 10 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Robin from #Morningstar came to Streams Ministries to speak at Streams Academy. My husband, Mike, and I were both students in that inaugural year of the prophetic school at Streams Academy.
When Robin spoke about traveling in the spirit, I saw and felt Robin in a public space astral projection, the soul/spirit part of him coming back to me sitting at the back of the room, grabbing my right breast, laughing, and then going back to Robin physically sitting at the front of the room.
I looked around the room and no one else seemed to have realized or seen that Robin had astral projected in that moment.
I looked over at Mike and instead of Mike sitting there observing what was going on, I saw Kris Vallotton.
“Are you going to let him do that without saying anything” I asked spiritually.
Kris responded spiritually, “I will deal with it.”
2/ The night before Robin arrived at Streams Ministries in a spiritual experience much like how I had experienced Kris spiritually bringing Streams Ministries leader, John Thomas, to me, I experienced John Thomas spiritually bring Robin to me so Robin would know who I was.
How I was accessed in that moment spiritually, however, was not appropriate and was an abuse of me and misuse of my spiritual gifts and theirs.
Feb 6 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
I appreciate people who have asked me for clarification about what I have seen and experienced specifically from 2018 until now specifically in relation to matters re: Kris Vallotton.
I have struggled with what I have seen spiritually-meaning in visions as if I am physically in the room with people seeing, hearing, and feeling what is going on through what I know is a spiritual gift that simply functions within me and seemingly always has.
This way of processing life and people is my normal and just happens and sincerely I thought everyone processed life with seeing/feeling/experiencing situations like this in an immersed way. Only recently have I come to realize not everyone sees/feels/experiences life & people & situations like I do.
Through the years, I have come to trust my discernment.
However, the experiences of the past few years have challenged me to be humble, don’t assume I am always right, to be careful, cautious, to diligently seek answers, and to give people the opportunity to explain themselves and their actions.
With what I see/feel/experience physically and spiritually I have to ask some tough questions.
Can I be wrong? Could what I see spiritually NOT, perhaps, be what is actually happening physically? Could there be a symbolic or parabolic explanation?
I truly hope so.
I say that because spiritually I have, for example, seen abuses of an infant, two male pastors being sexual with each other, and countless…numerous incidents of inappropriate interactions by this same person being involved sexually with many women in what appeared to be physical situations and this person involved in even more incidents that were spiritual TO physical and involved what I have learned since 2019 is called “astral projection” or what some describe as “traveling in the spirit”.
2/ In the matter of the two male pastors, I had been watching remotely one pastor (Kris Vallotton) speak at Bethel Austin. A break was called. Folks streaming online and in the room were encouraged to go the restroom, get something to drink, etc. During that break I experienced the imagery or images of Kris and the Bethel Austin pastor, Joaquin Evans, kissing very passionately in the bathroom and I felt in my own body the sensations of Joaquin performing oral sex on Kris all the while I am physically saying out loud - questioning them about what they are doing, telling them to stop, and simply very concerned about what I saw, what I felt, what I witnessed because if that event happened physically and those physical actions were what went on in that moment then what I saw and witnessed would not be an appropriate situation.
After the break, Joaquin from the Bethel Austin platform publicly said that he met up with Kris in the bathroom and that he told Kris (something to the effect of) how much Kris meant to him and how he valued & honored Kris, etc. I wouldn’t be able to quote the words correctly without rewatching that video and I really do not feel it wise for me to relive, in a way, that whole experience again.
What Joaquin confessed or said was the truth - he DID say those things to Kris as what Joaquin said was witnessed by me in a spiritual way and Joaquin admitted to saying things to Kris in the bathroom and so did Kris but how I saw that encounter and what I saw happening and how I felt in my own body the sensations of that encounter and how I would describe that situation wouldn’t be merely pleasant or pleasing or pleasurable words spoken that made Kris feel good about himself. If Joaquin ever would come forward and confess to a physical inappropriate relationship with Kris on more than one occasion I could and would testify under oath to that as 💯 percent I saw/felt/experienced that and I realized there was a power difference or a power differential with Kris having more power in their physical and spiritual dynamic. Joaquin to me in that specific encounter and from what I saw/felt/experienced had indicators of having been spiritually abused by Kris and others. What I witnessed wasn’t the first time this happened between Kris & Joaquin.
But what happened?
What exactly happened?
To levy the accusation against Kris and against Joaquin for an inappropriate relationship would be wrong.
However, perhaps what would be an even greater wrong would be to see something and not say something and to shut down or diminish or minimize my own body registering in a spiritual AND physical way a situation that might not be what it needs to be.
If Lauren Vallotton, Hayley Braun, Leslie Crandall, Havilah Cunningham, and the woman who used to live at the house Jason & Lauren now live in were to come forward and testify to inappropriate relationships with Kris I would 💯 percent be able to testify that there would be legitimacy to those claims.
If Bethany Masca - Kris’s former project manager- were to come forward, I would have testimony observed physically that Kris physically did while on camera and also what I observed spiritually. What I observed happening with Bethany prompted me to report to Danny Silk.
If Caroline Harries, Christa Scham (Christa Elisha Joy), and artist Mia Lin came forward, I 💯 percent could describe incidents I witnessed.
If the woman, Kris’s former co-worker, and who Kris wrote about in his book Purity under the subheading of “Fatal Attraction” came forward and she made claims against Kris for an inappropriate relationship I could 💯 percent collaborate her story to aspects I saw/felt/experienced in visions I had while driving on the same path they would have taken towards Trinity Center, CA.
For years, I have had these ongoing spiritual experiences with Kris, with Mark Chironna, and with others and for years I have tried to get answers & accountability and to understand what is happening.
Feb 1 • 8 tweets • 3 min read…
First public prophetic word spoken over my husband and I at Sojourn Church in Carrollton, TX.
Clip was edited by Sojourn Church for reasons unknown to me to remove the portion of the prophecy where Chris McRae identified a connection between TD Jakes and myself.
Jan 24 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
A few years ago in a women’s small group we were asked to write down which people in the Bible we were drawn to.
Most of the women named the “big names”: Deborah, Esther, Ruth…
Then it was my turn.
I smiled, “I love reading the stories of the unknown and the unnamed.”
The leader teaching paused and looked strangely at me as my pick didn’t match her hypothesis that we pick characters (people) in the Bible that we want to be like or desire to have a similar level of influence.
I laughed and reassured her that NONE of the unknown or unnamed are insignificant.
Jul 14, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
I was one of the few prophetic individuals who prophesied that former president Donald Trump would not get a second consecutive term. I saw that his primary responsibility at that time was to be husband to Melaney and father to Baron. There were displaced priorities which were
2/incongruent with the flow of the season we were in and the almost unanimous prophetic agreement that we were “in a revival of families”.
When the leadership goes against what is reported “word of God” (prophecy) or what is God’s will, then that is rebellion, idolatry, and is
Mar 5, 2024 • 26 tweets • 5 min read
Warning: This post may be offensive.
Kris @kvministries The LORD is calling fathers to stand up for their daughters who are being spiritually abused by you. One one hand you make noble appeals like the one below yet in the same sermon you spoke imagery about your balls getting 2/ sucked off by an airplane toilet. You said something really profound about voting but I am stuck with imagery of you, images of you, I do not need. You, Kris, make yourself familiar with me & others by saying and doing things that give insights that do nothing to share the