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Jul 26 5 tweets 2 min read
Fmr. Obama Nat. Sec. Advisor and deep-state operator Susan Rice has weighed in with the central Kamala campaign messaging: divisive identity politics and propaganda to miscast opposition to DEI.

"They’re basically trying to dehumanize her and all of us…if you're not a white Christian male, then any success you've had, you've got, without merit, because of some unfair preference."

They dehumanized Trump to the point of an assass*nation attempt, but they want you to forget that.

Rice is best known for lying about Benghazi, “unmasking” Trump campaign associates and being a key player in the targeting of Michael Flynn — is now also alleged to be leading efforts to implement Executive Order 14019. Rice lying about the Benghazi attack:
Jul 23 4 tweets 2 min read
.@dbongino on newly-resigned Secret Service Director: “This is about to get so much worse…this is not over for Kim Cheatle."

Bongino says a documentation trail exists regarding requested additional resources denied to Trump’s security detail, and Cheatle will be unable to hide from it:

BONGINO: “Folks, this thing is about to get so much worse. I'm telling you, there is an email trail and white papers out there, a long email trail documenting multiple security enhancements, requests for the DTD, Donald Trump protective detail that were rebuffed and denied. Kim Cheatle is never, ever going to be able to hide from."

"And what happened? I want all of her communications, both before and after, business wise, conducted on a personal device in potential violation of administrative and possibly other rules and regulations for the Secret Service. This is not over for Kim Cheadle. And while we're at it, here's another Winky Winky nod, nod. Maybe you should ask Kim Cheatle if she's ever communicated on encrypted apps outside of her government device, government email or government texting capabilities."

"Everybody taking notes, taking notes in Congress about the cocaine scandal at the white House and the missing January 6th texts, too. I'm just going to throw that out there. This is your home for breaking news. Maybe you should ask her that under oath." Link to @dbongino’s full show:
Jul 12 18 tweets 6 min read
What is Executive Order 14019?

How it’s billed: A non-partisan GOTV operation calling for “all of government” effort to register voters.

What it is: An ‘election interference scheme’ that uses your tax dollars to register Democrat voters in swing states.

🧵Thread.🧵 2/18

This thread will borrow heavily from the incredible work done on this by Heritage’s @oversightPR.

They have been sounding the alarm on “Biden Bucks” for a long time. This thread is an effort to help amplify their work — adding contextual video in order to provide a concise, nuts-and-bolts understanding of how this is manifesting in the 2024 election.

One of Oversight Project’s main threads laying this out can be found here.
Jul 9 4 tweets 2 min read
In process of pulling clips for an upcoming video, and came across this “good ol’ working class Joe, a man of the people" clip from the 2020 campaign.

You can see Joe's blood boiling and his veins popping as he gets ready to bully this man in front of a crowd for daring to question him about Hunter and his age.

Highly relative questions, as it turns out.

Joe berated, belittled and attempted to humiliate this working class guy for asking questions he didn’t like.

This is who he really is.

‘You’re a damn liar."
*Challenges him to push ups*
*Lies about Hunter*
“Get your words straight, Jack."
“Look, fat, here’s the deal."
“You’re too old to vote for me."

Joe Biden: A real hero of the working man. A real sweetheart.

Also: His mental decline since this 2019 clip is rather stark. Let’s also remember that — of course — Joe lied afterwards and said he didn’t call the guy fat. Image
Jul 7 19 tweets 8 min read
Anatomy of a Hoax: The Doomed Voyage of the Biden ‘Cheap Fake’ Narrative.

🧵A thread. 🧵 2/19

First of all, where did the term “cheap fake” originate?

I was surprised to find that this term was coined by “disinformation researchers” Britt Paris and Joan Donovan way back in 2019.

Sunmary of their research here.

“Like many past media technologies, deepfakes and cheap fakes have jolted traditional rules around evidence and truth, and trusted institutions must step in to redefine those boundaries.”

To save Democracy, of course.Image
Jul 7 6 tweets 2 min read
“We defend the existence and the power of nations.” | Marine Le Pen demolishes CNN attempt to label her National Rally party “far right."

Amanpour is predictably incredulous: “You’re kidding me right?"

According to legacy media, any person or party that believes in national sovereignty, prioritizing the needs of citizens, border security, and an end to mass immigration is far-right.

Le Pen: "I think this use of the term far right carries a stigma and is very pejorative."

Yes, that’s exactly why they do it.

You will NEVER see the media label any leftist movement or politician — no matter how extreme — as “far left." His headline is a lie. LePen did not say “the far right” would do anything. She expressly rejected the label.

That doesn’t stop the lies, however. Image
Jun 29 5 tweets 3 min read
Until the hoax went down in flames Thursday night, legacy media had promulgated The Big Lie about Joe Biden’s cognitive decline for years.

To what lengths were they prepared to go?

In the run-up to the 2020 election, PBS produced an entire propaganda film guised as a 'documentary’ to convince you that Biden had a “stutter,” and that he was engaged in a heroic journey to prove his doubters wrong, titled:

"Biden’s Stutter: How a Childhood Battle Shaped Him"

Amazingly, the film did not feature a single video clip of Biden’s lifelong "speech impediment,” and any cursory search of archival Biden clips reveals that no stutter actually exists.

The quick clips they used to demonstrate this 'stutter' were recent gaffes, deceptively edited using photographs instead of featuring the actual video.

Also note the emotional manipulation and narrative sleight-of-hand employed by featuring an interview with a writer from The Atlantic, who actually has a speech impediment.

Below is a short excerpt — which casts Joe’s struggles with cognitive decline and mounting gaffes in the 2020 campaign as the heroic fight of a bullied underdog, “hellbent” on proving his critics wrong and overcoming a lifelong disability.

North Korean state-media propagandists must blush at this level of sycophantic media manipulation. This angle was resurrected in WAPO as recently as March of this year.

“Biden’s stutter surges into the presidential campaign."

Framed as “Trump mocking an old man with a speech impediment."

The Big Lie. Image
Jun 16 4 tweets 2 min read
LEFT: Today, NBC reports Biden mass-amnesty scheme to be officially announced this week.

RIGHT: Yesterday, NYP Story blowing the whistle on how illegals are given voter registration forms in 49 states.

It’s happening. Fast. This is what’s happening:
Jun 10 4 tweets 2 min read
"Fake news on social media is the crisis we’re all ignoring – trust me, I worked for Twitter."

This is an actual headline for an article by former Twitter staffer Marc Burrows, lamenting the fact that @elonmusk’s 𝕏 no longer collaborates with the Censorship Industrial Complex to police speech.

Must be election season. Yep:

"With billions of people around the world going to the polls this year, making sure voters have access to verfied, true information is critical. We cannot afford to disregard the importance of keeping a lid on the lies."

He can’t be talking about the lies like the Dirty 51 letter, right? Nope.

"We worked with Reuters and the Associated Press to debunk rapidly growing and unreliable stories. We coined the term “pre-bunk” for identifying likely misinformation before it spread. Misleading posts were labelled once they reached a certain influence threshold.

We all knew this was mission critical, because Twitter punches above its weight in terms of influence on the news agenda and public conversation – that’s why Musk became so invested. We all wanted to make it safer. Better. A force for good."

A force for good. By working with corrupt legacy media and the US govt to suppress, censor, and ban information that was inconvenient or damaging to their preferred candidates and false narratives.

This piece may as well have been written by US intelligence agencies. Maybe it was.

Full piece linked in thread. Must be read in full to be believed.Image
Full article, if you have the stomach:
May 14 4 tweets 2 min read
This is critical reporting from @robbystarbuck and a must watch.

Followers of this account know that a lot of information on the border/mass migration crisis is posted here — this interview expands in great detail the culpability of US/UN funded NGOs and our own govt. Further context on human trafficking operations at the border.

May 4 4 tweets 1 min read
FLASHBACK to the time when Hollywood openly exhorted Republican electors to overturn the 2016 Presidential election results and Donald Trump’s victory.

They called on electors to change their votes, defy the will of the people, and install Hillary Clinton into office instead.
Apr 28 11 tweets 4 min read
Howard Stern has a history of disturbing comments that would prevent anyone else from getting in the same room — much less on the same screen for an hour — with the President.

The WH and their media stenographers don’t care, because they think it’s all been swept under the rug.

But, as the videos below reveal -- it hasn’t.

🧵ThreadImage In 1999, Stern joked about the Columbine shoot*ng, wondering why “good looking” girls weren’t s*xually assaulted by the k*llers before committing suic*de.

Stern says if that had been him, he would’ve done so.
Apr 26 4 tweets 2 min read
Can't Make It Up: The President of the United States has been assigned “walkers.”

You heard that right. The man that has access to nuke codes now requires aides to escort him across a lawn.

These handlers now walk between Biden and the pool cameras, "to draw less attention to the 81-year-old's halting and stiff gait."

Biden advisers told Axios they're concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone — especially across the grass — have highlighted his age.

And this is the guy who’s gonna make it 4.5 more years?

Before/After: Per Axios: Image
Oct 23, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
CASH RANSOM: Obama’s Deceitful Enabling of the Iranian Terror Regime


The idea of unfreezing billions of dollars for Iran in exchange for American prisoners didn’t start with Joe Biden.

In 2016, the Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans and the formal implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

Once the “pallets of cash” were eventually discovered by the press, Obama argued on August 4th that the cash was not a ransom paid to Iran in exchange for the prisoners:

1/8 The cash, stated to be money owed to Iran via a 1970’s arms deal was flown into Tehran on the same day that freed American hostages were released.

On August 5th, CNN reports with skepticism about claims that the timing was coincidental:
