The Biden Accomplishments Guy Profile picture
Joe Biden has been the best President in Modern History. Kamala Harris will carry the torch. Jewish. He/Him
5 subscribers
Jun 2, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Since nobody seems to understand, here's a thread on Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal. First: This is Israel's proposal. Joe Biden didn't invent it. They made it. Their war cabinet agreed to it. Including Netanyahu. Right now, they are messaging around it to their far right base 1/ Which is why Netanyahu is playing up the parts of it that sound like tough guy talk. He is trying to keep Ben Gvir and Smotrich from bolting his government. But he's never denied anything about the proposal. And the messaging from him towards Hamas as very distinctly changed 2/
Jun 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
In MAJOR news (aka something that will immediately help millions of people), the Biden admin has announced that the SAVE Plan is ready to be implemented before repayment starts. This will significantly lower monthly payment amounts here is what the SAVE plan does: 1/ The SAVE Plan is the new income driven repayment plan:
1. It raises the "discretionary income" cap from 150% to 225% of the federal poverty level. That means you pay 0% of your income. If you make under $33,000 and are single, you pay nothing. It increases with household size.
Apr 28, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
NEW: Master thread of threads

I've made several accomplishment threads over Joe Biden's first two years and I've put them together for easy access in one place for reelection "What Has Biden Done" questions.

Thread 1: 100+ Accomplishments thread

1/ Image Have you seen this graphic around Twitter? The great @briantylercohen created it based off a list I put together of President Biden's first year accomplishments. While it is outdated, it is still the most detailed list out there.

Thread 2:

2/ Image
Apr 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I am confused as well. The official role of the VP is to break ties in the Senate, something she's done the 2nd most in history of, including to pass the major legislation of the ARP and the IRA.

Unofficially, it's to serve the President's agenda, which she's done in spades 1/ She's travelled the world to represent the admin, including going to Munich in the days before Russia's invasion of Ukraine to meet with NATO and Zelenski, to Asia to counter China, and most recently to Africa on a wildly successful trip to strengthen relations 2/
Apr 3, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Wow! A judge who committed felony crimes by running her own personal debtors prison for financial gain? There must be a lot of news stories on that, and not just this guys thread when you Google it!

I mean, come on guys. So anyways, the misrepresentation about Keva Landrum: 1/ The Orleans Criminal Court as a whole, not Keva Landrum, was sued over aggressive enforcement of court cost and criminal fines. Orleans Courts, long before Keva Landrum, were required to fund a significant part of their budgets from court costs. 2/
Mar 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Okay, let's go:

1. The COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act fights ALL hate crimes, not just anti-Asian ones
2. Emmett Till Antilynching Act made lynching (any bias-motivated violence that causes serious bodily injury) a federal hate crime
3. $600M to fix the Jackson, MS Water System

1/ 4. Signed law to make Juneteenth a federal holiday
5. $2.7B for HBCUs from the ARP
6. Gave grants to HCBU for security after bomb threats
7. Appointed more black women to Circuit Courts than all other Presidents combined
8. Appointed first BW to Supreme Court

Mar 6, 2023 14 tweets 8 min read

1. American Rescue Plan - $1.9 trillion in funding for stimulus checks, economic relief, expanded healthcare, child tax credits, combatting COVID, and education.

2. COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act - Provides grants to improve hate crime reporting for all victims of hate crime, regardless of reason for the crime.
3. Juneteenth National Independence Day Act - Designates Juneteenth as a National Public Holiday

Dec 13, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
If you want to know another thing the media has been REALLY bad at, it's letting you know that wage growth during the recovery is an artificially low number, because recovering jobs lost in the pandemic brings down the average.

Going to try to explain in this thread: 1/ Want to know the greatest month in human history for average wage growth? It was April 2020, when the economy lost 20 million jobs. Those of you who kept your job during the pandemic, do you remember getting a massive raise? You didn't. The pandemic broke the metric. 2/
Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

1. Full control of committees: This means we no longer have to split membership with Republicans, who could force time consuming discharge petition votes if they deadlock on nominees. They could even block nominees by boycotting a committee.

2. Subpoena power: Previously, Republicans could block committees from issuing subpoenas because of the split membership. Now Democrats can investigate who they want, with full subpoena power.
3. Absences: 2 Dems can be out and we can still pass a party line vote.

Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
When he tweeted this, the needle had Warnock as a 58% chance and the projected margin as Warnock 0.8%. 15 minutes later it jumped to 71% chance for Warnock with a D +1.8 projected margin. Just updated to 77% Warnock with a D +2.4 projected margin.
Nov 13, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Here's why 51 is much better than 50, even if we don't keep the House. And no, it's not (mostly), about Manchin and Sinema.

Right now, with a tied Senate, we govern with a power share agreement, where Republicans get an equal split with Democrats on committee membership 1/ This gives them a lot of power to mess things up, because they can do 2 things:

1. With a tied vote in committee, they can force a discharge petition, which is an extra vote that takes up floor time.
2. Go nuclear, and boycott committees, preventing votes from happening.

Nov 7, 2022 41 tweets 7 min read
THREAD: 100+ major accomplishments of President Biden and Democrats:

1. Created 10.3 million jobs in 21 months
2. Passed $1400 checks, expanded UI benefits, and expanded child tax credit to recover from the pandemic
3. Expanded the ACA to cover more people and cut premiums

4. 640 million COVID vaccines administered and over 650 million donated globally
5. 24 free COVID tests per family by mail, and required insurance to provide 8 free tests per person per month
6. Expanded Medicaid eligibility post-partum from 60 days to 1 year.

Oct 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Forcing a "peace" settlement of the war that allows Russia to hold on to Ukrainian territory is the pro-war position, not the anti-war one. Because it will prove Putin right. It will show him that the West is weak willed. That Democracies talk big but wilt under pressure. 1/ And that Russians can suffer and outlast us. And he'll regroup. And he'll rebuild his army. And then he'll come back for all of Ukraine. And Moldova. And Georgia. And every non-NATO old Soviet Republic. And he'll threaten nukes every time. But then he'll start thinking 2/
Oct 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Two stories dropped on Republican Senate candidates today:

Dr. Oz conducted studies where over 300 dogs were killed, often brutally and for no scientific purpose.

Herschel Walker, who opposes abortion in all cases without exceptions, paid for a girlfriend's abortion. The Dr. Oz story…
Sep 14, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I'll try to answer this as the more general "why doesn't the US give X", and it's not about why the US does or doesn't choose to give a separate thing, but all the considerations that have to be undertaken when deciding what military assistance to give to Ukraine and when 1/ The first thing everyone needs to understand is that the President doesn't have unlimited authority to transfer whatever he wants. He has a specific budgeted authority provided to him by Congress. Even old items not in use have a value. Plus the cost of transfer, training, etc 2/
Aug 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Right now President Biden (117th Congress) and President Obama (111th Congress) are locked in a friendly competition for most productive 2 years since LBJ.

People forget quite how much Obama got done, especially with numerous consumer protection laws. It wasn't "just" the ACA 1/ He landed 3 major bills (Lilly Ledbetter, CHIP expansion, and Stimulus) within his first 30 days. He also passed landmark anti-hate crime legislation, student loan reform, and green energy programs. So I want to make sure that in celebrating Biden, we don't erase him. 2/
Aug 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Free Dark Brandon explainer for the joyless media: It's meant to be fun, celebratory, and tongue in cheek. No, we don't actually think Joe Biden controls gas prices with his Tweets. But we feel emboldened to reject the image you created of him as a week and ineffective leader 1/ After this last month of incredible accomplishments. We've seriously had an administration's worth of accomplishments in a month. And it goes to show we were right about Joe Biden. And you all, with your journalism degrees and inside "sources", we're wrong. 2/
Jun 24, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
After BBB failed, almost everyone rushed to declare President Biden's entire presidency a legislative failure. Ignoring that we had already passed 2 landmark pieces of legislation by then, the pundits and Twitterati declared that nothing happened and nothing would happen

The Biden Presidency was dead. Nothing else substantial would happen through Congress. Year 2 was going to be a waste.

You all heard the proclamations.

They were proved wrong almost immediately, as Breyer announced his retirement.

Jun 14, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
List of actions the Biden administration has taken in support of LGBTQ people. List is written out in subs... Executive Order fully implementing Bostock decision and extending protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity
Reversed ban on federal diversity training
Repealed ban on military service by transgender people

Jun 13, 2022 25 tweets 4 min read
As promised, the master thread of all the major actions the Biden administration has taken to combat climate change:

Rejoined the Paris Climate Accords
Implementing plan to reduce emissions by 50 to 52 percent by 2030 from 2005 levels
Revoked Keystone XL permit

Created the US-EU Global Methane pledge, signed by 113 countries, to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 2030
Worked with Congress to use the CRA to repeal Trump’s methane rule rollback
EPA strict new methane rules that will reduce 41M metric tons of methane emissions by 2035

May 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
President Biden has signed 129 bills into law so far. Here are 31 of them I think are the most impactful ones:

H.R. 1319 - American Rescue Plan
H.R. 1799 - PPP Extension Act
S. 937 - COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act
H.R. 941 - TRANSPLANT Act (Stem Cell Act reauthorization)

S. 475 - Juneteenth National Independence Day Act
H.R. 2441 - Sgt. Ketchum Rural Veterans Mental Health Act
H.R. 3237 - (Capitol Police and Afghan Refugee funding)
H.R. 1448 - PAWS for Veterans Therapy Act
H.R. 5085 - Emergency Repatriation Assistance for Returning Americans
