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News media for trans people, by trans people. We don't use X anymore, find us on BlueSky and other platforms.
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Jul 28, 2024 44 tweets 11 min read
And we have started editing the photos we have taken at Trans Pride London. And we will upload them to this thread.

"Trans Lives Matter" Someone holds up dog whilst a sign is help uup next to the dog saying "Trans Lives Matter" "Give head, not hate". Person holds up flag saying "Give head not hate"
Jul 27, 2024 203 tweets >60 min read
Today, we are excited to announce that we will be reporting live on London Trans Pride!

Bookmark this tweet for frequent updates:

We have three reporters on the scene.@bedwellj101 (Alyx), @FlintyWrites (Flint) and @AmberTrekie (Amber)
(Updated handles)
#transpridelondon Image This thread will properly start at 12. Where we will be more frequent with updates.
Jun 9, 2024 25 tweets 4 min read
Reporting on this today. Stay tuned for the upcoming thread. Currently quiet outside Westgate Hall. Pretty quiet. A few protesters are here.
Jul 15, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Some very upsetting news. In an inhumane move, Russia has just essentially banned trans people.

All forms of medical transition will be banned. Changing one's legal gender marker will no longer be possible.


meduza.io/en/news/2023/0… People who have changed their gender markers will be prohibited from adopting children. Marriages where one member has changed their gender marker are to be annulled.

Jul 8, 2023 56 tweets 15 min read
On our way to trans pride London.

Bookmark this tweet for a live report.

It’s been reported that 30,000 people are expected to march today (no idea where this number originally came from, could be more, could be less)

It’s really going to be something

#transpridelondon Very rainy weather at the moment. It may get a bit damp during the march.
Jul 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
If you wanted to understand the hatred of trans people that exists in the UK right now, you could do worse than looking at what is happening to the trans woman who said yes to an interview about inflation and the price of water.

Let's go through it

A trans woman (who isn't being named here for her sake) did a news interview on TV about the cost of water during this time of inflation and financial turmoil.

This was not an interview about being trans. Or trans issues.

May 26, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
A lot of talk about the evil trans lobby and the evil trans activists...

...I have been covering trans activism and know a hell of a lot than most about the state of trans lobbying.

Here is the truth.

1/14 1. "The Trans Lobby"

Lobbyists are literally called this because they show up in the lobby of parliament trying to persuade politicians to care about their interests.

I spent two weeks attempting to lobby parliamentarians. Here is what I learned about the "Trans lobby"

May 24, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The Telegraph is reporting that anti trans hate groups the LGB Alliance and Sex Matters are filing Ofcom complaints against Channel 4 News for being biased in its reporting of accusations of bullying.

This feels very strange for several reasons

1. It’s the Telegraph and the hate groups who are calling those complaining “The Trans Lobby”

The accusations are of bullying, harassment and discrimination by current and former staff as well as complaints over what they allege is anti trans behaviour.

May 23, 2023 26 tweets 5 min read

Channel 4 News have reported that the EHRC leadership (especially chair Baroness Falkner @EHRCChair) has created a toxic environment within the EHRC and are working with the gov to undermine trans rights

Here's everything you need to know

1/20 @EHRCChair You can watch the full report here

Now onto the break down

May 23, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Channel 4 News are just about to air a report about EHRC staff leading some kind of internal revolt against the leadership of the EHRC

And the response from "sources close to" the EHRC's chair, Baroness Falkner, is that their own staff are the trans lobby

That is...curious

There is the very real scenario where these "sources close to Falkner" are EHRC commissioners. Nobody outside of the daily mail (who they ran to seemingly to dump on this channel 4 news report) can know this for sure but...come on

May 23, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
Very occasionally...through archive links like this, it is well worth reading a Daily Mail article because you can learn an awful lot of things.

Here's a thread of the things we learned from this so you don't have to read it (but if you want to -archive.is/Nmj62)

1/17 1. There are people inside the EHRC who are as angry as we are about Baroness Falkner's decisions

Up until Falkner's appointment as the chair of the EHRC the EHRC were...better on trans issues. Not perfect, but better. They actually, for one, at least stuck to the law.

May 8, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
An explainer on the basics of human rights

Because a lot of people don’t get how those are supposed to work and advocate for the nonsense concept of “sex based rights”

And it is nonsense

1/13 Human rights apply to everyone.

All humans have the right to privacy

All humans have the right to life

All humans have the right to legal representation

These are just some of many that exist in international law and implemented/protected via domestic law

Apr 19, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
A lot has been written and said about the nightmarish situations facing trans people in the United States.

The UK situation has become almost as terrifying. Here is a thread breaking it down

Please read, please share. Many aren't aware of this

Change that

1/20 1. The Equality Act 'review'

Just under a year ago Rishi Sunak promised to review the equality act in regards to trans people. He was vague, but over the last few months the direction of travel appears to be removing protections for trans people from the equality act

Mar 16, 2023 32 tweets 6 min read
Status: alive, in Spain both with and without the S

This second thread will be about my actual surgery experience and oh boy, buckle up Everyone I've seen online has nothing but good things to say about Dr Lago.

Unfortunately my experience yesterday was a bit of a perfect storm of problems.

I'm fine now but the hospital really fucked some stuff up and I'm convinced I'll have nightmares about this for years now
Jan 28, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
The GRR bill and everything that has come from it has kicked off the most transphobic, hateful and disgusting period I’ve seen during this moral panic. And that’s saying something.

7 years ago I first started covering trans news when I was at Pink news. Things have changed

1/14 The UK media, broadly, has always been transphobic. But headway was being made in 2015. The ‘trans tipping point’ was mostly sparked by a couple of TV shows (orange is the new black and transparent) but that came from a perception that trans equality was going to be a thing

Jan 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The Equality Act does not allow for the blanket banning of trans women from single sex spaces.

The U.K. government has announced that trans women with penises or who have committed a sexual offence will be barred from women’s prisons

Is this lawful?

This interpretation of the equality act has been supported by several court decisions over the last few years.

Single sex spaces, no matter where trans people are in their transition, whether they have a GRC or not, cannot be blanket banned.

Jan 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Trans woman convicted of two counts of rape will be sent to a men's prison after a Scottish Conservative MSP claims the Gender Recognition Reform bill would allow rapists into women's prisons.

Despite the fact that this isn't true.

Scotland are in a shit fight now

Plenty of media outlets are attaching this story to the Scottish Gender Recognition bill being blocked by the UK Government. But the two issues aren't related beyond the trans factor. The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) handles trans prisoners on a case by case basis...

Jan 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Every story, column or article in the press that supports refusing a young persons gender identity will sit there until a parent searches “my child just came out as trans” and reads it.

Many young trans people will know what can happen next.

Abuse, dressed up as parenting

Hadley Freedman has platformed a well known abuse pushing organisation in her latest column.

I do not use those words lightly

That group advocates for what is conversion therapy-like practices in the home.

They push parents towards psychologically abusing their kids

Dec 11, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
A discussion has started over the utility of seeking out and arguing for there being a biological basis to trans identity. Something like a "trans gene".

It is one of those things where I actually like all the people involved. But thought it was worth sharing my views...

1/13 The discussion stems from @TransLucent_Org (an org that I greatly respect) announcing that they will be publishing definitive evidence from an unnamed 'science researcher' that being trans is a 'biological condition'.

I myself have a few issues with this.

Dec 8, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
A true story about what happened when I, a journalist who covers trans issues for a trans audience asked for the experiences of patients of gender critical clinicians.

It goes places.

1/12 For years I have been told variations of the same story

Trans youth comes out as trans to their parents

The parents go online looking for information and through the mainstream press or just through social media groups they get the idea that their kid is in danger

Dec 8, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Attacks on Samaritans for the crime of tweeting, JUST TWEETING, about the very real fact that trans people are disproportionately at risk of suicide ideation is proof of what trans people have been saying for a while.

This is about scrubbing trans anything off everything

Any trans person will know that this moral panic was started by the mainstream media boosting the voices of a few anti trans activists.

That movement has ballooned and its goal has been the same since the start.

The mere idea of a trans person offends them
