Tweets 🇳🇿/🇸🇪 If all else fails I am planning to become a cat lady, or a stroppy billionaire. We are fighting two pandemics ~ Covid-19 and stupidity.🦠🔨🤡
Jun 10, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
We've been building a house for the past years.
Our move in date was November 2024. Just found out it will be in 2025, due to..🥁..Covid.
Turns out that 3 different companies - electricians, glaziers and window fitters - are all out with Covid (95% of all staff)now which..
..affects the timeline majorly when so many people are ill. One of the companies lost the job entirely.
The majority of businesses in NZ are small to medium enterprises. 93% of businesses have less than 10 employees. If 7 of 9 staff is out, it's detrimental to the business. 2/5
Feb 10, 2024 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
I wanted to share the contents of my "Covid-19 First Aid" box as some of you have asked.
Note: I'm not a health professional, so please keep in mind that everyone's needs will be different.
But this is what I found useful: 1/6
The most crucial to start immediately when testing positive:
-Isolate, put on air purifiers, open windows and get spaces ventilated
-Use 3M Auras or similar in shared spaces
-Start nasal rinsing, CPC mouth wash gargling & nasal sprays to reduce viral load (family members too!)
Feb 8, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Despite my diligent masking and precautions, I too succumbed and tested positive to Covid last week.
It was a week of few interactions so origin is unknown and somewhat perplexing.
Perplexing is also governments across the world ignoring Covid - not surprising we are ill. 1/5
The Covid Emergency kit is cracked open and used, 3 air purifiers are buzzing, all doors and windows are open and husband seems to be in the clear so far.
I tested early - at only a tickle/dryness in my throat, and that has also kept family members/friends safe.
Dec 30, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Once again as the only masker at my raquetball today I was asked by an unknown lady ”ARE YOU SICK?”.
The same happened last week and I actually left to go to another venue.
Today I had enough.
I said:
Firstly - If I was sick I wouldn’t be here, I’d be home.
Secondly - if you are worried about contracting anything, I presune you have checked with the other 30 unmasked people?
In fact, I’d probably the only one keeping you safe.
Thirdly ~ I don’t know you, and I actually don’t approve of you asking me these kinds of questions.
Sep 7, 2023 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
@Jeff_Jacoby @BostonGlobe Although Sweden did not 'lock down' they had more restrictions than the few you mentioned.
-2 mill elderly were asked to self-isolate for 1 year.
-People were asked to work from home for 1.5 yrs
-All events cancelled for 1.5 yrs
-Max 8 ppl could attend funerals/weddings.
@Jeff_Jacoby @BostonGlobe All secondary schools in 🇸🇪had remote learning, some for almost a year.
But Sweden did force primary school kids to go, as social services can remove your child in Sweden if they don't.
Unvaccinated (under 12 can't get vaccines), unmasked.
Right response huh?
Jul 30, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
I have just been verbally assaulted. I am so furious, so sad and frustrated.
A guy in his 50s at racketball and I were discussing bad knees and hips and sports. Suddently he looks at me (masked) and says with a smirk:
- you think you will die if you get Covid huh?
- We never know do we?
- Well, I had it and was fine as I am vaccinated. Are you an antivaxxer?
- As far opposite to one as you can come.
- Well, why wear it if you are vaxxed?
- As vaccinations isn’t enough. It may save lives but there is longcovid, 1 in 10 risk and..
Apr 24, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
This is a collation of tweets I will use when people ask me why I am still wearing a mask.
I will first remind them that, in case they've lived in a dark cave for the past years, the coronavirus is unfortunately still around.
Then these questions will be posed:
How can we live our best life if we are disabled? 10-30% of us will be and no one knows if they will be in this LongCovid lottery.
Kiwi actor Sam Neill:
“I was away from NZ for the 1st year of Covid.
Everyone I'd come across would tell me "you are so lucky, what a great country, PM and response.
I'd do ANYTHING to live in NZ."
I returned to NZ and was struck by how MUCH complaining there was by kiwis.”
"I am still in mourning loosing our Prime minister @jacindaardern”
Sam Neill
I am too. And also been horrified by the complaining here. Even when the world was green of envy. “Yeah, but this-and-that..whine, whine..”
Probably the least attractive trait of kiwis.
Jun 30, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Great news! 📢
New measures announced in NZ today:
- Reinfection: People with symptoms despite having Covid previously need to test and isolate for 7 days if pos+.
- 10 million child size masks to schools(50 masks/child)
- More ventilation funding will be available for schools
To date the Ministry of Education has also provided all 2500 schools with:
- 2-3 Samsung air cleaners for free(large discount if schools want more)
-free Co2 readers
-advice to schools on ventilation that a team of ventilation experts feed into weekly
Before I get more odd messages, please, when you read in the foreign press that today NZ has "abandoned its elimination strategy", it isn't correct.
That's the press' narrative, the same media that has been salivating at any chance to try to bring NZ down.
Let me explain.🧵
Auckland is in lockdown, wk 7.
We have 8-28 cases/day, most in isolation. We know where most are.
Rest of NZ~free as birds for 5 weeks.
2 wks ago AKL eased lockdown to L3, meaning we can get takeaways, click & collect from stores. Many businesses went back to work.
Aug 25, 2021 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
I am genuinely surprised why some people around the world still doesn't understand New Zealand's pandemic response strategy and our plan going forward so I will attempt to explain it here.
We have a solid plan folks, we didn't just "get lucky".
Firstly, it has been VERY successful.
Since March 2020 until Aug 15th we've had:
-380 virus free days🎉🎈
-49 lockdown days in NZ (77 in Auckland)🏡
-Deaths: 26
-Total cases: 3159 (with 56% of these being border cases arriving from other countries directly into quarantine)
Jan 25, 2021 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
New Zealand found out yesterday that a lady returning from Europe via the UK, who had been in our quarantine facilities (MiQ)for the mandatory 14 days, tested positive 11 days AFTER she left the hotel.
This is what our government informed us about within one day: 1/
Despite it being a Sunday, they held a televised press conference a few hours after finding out.
They also shared information on social media to the public that same afternoon.
Jan 16, 2021 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
@AnnaKorhonen3 In New Zealand we have been virus free 8 months out of 10. We live a normal life with big events, no restrictions on groups etc. We wear face masks on planes and public transport in Auckland only as a preventative measure. It is surreal to live here and I consider myself lucky.❤️ @AnnaKorhonen3 This is from a New Year’s concert with 21,000 people.
@richardursomd 1. Do listen to the whole interview rather than cut a clip out of context.
@WHO is not in favour of LONG NATIONAL ones, if there is an alternative but @davidnabarro says sometimes a lockdown is needed to win time and prepare testing/tracing processes. @richardursomd@WHO@davidnabarro 2. @davidnabarro also says local movement restrictions are sometimes necessary, ie local light lockdowns like in NZ. @WHO is not against local lockdowns, that is a part of the tailored, localised, specific approach together with testing/tracing and isolation. You need them all.
Oct 10, 2020 • 12 tweets • 9 min read
@OscarTengmark@DaytonaII Ok Oscar, kan se att du inte lärt dig att läsa på och att du slänger runt videoclips&påståenden utan kontext.Jag ska förklara för dig eftersom din hjärna inte verkar vara kapabel att fungera.
Detta trots att mitt hela lillfinger brutits av denna vecka,så välj dina svar noggrant. @OscarTengmark@DaytonaII 1. Precis som du gjorde felet och erkände det i förra rundan, så kan man inte bara kolla på en del av en video utan helheten. Har du kollat på hela?
Dr Nabarro förespråkar The Middle Way, om man inte ska ha lockdowns, tycker du att Sverige har mastrat TMW?